  • Treatment of stroke folk remedies

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    Read the article:
    • What is a stroke: symptoms, causes, types
    • Treatment of stroke folk remedies: home prescriptions
    • Prevention and useful tips how to avoid a stroke

    Stroke treatment at home: folk recipes

    Sudden impairment of blood circulation in the vessels of the brain,or a stroke requires courage from the patient, and patience from his close ones.

    If such a misfortune does happen, do not despair, but it is worthwhile to trust experienced experts.

    What is a stroke: symptoms, causes, types ^

    Stroke is a disorder of the cerebral circulation, which is a consequence of blockage of the vessels of the brain or hemorrhage in the brain.

    Causes of stroke are as follows:

    • Age. The disease, as a rule, occurs in the elderly, however, today is increasingly found in young people.
    • The male sex is more likely to suffer from strokes.
    • Alcohol and smoking are factors that increase the risk of developing hypertension, atherosclerosis and, hence, pre-insult states.
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    • Heart disease, atherosclerosis, diabetes mellitus.
    • Permanent overeating and obesity. An increase in body weight leads to an increase in cholesterol in the blood and to blockage of blood vessels.
    • Prolonged reception of contraceptives. Hormones, which are contained in contraceptives, contribute to increase blood clotting and the formation of blood clots, which can get into the vessels of the brain.

    The symptoms of stroke are different and depend on the severity and the hemisphere in which the circulatory disturbance occurred. There are times when a person does not know that he had a stroke, because he was asymptomatic. As a rule, the symptoms begin suddenly, they can increase gradually if you do not start treatment on time.

    The main symptoms of stroke:

    • is a severe headache, which manifests itself after awakening from sleep and intensifies during movements;
    • drowsiness, loss of consciousness;
    • hearing loss, impaired taste, balance, coordination, vision, speech, movement;
    • involuntary urination or defecation;
    • mood change, the manifestation of aggression;
    • muscle weakness, tingling in the limbs, etc.

    Types of stroke:

    • Ischemic - is a cerebral infarction, in other words, a cerebral blood flow disorder that is characterized by impaired brain function and tissue destruction due to discontinuation of blood access to a specific department.
    • Hemorrhagic - is considered the most dangerous form of this disease. It occurs as a result of a rupture of a blood vessel and the formation of a blood clot in its place, and after - a site of necrosis.
    • Extensive is a dangerous disease that can lead to death or disability.
    • Lacunar is a type of ischemic form when one perforant artery is affected.
    • Spinal - is a violation of blood flow in the spinal cord.

    Treating the consequences of a stroke at home can greatly affect the patient's further life. Restorative treatment after a stroke is aimed at maintaining especially important vital functions, as well as restoring blood circulation in the vessels.

    Treatment of stroke folk remedies: home prescriptions ^

    Folk treatment of stroke: home prescriptions

    Treating stroke at home is part of the overall treatment. It is not possible to replace inpatient treatment only with a domestic one. Folk treatment will be very effective if you consult a specialist before using a folk remedy.

    Treatment of Ischemic Stroke

    • Specialists recommend eating three bananas a day. As you know, this fruit is very rich in potassium, which is necessary for normal functioning of the heart muscle.
    • For the treatment of the consequences of the disease, tincture of chilibiha is good. A tablespoon of the ground plant is filled with 50 g of vodka and insisted 21 days. Drink 30 drops daily.
    • Very useful and such a decoction: a teaspoon of crushed dried peony roots should be poured a glass of boiling water. After this, infuse for an hour and strain. Eat a tablespoon of broth 5 times a day.

    Treatment of hemorrhagic stroke

    After acute symptoms of the disease have passed, people's prescriptions come to the rescue:

    Cinnamon cinnamon

    Decoction of the roots of the plant is used for baths that need to be done every other day 1-2 months.

    Bay oil

    • This preparation is prepared as follows: 30 g of bay leaf should be filled with a glass of vegetable oil.
    • Insist for 2 months, with every day the bank needs to be shaken.
    • The oil must be filtered and then brought to a boil.
    • It is recommended that the mixture be rubbed into paralyzed areas.

    Elderberry black

    • It is used in the form of tea.

