  • Metabolic Syndrome

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    This syndrome precedes the development of type II diabetes mellitus. A distinctive feature of the syndrome from diabetes mellitus is the lack of a stable increase in the level of glucose in the blood. To prevent the development of diabetes mellitus, you must adhere to a diet and reduce body weight. If these recommendations are followed, the risk of diabetes mellitus is reduced by 30-50%.Metabolic syndrome leads to the development of not only type II diabetes, but also to atherosclerosis and increased blood pressure. The syndrome is accompanied by the stability of the tissues to insulin, an increase in the insulin content in the blood. In most cases, obesity develops according to the abdominal type, in women there is an increase in the male sex hormones of the adrenals, arterial hypertension( an increase in blood pressure) is often developed.

    Frequently, type II diabetes mellitus is detected by chance during a blood test. Some people first seek medical help when there are late complications of diabetes mellitus. An exception or confirmation of diabetes is necessary in the event that there are frequent infections of the urinary tract or ultrasound is diagnosed with fatty liver disease. Virtually all people with type II diabetes are obese of one degree or another. Working capacity is often not reduced, but on the contrary, it can even be increased. The tissues of the body may not experience energy deficiency, which is associated with an increase in the formation of insulin. For diabetes mellitus of this type is characterized by the development of hyperosmolar coma. Its development is due to the fact that a person has an excessive loss of water in the urine, as a result of which the body loses fluid, and various other substances remain in the bloodstream. Such substances include sodium, potassium, calcium, fluoride, chlorides and many others. The increase in the content of these substances in the blood is called hyperosmolarity, and the coma developing with their excess is hyperosmolar. A prolonged and persistent increase in the amount of glucose in the blood leads to a visual impairment, which can become irreversible with a neglected form of the disease.

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