
Donnikovy honey: useful properties, what this honey looks like and how to distinguish it in the market

  • Donnikovy honey: useful properties, what this honey looks like and how to distinguish it in the market

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    It's hard not to estimate the real value of honey for health, but honey can also be different, and each has its own benefits, its taste, flavor and scope of use. Donnikovy honey is curative, and its area of ​​application is very extensive.

    So, you are going to buy honey, how to tell honey from any other in the store? First, honey is best bought in specialized outlets, where the seller is usually well aware of the differences and knows how different kinds of honey look.

    Secondly, the same consultant can advise which honey is best to buy for you, and even give you a try different grades. You can independently learn this kind of honey in color - from almost white to amber, and a smell that resembles vanilla.

    Useful properties of honeycomb

    - in nursing mothers causes an increase in the amount of breast milk;

    - for those who suffer from chronic bronchitis, this honey will be useful for its expectorant and warming effect;

    - all purulent abscesses and pimples can be cured with honey, and also heal small cuts and wounds;

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    - restores the crippled nervous system, improves sleep;

    - faster cure of meosites will also help honey if you do a bath with it;

    - in combination with propolis accelerates the elimination of harmful substances;

    - used to create anti-aging creams, face masks;

    is an analgesic and diuretic;

    - restores vital energy.

    Is this all? And what is useful for honeycomb honey yet? Of its rich in usefulness, of course!

    • Fructose, contained in honey, is useful even for diabetics.
    • Glucose from honey increases working capacity, brain activity.
    • Reed sugar - although it is not much in honey, it has many necessary substances in its composition, which make the bone system stronger, improve memory.
    • Organic acids support the acid-base balance in the stomach, improve metabolic processes, and disinfect.

    Properties of honeycomb honey are useful for:

    1. ARI and colds;
    2. Bronchitis, tracheitis and other diseases of the respiratory system;
    3. Neuralgia;
    4. Atherosclerosis;
    5. Gout;
    6. Meteorism;
    7. Climax


    1) For lactation, sweet honey is eaten after each meal by 1 spoonful.

    2) For the prevention of disease - the same way in periods of epidemics.

    3) From bronchitis - put honey in the radish, which was cut with a dimple center, insist for several hours. Take more often, before meals.

    4) A mask made of honey is made with cucumber( grated).

    5) TB patients can eat up to 50 g. Honey per day( children - up to 30 gr.).

    6) For the bath to dilute 50 gr. Honey with 50 ml of solution from the brewed herbs: mother-and-stepmother, mint, St. John's wort, chamomile.

    7) If the 20 gr.honey honey diluted in 100 ml of water, it turns out an excellent remedy for hemorrhoids in the form of enemas.

    8) From pneumonia, you can safely heal at home if honey, alcohol( vodka) and aloe( 2: 3: 1 parts, respectively) are used as a compress at night.

    9) If constipation helps with honey, water, oatmeal( 1 tablespoon), half a lemon( only juice from it) and a grated apple without skin, drink during lunch.

    10) Even from varicose can help honeycomb honey: it and garlic mix and insist for a week( garlic should be very finely wiped) and every day before eating one spoon to eat.

    It should be noted that honey honey is a rare visitor on the shelves of stores. At least - Russian. Although, of course, beekeepers can be found, probably, everything. And do not buy honey from a sweet clover in ordinary stores, it's unlikely to be he, most likely - a fake with Vanilla flavoring, although real beekeepers know that the fragrance should be light and gentle.

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