    Treatment of dizziness after a stroke

    If a patient is often dizzy after a stroke, it is recommended to use an effective herbal decoction for treatment:

    • It is necessary to prepare herbal leaves from motherwort, dog rose, hawthorn and vulgar flowers.
    • Each herb should be taken on a tablespoon.
    • Ingredients to mix, pour a liter of boiling water and insist for 24 hours.
    • Take the broth 3 times a day for 30 minutes before meals.

    Treatment of a leech with leeches

    To date, recovery from a stroke often uses hirudotherapy, that is, treatment with leeches. Leeches put on the reflex zones: the sacrum, the upper part of the coccyx, the neck.

    The use of leeches is that they release useful substances that, when ingested, improve their composition, normalize coagulability, prevent the formation of blood clots.

    Hirudotherapy also helps to reduce brain edema, which slows down the healing process. Using leeches during restorative treatment can reduce the risk of a recurrence.

    Stroke treatment with pine cones

    Pine cones are self-tinctured. For its preparation, young pine cones with seeds are needed.

    • Collect such cones in summer or early autumn.
    • 5 cones should be crushed and poured with vodka.
    • Infuse for 14 days and shake daily.
    • It is recommended to strain the tincture before use.
    • To take a remedy for prophylaxis, you need daily on a dessert spoon after eating.
    • During the recovery phase, tincture is drunk in the same amount several times a day.

    Treatment of a honey stroke

    Honey contains a large number of nutrients that help reduce blood clotting. This reduces the risk of blood clots, and improves the condition of the vascular wall.

    • It is necessary to mix a glass of lime honey, 60 ml of infusion from a tea mushroom, 5 ml of mint infusion.
    • Take the mixture you need every day after dinner on a tablespoon.

    Treatment of stroke mumiye

    • It is necessary to take the crushed root of valerian( 3 tablespoons), dried wheat flour( 2 tablespoons), shoots of horsetail field( 1 tablespoon), carefully mix the ingredients and pour 600 ml of boiling water.
    • Insist in a dark place for 5 hours, then strain and add 0.2 g of mummy and mix again thoroughly.
    • Infusion should be drunk 3 times a day 30 minutes before meals.

    Treatment of a lemon stroke with

    • It is necessary to take a kilogram of lemons, thoroughly wash them and scroll in a meat grinder.
    • Add the same amount of sugar and mix.
    • The resulting mixture should be stored in the refrigerator.
    • Take 1 teaspoon every morning.

    Treating stroke with eggs

    Raw chicken eggs are an effective remedy for recovery of patients after a stroke.

    • The patient should drink 2 raw eggs a day: morning and evening.
    • Within a month, the well-being will improve significantly.

    Treatment of stroke with herbs

    To quickly restore speech, folk medicine recommends taking a sage broth.

    • Leaves of this herb( 1 tablespoon) you need to pour 200 ml of boiling water, repeatedly bring to a boil.
    • Infuse for 30 minutes. Drink 2 sips 8-10 times a day.

    Also very effective is tincture of thyme. It is prepared as follows:

    • 50 g of ground grass should be poured into 200 ml of vodka or alcohol.
    • To insist 2 weeks. Rinse with tincture you need paralyzed parts of the body.
    We also recommend that you read the article Treatment of angina with folk remedies.

    Prevention and helpful advice on how to avoid stroke ^

    Stroke prevention includes the following activities:

    • Regular blood pressure monitoring.
    • Lowering of cholesterol in the blood. To do this, you should monitor the diet, exclude from it products that contain a large number of unsaturated fats. This will reduce the risk of atherosclerotic plaques.
    • Refusal from bad habits: smoking and alcohol. Moderate use of alcohol, such as wine or beer, will not be harmful.
    • Treatment of diabetes.
    • Weight loss.
    • Physical stress. Regular exercise helps reduce blood pressure and cholesterol. In addition, the condition of the vessels improves, the work of the heart stabilizes. Sports - an excellent tool for weight loss.
    • The diet should be rich in vegetables and fruits.

    Diet after stroke is one of the important conditions for the successful recovery of the patient. It is recommended to follow such simple rules:

    • needs to reduce the intake of animal fats, salty foods, pickled foods;
    • to limit the use of sugar;
    • menu should be rich in vitamins, minerals, fiber;
    • it is necessary to exercise at least 4 meals a day, but in small portions.