
The process of childbirth affects the newborn

  • The process of childbirth affects the newborn

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    It is proved that the process of birth affects directly the newborn, especially his psychological state. It will depend on how the woman gave birth to a child - natural or artificial. In the medical practice of obstetrician doctors, it is not uncommon for physically healthy pregnant women to turn to their help to avoid the natural way of giving birth, preferring a cesarean section. Most often, the show business stars resort to this, which they prefer not to give birth alone.

    Doctors say - if a woman does not have health problems, she should not avoid natural childbirth, because this is a normal physiological process. One of the reasons that frightens and giving birth is pain and uncertainty."Each woman suffers pain differently, usually she is seized with fear due to excessive or, on the contrary, insufficient information," said Tatyana Primuk, a psychologist at the perinatal center.

    As the psychologist of the perinatal center told, the nature and behavior of the child can depend on how exactly he was born - with the help of caesarean section or by natural way.

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    Perinatal matrix

    Many psychologists have repeatedly presented empirical evidence that in fact there is an "embryonic memory of the fetus", i.e."the memory of the experience of birth."The process of childbirth is key in shaping the child's mind and psyche. The mechanism of impact on the psyche of a baby is the so-called perinatal matrix. They are stable functional structures that are basic for many physical and mental reactions throughout the life of a person. There are four in total.

    "Doctors divide childbirth into three main stages: the phase of disclosure, the phase of expulsion and the postpartum phase. In the opinion of the scientist Stanislav Grof, the corresponding matrix, which is directly responsible for any personal qualities of a person, is laid at each stage of birth," said the psychologist. When a child is born naturally, passes through the birth canal, all four matrices are laid on it. A child who is born by the method of surgery "remembers" only the first.

    As doctors say, positive emotions and thoughts during pregnancy contribute to gaining intuitive confidence in the environment from the side of the baby. If the future mother during pregnancy experiences stress, then this experience feels and her baby is in utero.

    The second matrix - the first period of labor, the process of opening the cervix. As doctors say, during this period the fetus can often feel hopeless and closed. By the way, as the psychologist notes, too often shyness of darkness or stay in an enclosed space is connected with this matrix."During fights, the future mother should mentally, always be in league with her child, support him mentally, help herself and the child," said Tatiana Primuk.

    The third matrix is ​​the period when the child is already born. Doctors advise women not to waste energy in vain in the first period, in order to make maximum efforts during childbirth and quickly and easier to give birth.

    The fourth matrix is ​​the first hours after the birth of the baby. This period the doctors call the crisis because of the fact that the child finds himself in a completely new world for her."A child who was born naturally after the birth is always with her mother." The mothers who had a cesarean section are under anesthesia at that time, and the child is in the children's ward, "the doctor explained.

    Births after cesarean section

    As Tatyana Primuk told, if a woman gave birth to the first child with the help of a cesarean section, and the latter decided naturally, the final word is left for the doctors.

    The gap between the birth of children should be at least four to five years. Since during this time the body of a woman can recover physically and psychologically and prepare for the birth of another child. By the way, women who give birth to children after a short time( one and a half to two years) are the most vulnerable and prone to postpartum depression. In conclusion, the psychologist added: "Regardless of how the child was born, it requires warmth, attention and love from the parents."