
Grandmother's recipes for weight loss: how our grandmothers lost weight, fat burning in Russian

  • Grandmother's recipes for weight loss: how our grandmothers lost weight, fat burning in Russian

    In the old days there were no targeted recipes for weight loss, this was not sought. But all people at that time did not recover as much as they do now. And yet grandmother's recipes for weight loss are, only they contribute to the improvement of the body, improve metabolism. After all, if the metabolism is normalized, then the weight will also return to normal. To do this, used decoctions and infusions of various medicinal herbs.

    Bay leaf for weight loss

    The Bay leaf is an excellent antiseptic and soothing means. It increases immunity, lowers blood pressure, and is therefore widely used in folk medicine.

    Preparation of infusion

    Take 30 pieces of dried bay leaves and pour 800 ml of boiling water, wrap and let it rest for twelve hours. The next morning the infusion will be ready. Strain it into clean dishes, drink for three days in small portions. During this period, you can not eat meat and drink alcoholic beverages.

    Broth from laurel leaves

    For 300 ml of boiling water you need to take three laurel leaves, boil over low heat for about five minutes. Then remove from heat and let stand broth for 3 hours. Strain and take before meals on a tablespoon 3 days( no longer!).

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    Bay leaf with cinnamon

    For 1 liter of boiling water you need to take 5 dried laurel leaves, 1 stick of cinnamon and cook on low heat for 15 minutes, then leave to cool. After cooling, strain and divide into three equal parts. Drink every morning on an empty stomach 3 days.

    Before using one of these recipes, check to see if you are allergic to the bay leaf. Contraindication to use is pregnancy, breast-feeding, liver disease, gastritis, diabetes, inflammation( chronic or acute).

    Teas and collections of herbs

    The recipes of grandmothers for weight loss are very simple and effective, try to use several more of them.

    Tea from dandelions

    To make tea, take two tablespoons of fresh or dried dandelion leaves, pour a glass of boiling water, leave to infuse overnight. In the morning, strain and drink during the day 15 minutes before eating. This tea is very good for losing weight. First, you need to prepare a dry mix. Take 4 tablespoons senna grass, 3 tablespoons buckthorn, 3 tablespoons coriander seeds, 2 tablespoons bearberry, 2 tablespoons violets, 2 tablespoons peppermint. Mix very thoroughly all the dry ingredients. This herbal tea brew this way: 1 tablespoon per cup of boiling water. Brew for about 5 minutes, insist all night. Drink the broth all day for a month.

    Or prepare another collection:

    1 tablespoon of lavender flowers, 1 tablespoon of mallow forest, 3 tablespoons of nettle, 5 tablespoons of smokey, 3 tablespoons of senna leaf, all mix thoroughly. The collection is prepared in a thermos( 1 tablespoon of the mixture in a glass of boiling water), insist for 3 hours. Take tea 30 minutes before eating half a glass 3 times a day. This herbal remedy helps reduce appetite.

    Infusion of juniper fruit

    Take in equal parts the fruits of juniper, senna grass and bark of buckthorn. Fill this mixture in a thermos, pour boiling water and insist for two hours. After this infusion, strain, cool and take 1 tablespoon at meal time.

    But you have to understand that you do not just need to drink infusions or decoctions, they can not cope with your extra pounds. You should combine their use with proper nutrition and exercise. After all, how did our grandmothers lose weight? Excess fat was not postponed because everyone was doing physical work. Food was consumed plain, natural, without trans fats, flavor enhancers and other chemical additives.

    Therefore, change your lifestyle, fight with laziness, go in for sports.

    Pay attention to your food, take away fast food and various food "garbage"( chips and crackers), eat healthy and healthy food.

    Also remember that stress and bad mood are the best friends of extra pounds, so often smile, think positively, and soon you will feel an improvement in health, and in appearance.

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