
How to prepare for maternity home, what things to take with you

  • How to prepare for maternity home, what things to take with you

    Be ready! Before the birth there are only a few weeks, and all of your thoughts are busy now with the upcoming meeting with the long-awaited baby. Starting from the 37th week of pregnancy, start preparing for this important event.

    Tips on how to prepare for the maternity home:

    Keep always in a conspicuous place the address and phone number of the referral service of your chosen maternity hospital and( or) the coordinates of the obstetrician who will take delivery.

    Documents for the maternity home

    Collect the documents required for admission to the maternity ward: passport, medical insurance policy( OMS or LCA), generic certificate( it is issued in a female consultation from the 28th week of pregnancy), an exchange card.

    Read the list of necessary items in the selected hospital. He is usually hung out on the information board in the hall. In each separate medical institution there may be some nuances.

    What things will be needed in the maternity hospital

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    A very important point is the things that you definitely need to take with you. Prepare in advance things that you need in the delivery room: a nightdress, a robe, slippers, socks, personal hygiene products, underwear, postnatal pads, disposable diapers. Do not forget your mobile phone and charger. Read more in the article: we collect the bag in the hospital.

    Collect the package with the things that are intended for you and the newborn on your statement. Put disposable diapers, a set of diapers and clothes for crumbs, cream from cracks on the nipples, a bra for nursing moms.

    When you need to go to the hospital

    About the time of hospitalization in the maternity hospital the most accurate information can be given by your obstetrician-gynecologist. It all depends on how far the maternity home is from you, whether you will give birth by yourself or by caesarean section, etc.

    Therefore, discuss all these details in advance with your doctor. In the event that you do not have a prior agreement with a particular doctor and maternity home, the pregnancy is normal and you are not required to be hospitalized in advance, then you will be taken to the maternity ward by the ambulance in the first stage of labor.

    What are the symptoms that indicate a child's early birth?

    If the pregnancy is normal, then, as a rule, at the 39th week your body is already fully prepared for the birth of the baby. On the eve of childbirth, you can note some changes in the body:

    the uterus presses on all organs at once and suffers especially from this bladder;

    some nervousness may appear;there are spotting from the genital tract;

    , the mucosal plug disappears;

    slightly reduced weight;

    diluted stool;

    increases appetite.

    The immediate onset of labor is indicated by: pain in the lower abdomen and intensified frequent contractions at regular intervals, as well as the outflow of amniotic fluid.

    Video materials on the topic of the article

    What to take with you to the hospital:

    How to behave in the hospital:

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    Preparation for childbirth: