
Useful and medicinal properties of madder dyeing

  • Useful and medicinal properties of madder dyeing

    Synonyms: crippus, petiolate petiolate.

    Description. Marena dye is a perennial herbaceous plant of the family of lupine( Ru-biaceae) with a height of 130 cm. The rhizome is horizontal, brown, multiheaded, with a branched root. Stem tetrahedral, prickly-scabrous, strongly branched, with curved back spines. Leaves broadly lanceolate, ringed, narrowed at the base in a short petiole, along the margins and from below woolly-prickly, pointed, rigid. The flowers are small, collected in little flowering axillary semi-zonotics. Corolla spicules, yellowish-green, five-parted. The fruit is bone-different, a black berry. The mass of 1000 seeds is 25-30 g. It blooms in June-July;fruits ripen in August-September.

    Medicinal raw materials: rhizomes.

    Biological features. Marena is a dye - a warm and hygrophilous plant. Her young shoots suffer from late frost frosts. Already in the first year of life, the madder fructifies. In the second and third year the fructification is complete.

    Places of growth. It grows on the banks of rivers, irrigation canals, among thickets of bushes, on forest edges.

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    Distribution. Marena dyed in the wild grows in southern Europe, Central Asia, the Caucasus. In the South of Ukraine it is grown as a medicinal plant. Occurs in the wild as a kind of madder of the edge of

    strong - Georgian madder - Rubia tinctorum Var.iberica D. S.- R. iberica( Fish, ex D. C. Koch.), which is distributed in the Caucasus and the Crimea. It is similar to a dyeing dye and has been used in folk medicine as its substitute. This is a perennial herbaceous plant with a crawl, chim lignified rhizome, extending from the upper parts of the stem root.

    Chemical composition. The rhizomes and roots of the plant contain oxyanthraquinones, oxymethylanthraquinones and their derivatives( 5-7.7%) - rubrithrinic acid, rubidin-glucoside, rubiadine, lucidine, purpurin, xanthopurpurin, pseudopurpurin, haliozin, Ibericin, and free alizarin. In addition, there are organic acids in the rhizomes and roots( lemon, apple, wine, etc.), sugar( up to 15%), pectic substances and salts of potassium and calcium.

    Application. A special feature of galenic preparations of madder is their ability to dissolve and promote the rapid excretion of phosphates, oxalates and urates from the body. At the same time, they possess diuretic, choleretic, astringent and antispasmodic properties. Indications for the use of madder are renal stone disease, inflammatory diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, jaundice, constipation, nephropiitis, cystitis, nocturia, polyarthritis and gout. There is evidence of the successful use of madder dye as an additional tool in the treatment of bone tuberculosis, rickets and bone caries. In domestic and foreign folk medicine, the infusion of rhizomes is used for inflammation of the spleen, delay of menstruation, as a diuretic and laxative. In a mixture with honey, the rhizome is used for jaundice and memory loss. Use rhizomes of madder and in homeopathy. From ready-made chemist's preparations, a dry-colored madder extract is used for dyeing and a complex preparation of cystenal. Preparations of madder dye are contraindicated in acute and chronic glomerulus-nephritis, kidney stone disease with impaired renal function and ulcerative stomach disease. Overdose of drugs of madder can provoke pain and exacerbation of chronic urological diseases. In the chemical industry, various dyes are made from the roots of the madder of the dye, from pink to purple

    ( ruby, rubyagin, rubyflavin, verotin, ruble-tzya, etc.).

    Agrotechnics of cultivation. Site selection. Mare-su is planning in crop rotations with perennial crops: medicinal and perennial fodder, where it can grow no less than 3-4 years. You can use a seeded area for sowing. The best predecessors are busy couples, cereals, going through the busy pair, as well as row crops or early vegetable crops.

    Soil treatment. Under the maize culture, the dyed soil is prepared according to the system of autumn plowing to a depth of up to 30 cm, since the roots lie in the plowing layer up to 35 cm. On soils that have a small arable layer, the main plowing is carried out to the full depth, before field sowing, the field is harrowed, then cultivated ondepth of 6-8 cm and once more harrow. When planting rhizomes, cultivation is carried out to a depth of at least 8-10 cm.

    Application of fertilizers. Under the maroon, a sufficient amount of fertilizers should be introduced as a culture demanding soil. Organic fertilizers in the form of humus or compost are applied directly under the moraine or under its precursors in an amount of 20 tons / ha. In addition, under the main autumn plowing mineral fertilizers at the rate of nitrogen - 45, phosphorus - 60 and potassium - 60 kg / ha.

    Reproduction. Sow the seeds of madder dye directly into the soil. Do this early in the spring with a row spacing of 60 or 45 cm;the seeding rate is 15-20 kg / ha, the depth of seed embedding is 4-5 cm. For seeding, the seeds of the last harvest should be used, because others do not produce amicable shoots due to a partial loss of germinating capacity during storage. Before sowing seeds, it is recommended to treat with granozan( 2 g per 1 kg of seeds) or with AB preparation( 3 g per 1 kg of seeds).

    It is possible to propagate madder and rhizomes, which are excavated on old plantations. The rhizomes are planted early in spring on a marked field with lengths of 6-8 cm. Rhizomes are placed in furrows to a depth of 8-10 cm at a distance of 10-15 cm.

    Care for plantations. On the crops of the first year of life, immediately after the emergence of sprouting, we make a saucer, weed out the weeds and 3-4 times loosen the row spacing on the

    proverb of summer. In the fall plantations I delete?the remains of plants, produce hilling, and in winter - snow protection.

    Harvesting. Rhizomes are collected for 2-3 years of life late in autumn or early in the spring before the shoots grow. For convenience, the above-ground parts pre-mow down and free the field from them. After this, the roots and rhizomes are plowed with unmanned plows or sugar beet harvesters, cleaned of ground and above ground and washed in special washing drums.

    Drying of roots and rhizomes is carried out in fire driers at a temperature of 50 ° C, and if they are not, in attics that are well ventilated. The yield of air-dry mass of raw materials( rhizomes and roots) averages up to 10-12 c / ha from two-, three-year plantations

    Packing: Packed in 50 kg bales

    Storage: In a dry, ventilated place in a packaged condition, the bales are stacked on racks or podtovarnike.

    Requirements for quality: The raw materials must meet the requirements of the State Pharmacopoeia XI( FS-76, pp. 363-369.)

    Cultivation withmjy. For seed plantations withdrawn best for growth of grass plots. After maturing seeds were collected, dried, sorted, bringing to sowing condition.