  • How the birth takes place

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    In the ninth month of pregnancy, your body is fully prepared for the upcoming birth. The level of hormones became different, which in the last 1.5-2 weeks is reflected in the contractile activity of the uterus, changes have occurred in the internal organs. The cervix is ​​prepared to pass through the baby. It becomes more elastic, loose, shortened in size.

    The state of health, mood and birth depend on your chosen psychological mood and behavior. If during the whole waiting period of the child the woman attends psycho-preventive classes, she talked with the midwife of the women's consultation about the forthcoming births, then she has a certain idea about this process and is no longer afraid of the unknown. Gathered and calm, she meets the first harbingers of birth. Do not be afraid! Fear will only intensify the illnesses, while confidence will relieve tension, help relax the muscles of the abdomen and pelvis, and, consequently, there will not be terrible pains that frighten the TV screens and sharing good-neighborly experiences with their experiences. Future moms, remember: pain is not a compulsory birth companion. Proper preparation and selection of modern painkillers will help you avoid them both at prenatal stage, and during childbirth.

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    What signs suggest that you will soon have a generic activity.

    As a rule, precursors of childbirth appear 2-3 weeks before the due date.

    1. You will find it easier to breathe. The abdomen is lowered due to the fact that the presenting part - the head or buttocks of the fetus( depending on the position of the child) - descends down to the entrance to the small pelvis or even enters it, as occurs in primiparas or in women with developed and elastic abdominal muscles. It is believed that, by counteracting, the abdominal muscles will not allow the child to deviate from the chosen direction.

    2. There may be a slight weight loss.

    3. The appearance of a stiff glandular secretion from the vagina.

    4. You will feel the first short irregular fights.

    Skirmishes in obstetrics are called independent of you, recurring at regular intervals of contraction of the uterus. The appearance of fights indicates that the uterus gradually begins to open. Its individual muscle layers are contracting and shifting, but time has not yet come, fights are not regular.

    Term birth is a physiological process, the birth of a fetus that has reached a certain degree of maturity in a period of 38 to 42 weeks. The growth of the child is at least 45 cm, the weight is not less than 2.5 kg.

    In the process of delivery, three periods are distinguished:

    1) cervical dilatation period;

    2) the period of exile, at the end of which the baby is born;

    3) consecutive.

    The disclosure period is the longest in childbirth, it accounts for up to 80% of the time. The duration of it in all parturient women is different. With the normal course of childbirth, it can last up to 10-11 chu primigravirnyh and up to 6-7 hours in the re-birth. For those who give birth, rapid opening is 3-5 hours, and rapid - for 3 hours. For women, who are not the first child, 1-3 hours and less than 1 hour, respectively. An experienced midwife will help to restrain rough labor activity and notwill allow ruptures of the perineum in women and violations from the fetus.

    False births are when women perceive the preparatory stage as the beginning of the first stage of labor. They feel the appearance of irregular fights, which have not yet acquired their rhythm, frequency and intensity. These battles can pass through the bch and return again only after a day, or changing their character, becoming more regular, frequent and prolonged in time, go into the first period of labor. To properly assess the situation, pick up a watch with a second hand and note the time of the beginning and end of the battles, their duration and time between them. Contractions lasting at least 15-20 seconds with an interval of 15 minutes, even if they are even weak, mean that you are at the first stage of the birth process, the period of the neck opening began( see figure)

    Fig Survey by the doctor

    The further, the more often and stronger will appear cramping sensations, and at the height of one of them the outflow of amniotic fluid will occur. Their amount usually does not exceed 100-200 ml, the color is transparent, without any admixture of blood, no smells should accompany this process. Normally, amniotic fluid leaves when the cervix is ​​fully or almost completely opened, but their untimely departure may also be observed. Early opening of the bladder and weak labor can become factors that trigger an upward infection. To prevent infection, doctors use rhythm-stimulating drugs, including the hormone oxytocin.

    The second period, , during which the fetus passes through the birth canal, making a variety of twists and turns to pass through the pelvic bone ring to the light. This process begins some time after the discharge of amniotic fluid. The walls of the uterus can tighten around the child, helping him to move forward. The contractions are renewed in a new force, they are repeated every 2-3 minutes.and last much longer than the previous ones. When the head descends into the cavity of the small pelvis, the mother gives birth to an irresistible desire to push. There are attempts -. That fights plus the woman's contractions of the muscles of the anterior abdominal wall, pelvic muscles and diaphragm that have joined them. Pro-

    moving, the head presses on the nerve plexus, so there are pain. To make it easier to push, it is better to find a support for the hands and feet. After a while, the sexual fissure opens and at the height of one of the attempts a part of the head is shown. First, it will disappear in the intervals between contractions, and then stay and be born. This is the most crucial moment when you need to follow the advice of a midwife clearly. After the child's head emerges, the body appears, and the remaining amniotic fluid flows out. The midwife lays two clamps on the umbilical cord and cuts it between them. Immediately after birth, the baby takes the first breath and starts screaming. It is all pink and looks slightly swollen. He is wiped, warmed on a changing table and given to his mother to attach to his chest.

    After giving birth, women often have chills, it is associated with the loss of a large amount of energy that has gone into labor. The birth of the baby lasts from one to two hours in the primiparous and from 30 minutes to an hour giving birth again.

    Last, third period, lasts 15-30 min. Children's place together with the membranes of the bladder are separated from the uterus and leave on their own, while the woman loses about 250 ml of blood. The loss of such a quantity of blood does not adversely affect the child's well-being. After a while, she will make up for this

    deficiency, eating well. The doctor examines the latter to make sure that all the shells are out and there are no additional lobules in the uterus, then it will shrink and will not bleed. If there is a suspicion of the remaining lobules or if there are no signs of separation of the placenta, the physician manually enters the uterine cavity and separates the placenta.