  • Aspermia - Causes, symptoms and treatment. MF.

    Aspermia is a term that indicates the complete absence of ejaculate. Although in the domestic healthcare this name is most often used to refer to the result of a clinical analysis of sperm, as a result of which in a biological fluid men were unable to identify spermatozoa. According to the latest criteria of the World Health Organization, promulgated in 2010, one milliliter of adult male sperm should normally contain about 18 million active spermatozoa. It is this concentration of germ cells that ensures rapid and effective fertilization.

    Photo through a microscope. A normal sperm picture. With aspermia, spermatozoa are completely absent.

    Causes of Aspermia

    In fact, the causes of aspermia can be many. But it is important not only to distinguish them, but also to determine which of them can be reversible and which ones are not. For example, if we talk about such a reason as old age, then probably all the arguments about its treatment are meaningless, since aspergia in the elderly is a completely physiological, and therefore irreversible, process.

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    It is much more important to treat or even better prevent such problems as infectious diseases that are transmitted sexually. After all, they are the cause of aspermia in the vast majority of cases. A neglected untreated disease of the genitourinary system can cause the absence of spermatozoa in the ejaculate at a very young age, which will entail not only erectile dysfunction, but also infertility.

    Superfluous will be the conversation that birth defects( aplasia, testicular agenesis, cryptorchidism) can be the immediate cause of such a pathology. However, even if they were not detected at such a young age, do not be upset and neglect the urologist. After all, as practice shows, some kinds of congenital pathologies very well give in to treatment at any age.

    Special attention should be paid to the traumatic factor in the development of aspermia. Most often it occurs against the backdrop of the operations that have ever been performed on the genitourinary system of a man. In most cases this happens if such operations were performed in childhood, when the boy's internal genitalia are not yet fully formed. Precisely according to the same scheme, there may be problems in the trauma of the pelvic area or the genitals themselves.

    A very large group of causes that can contribute to aspermia are psychological problems. At the same time, it is not necessary that these problems concern the sexual life of the patient. Naturally, most often aspermia occurs precisely against the background of the first unsuccessful sexual experience or other traumatic factors that are associated with sexual intercourse. But medicine also knows situations where sexual problems were associated with stress at work or in family life.

    Aspermia of neural genesis can occur not only in psychological disorders, but also as a consequence of craniocerebral trauma or damage to the trunk of the spinal cord. This irritates the nerve endings, which can then have a negative effect on the genitourinary system and cause a variety of disorders, aspermia including.

    In addition to these immediate reasons, perhaps, it is worth highlighting and risk factors, which though not surely, but can contribute to the development of such a disorder. Such factors include long-term contact with paintwork or oil refining products. Although the direct relationship is not proven, but statistics indicate that it is patients with occupational hazards that suffer from aspermia more often than others.

    Possibility of fertilization with aspermia

    The probability of a woman getting pregnant from a man whose sperm analysis results in an aspermia is zero. The fact is that in order for normal fertilization to occur, the spermatozoa must be sufficiently active, and in the case of aspermia they are generally absent in the biological fluid of the man. In fact, in this situation, the substance that is released during ejaculation can not be called sperm, since it is 100% of the secretion of the prostate gland.

    In our time, this situation began to be used for commercial profit. In a surgical hospital, men undergo special operations that in the future exclude the possibility of fertilization, while apparently everything looks the same. Here at such men in an ejaculate and the aspermia is registered.

    Action tactics for aspermia

    As already mentioned, the cause of aspermia can be not organic, but functional pathology, which means that after a certain time, the analysis of sperm can return to normal. So, having seen in your own analysis of aspermia, do not immediately get upset. If in the results of the repeated analysis, handed over by all rules, you will see the absence of spermatozoa, then it is necessary urgently to contact the urologist to find out its cause and the subsequent treatment.

    Treatment of aspermia

    Treatment of this pathology is a rather long, if not useless, process. But in order to determine the nature of the disease, as well as the possibility of its treatment, it is necessary to undergo urgent consultation of a urologist. It is he who will be able to determine the tactics of treatment or for the same purpose to refer you to another specialist.

    For example, if the cause of aspermia is a psychological disorder, then psychotherapists work with similar patients. They have developed special training programs that allow patients to regain self-confidence. If the aspermia appeared against the background of a venereal disease, then such patients are transferred into the hands of dermatovenerologists, whose task is to select adequate antibacterial therapy.

    Such causes as genital injuries or congenital anomalies of their development are treated directly by urologists, they also determine the tactics of future treatment. Suffice it rare that cases with similar pathologies prescribe conservative treatment. In most cases, these patients are subject to prompt intervention.

    The probability of bringing the spermogram to the norm depends on the specific case. For example, if you are talking about a severe crippling injury, it is clear that there can be no improvement. But if the cause of aspermia was caused by a venereal disease, then there are all chances to hope for a favorable outcome.

    In case of an unfavorable outcome of treatment with a strong desire for couples to have a child, the fertilization of the partner with donor sperm is possible.

    Rev.the doctor the urologist, the sexologist-andrologist Plotnikov AN