
The woman's well-being after natural childbirth

  • The woman's well-being after natural childbirth

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    As long as you come to your senses after giving birth, your body also normalizes all its functions. Pulse and pressure decrease, the heart begins to reduce its contractions, because the body no longer needs as much oxygen as during childbirth. Breathing becomes more calm. The body temperature after a very high voltage, which required the activation of all vital forces, can once increase to 37.5 ° C.But no more! The most dramatic changes after delivery occur with the uterus. It begins to actively contract and decrease in size. The midwife will determine the level of standing of the bottom of the uterus, its upper limit. For this purpose, the hand is located on the abdomen and a round, round formation - the uterus - is located on the palm of the hand. This manipulation is very important for determining the contractility of the uterus. This body from the inside is a continuous

    wound surface. The shells that bound the uterus and the fetal bladder came out, large blood vessels opened, which the faster the better, the better the muscles of the uterus to succumb to the bleeding stopped. Thus, by determining the height of the standing of the uterus and the amount of blood lost, the doctor judges the tone of the organ. Within the limits of the norm, the upper border immediately after the separation of the aftertaste is located between the navel and the pubis along the midline. The uterus itself can be seen through the front wall of the abdomen in the form of a domed protrusion. With reduced tone, to prevent profuse bleeding, the doctor prescribes contraction and hemostatic medicines, and continue to hold an ice pack for vasospasm..

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    As an additional remedy a woman is recommended to massage the nipples, which stimulates the production of natural hormones involved in contracting the muscles of the uterus. In order not to disrupt the contraction of the uterus with a full bladder, you will be taken out of the urine through the catheter. Then, on a girder, the woman in childbirth is transferred from the birth room to the physiological postpartum department, where you will remain for the rest of the time until you are discharged. In the first four hours, the midwife examines the health of the parents every 30 minutes. If the woman does not empty her bladder for 3 hours, she is catheterized. Every day, in the morning and in the evening, a doctor with a midwife examines all young mothers, and requires special attention - even more often. If a manual entry into the uterus cavity was made in labor or there is some other reason for the possible exacerbation of the infection, the doctor prescribes antibiotics. Twice a day the midwife measures temperature, pulse and pressure, learns the general state of health, determines the height of the standing of the bottom of the uterus, which should decrease by two centimeters, every day, for 10 days. When complaints about stool delay on the third day put a cleansing enema or apply a 25% solution of magnesium sulfate as a salt laxative.

    If a woman is stitched to the perineum, the enema is made for 4-5 days. Particular attention is drawn to the nature and amount of excretions from the uterine cavity, which include small blood clots and particles of the fetal membranes and vary depending on the day of the postpartum period. In the first three days of isolation, bloody, but not very abundant. At this time, the uterus is cleared of the remaining tissues after the birth of the fetus, the strength of the body is directed at making it again sterile inside. When allocating a large blood clot, you must lie down on the bed and call the midwife, so that she can rule out the possibility of bleeding. Starting from the fourth day until the end of the week, the selection will acquire a sacrificial character, that is, the admixture of blood will remain, but the color will become noticeably lighter. At home, approximately by the 10th day the amount of excreta will decrease, they will become light and liquid. By the end of

    , mucus from the cervix will join the 3rd week, and by the 6th week postpartum discharges will completely stop. During this period, the canal of the cervix is ​​restored, which was smoothened for a more comfortable passage of the child. .

    The vagina will not remain wide for long, due to the elasticity of the wall it is lent. At any convenient moment, sitting, it is necessary to strain and relax the muscles of the pelvis. These exercises will help restore muscle tone, reduce edema of the vaginal tissues and improve blood circulation. That is, the cyanotic shade of the genital organs, which arose due to stagnation of the blood during pregnancy, will disappear soon. And by the end of the week all small cracks, abrasions and tears will heal.

    Ovaries. Breastfeeding mothers may not have menstrual period during the whole period of feeding, but this does not mean that you can not get pregnant at this time. Do not expose yourself to risk, using feeding as the only method of contraception. Abortion immediately after birth can lead to fatal consequences. In those women who, for various reasons, did not initially become breastfeeding, the restoration of ovarian functions, i.e. the resumption of menstruation, occurs 6-8 weeks after birth.

    Mammary glands require special care for themselves. If cracks appear to soften the

    skin and prevent infection of the wound, lubricate the nipples with the remaining droplet of breast milk, it contains antimicrobial substances and is always at hand. You can use for this purpose and sea buckthorn oil. Especially in the first time, because of the large influx of milk( it can be expected on the 3-4 days after the birth of the child), it is possible to sharply engorge the mammary glands, they increase in size, the venous pattern is more clearly visible through the skin, the chest becomes very dense and painful. When the milk stagnates, it will be more dense, which will complicate and increase the pain when it is decanted. To prevent this from happening, ask the midwife to show the pumping techniques after each feeding. You can also take a breast pump. Do not forget to wash your chest with boiled water and soap daily, wiping off a towel for this purpose and then lubricating the nipples with rose hips or sea-buckthorn oil.

    Skin covers. During pregnancy, there is a stretching of the skin of the mammary glands, thighs and buttocks. As a result, pinkish purple stripes form. After birth, they become whitish. Restoring the beauty of the body will help gymnastics and rationally selected meals.

    The digestive system. After the birth, some women complain of constipation. For their prevention, you can eat prunes for dinner, fill it with

    with water, or an apple. However, be moderate, do not get carried away, so as not to cause disturbances in the stool of the baby or excessive formation of gas in the intestines.

    Metabolism. In the first time the metabolism will be increased, but then it will come back to normal, and it will be possible to do weight reduction.

    Many young mothers are concerned with the question, from which day can you start a sexual life, so as not to harm your own organism and not put the infection in the uterus cavity, not yet completely restored after birth. The completely protective properties of the mucous tissue lining the uterus are restored in the postpartum period in 6-8 weeks.