  • Treatment of worms with folk remedies

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    Read in the article:
    • What are worms( worms): causes, symptoms, types
    • Treatment of worms at home: folk recipes
    • Prophylaxis and useful tips on how to avoid helminthiasis

    Banish worms at home.

    The contact and further reproduction of worms or helminths in the human body is an extremely undesirable process that causes intoxication and damage to internal organs.

    For their elimination, not only pharmacological antihelminthic drugs are actively used, but also proven folk remedies for worms, thanks to which it is possible to successfully remove parasites from the body.

    What are worms( helminths): causes, symptoms, types ^

    Worms( helminths) are parasitic worms that live in the human or animal body. The main way of infection with worms is to get their larvae or eggs through the following sources:

    • Dirty hands;
    • Close contact with animals - dogs, cats;
    • Unwanted food products( berries, vegetables, fruits);
    • Use of undercooked fish, meat or contaminated water.
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    The main symptoms that appear after the penetration of worms are:

    • Headache, fatigue, sleep disturbance;
    • Anal itching( rarely);
    • Diarrhea or constipation;
    • Decreased or increased appetite;
    • Weight Loss;
    • Paroxysmal pain in the stomach, nausea, in neglected cases - vomiting.

    Worms can live not only in the intestines, but also in the liver, lungs, muscle tissue, joints and other organs and tissues of a person. Their danger consists in extracting from the body of useful and nutrient substances, severe damage to vital organs, the development of allergies and complete poisoning of the body.

    Worms are classified into pinworms, roundworms, whipworms, tapeworms, hookworms, trichinella, liver flukes( fluke), porcine or bovine tapeworm.

    Worms in humans, when ingested, are capable of rapid multiplication, which subsequently leads to exhaustion of the body, a decrease in immunity, anemia and other undesirable consequences. Folk treatment of worms is based on the use of natural and fresh ingredients, which are used to prepare broths or infusions for internal use or for enemas.

    Folk remedies for the treatment of worms with excellent anthelmintic, diaphoretic and cleansing actions are:

    • Medicinal herbs - tansy, wormwood, immortelle, eucalyptus, St. John's wort, oregano, elecampane, buckthorn, mint and valerian;
    • Pumpkin seeds, walnuts;
    • Garlic, horseradish, onion, red pepper;Flaxseed, pumpkin oil.

    Treatment of worms in adults

    Treatment of worms in adults is accompanied by the use of high-speed drugs that can effectively destroy parasites.

    Before their reception it is recommended to completely clean the intestines with enemas, then take the anthelmintic remedy with any laxative drug. These procedures are more often carried out at home, where along with the main therapy, the treatment of worms with home remedies can be used.

    Treatment of worms in children

    It is advisable to use soft and non-toxic agents for the child's organism. To begin with, the intestine is prepared for the excretion of worms with pumpkin or linseed oil, after which anthelmintic agents of plant origin are prescribed.

    At the final stage, it is necessary to restore the intestinal microflora and protective functions of the child's organism, using for this purpose pharmaceutical preparations( linex, bifidobacterin, etc.) and vitamins.

    In addition, the treatment of worms at home is done with garlic and pumpkin seeds, which also contribute to the removal of parasites.

    Treatment of worms in pregnant women

    Medical treatment of helminthiasis during pregnancy is complicated by the contraindications available in many anthelmintic pharmacological preparations. Therefore, for the breeding of worms, folk techniques are most often used.

    Home treatment of worms suggests the use during pregnancy of the following products with anthelmintic effect - onions, pumpkin seeds or oil, garlic, walnut, mountain ash, carrots and chamomile.

    In addition to the main treatment measures, the expectant mother is recommended to strictly follow the hygienic and sanitary rules.

    Treatment of worms at home: folk recipes ^

    Treating worms with home remedies: recipes.

    Treatment of tapeworm

    • Dry the pomegranate cake, in an amount of 10 gr.pour for 30 minutes 100 ml of boiling water. Garnet infusion is taken by ch.l.thrice every day;
    • Fennel and chamomile mixed, three tablespoons. Collect 500 ml of boiling water for an hour, then drain, add honey and consume during the day.

    Treatment of ascarids

    • To fill a Lithuanian jar with half-cut onion, pour it with vodka and insist in the dark for 10 days.
    • Ready tincture should be filtered and taken twice a day each day in a tablespoon.

    Treatment of pinworms

    • Pour a teaspoon of bitter wormwood with 2 cups of boiling water, then allow to cool and drain.
    • Before use add two tablespoons.fresh honey and take three meals a day to eat three tablespoons.

    Treatment of worms with walnut

    • Green young walnut fruit with peel grind, take 4 tbsp.and pour 150 ml of boiling water for 30 minutes.
    • Use nutty infusion during the day, combining it with a laxative.

    Treatment of worms with pumpkin seeds

    • Pumpkin seeds in an amount of 3 tbsp.eat on an empty stomach, then take a laxative;
    • 150 gr. Pumpkin seeds grind, mix with 50 gr.lime honey and eaten on an empty stomach for half an hour. After two hours, take a laxative and, if possible, make an enema.

    Treatment of worms with garlic

    • 8-10 cloves of garlic to be used with boiled milk;
    • Clean the garlic head, pour over a liter of boiled milk for the night, then use for the next day.

    Worm treatment

    • Peel the cleared bulb, pour a glass of warm water overnight. Use onion infusion after waking up;
    • Combine equal parts of onion juice with aloe juice, then add st.l.natural honey and take thrice every day according to st.l.in two weeks.

    Treatment of worms with enemas

    • Boil for about 10 minutes st.l. Tansy in 1/2 liter of boiling water, then strain. The resulting broth is used as an enema once a day.
    • In addition to tansy, for these purposes, you can use a milk - garlic broth or a decoction of wormwood.

    Treatment of worm herbs

    • Prepare a collection of wormwood, a root of acres, buckthorns and a hundred thousandths. From the herbal composition, take four tablespoons.plants, place them in a jar of 1 liter and pour them 700 ml of boiling water overnight.
    • Take the received infusion should be two tablespoons.twice daily for 10 days.
    We also recommend that you read the article Treatment of itching in the anus with folk remedies.

    Prevention and useful advice on how to avoid helminthiasis ^

    Before treating helminthiasis, it is recommended that bowel cleansing be done so that anthelmintic agents more effectively affect parasites. To do this, you can use laxative drugs or medicinal laxatives. After complete emptying of the intestine, one can start direct treatment of worms with the help of the most acceptable techniques.

    The elimination of helminths is promoted by a certain diet, which mostly includes dairy products, cereals, mustard, garlic, onions, peppers, meat, fresh vegetables, fruits. With regard to confectionery, sweet foods and sugar, they should be excluded from the diet during the treatment.

    In order to avoid helminthiasis, the following prevention methods must be strictly adhered to:

    • Thoroughly wash with boiling water greens, berries, vegetables, fruits;
    • Avoid undercooked( undercooked) meat, fish products;
    • After visiting the toilet, playgrounds or public places, wash hands thoroughly with soap and water;
    • Do not consume raw water( tap, pond);
    • Do not bite your nails;
    • Regularly conduct a wet cleaning at home;
    • Avoid close contact with animals;
    • If pets are present, periodically carry out their de-worming.