  • Treatment of heartburn folk remedies

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    Read the article:
    • What is Heartburn: Causes and Symptoms
    • Treating Heartburn at Home: Folk Recipes
    • Prevention and Useful Tips on How to Avoid Heartburn

    Home Treatment for Heartburn: Traditional Folk Remedies.

    Heartburn can darken the internal state and well-being of any person. To stop her attacks, a sufficient number of pharmacological drugs are released, but they are not always available in the home medicine cabinet.

    This case comes to the rescue of traditional medicine, the arsenal of which is quite diverse and consists of available proven means.

    What is Heartburn: Causes and Symptoms ^

    Heartburn is the onset of an unpleasant burning sensation or heat in the area of ​​the chest, upper abdomen and sometimes in the neck.

    Its symptoms are often not only burning, but also belching with the formation of an acidic or bitter taste in the mouth.

    The risk of heartburn is that it can provoke gastroesophageal reflux disease or GERD, which leads to pathological changes in the esophageal mucosa.

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    Heartburn occurs not only as a result of malnutrition or pregnancy, but also is a companion of the following diseases:

    • Gastritis( increased acidity), peptic ulcer of the duodenum or stomach;
    • Gallstone disease;
    • Pancreatitis or cholecystitis of chronic form.

    In gastroenterology the following types of heartburn are distinguished:

    • Retrosternal - burning sensation in the sternum;
    • Epigastric - burning sensation in epigastrium( epigastric region);
    • Pharynx - a burning sensation in the throat.

    The first two types are of a permanent nature( disease), the third is characterized by a situational form( pregnancy, alcohol, malnutrition).

    Folk treatment of heartburn consists of simple and effective techniques aimed at the rapid removal of her attacks. For these purposes, the treatment of heartburn folk remedies is performed with medicinal medicinal herbs, dairy products, soda, bee products, vegetables, berries, nuts, eggshells, mummies and so on.

    However, any home treatment for heartburn must be accompanied by a certain diet that excludes provoking products.

    Treating heartburn in children

    Pediatric heartburn is a rare phenomenon that can be accompanied by indigestion or the use of certain foods.

    Children suffering from frequent burning sensations should adhere to a certain diet, excluding citrus, chocolate, fried, smoked, sour, and so on.

    Often, home heartburn treatment is made with improvised means that easily neutralize the acid in the child's esophagus. To do this, you can use milk, activated carbon or mineral water.

    Treating heartburn in pregnant women

    Heartburn during pregnancy is a natural process that can accompany the expectant mother throughout the term.

    When pregnancy is rarely prescribed medications, so the best way is to treat heartburn with home remedies. For home therapy there are several rules:

    • Completely abandon fried, heavy, spicy food;
    • Stick to fractional power;
    • Daily use of milk;
    • Avoid stressful situations;
    • When attacking, use jelly, almonds or potato juice and chew honey in honeycombs.

    Treating heartburn at home: folk recipes ^

    Treating folk remedies: homemade recipes.

    Treating heartburn with increased acidity

    • Fill with sea buckthorn oil, shake well, then collect oil from the surface of the water and take it by ch.l.before meals three times;
    • Ст.л.lemon mint pour for 30 minutes 200 ml of boiling water, then strain and take small sips during the day.

    Treating heartburn with gastritis

    • Flax seeds( 2 tablespoons) insist half an hour in a glass of boiling water, and then strain and take infusion before going to bed for 100 ml;
    • Root the aire grind into powder, take a small pinch and wash it with warm water.

    Treating heartburn with pancreatitis

    • Four tablespoonspour oatmeal over night with a glass of boiling water.
    • In the morning, stir the infusion, strain, then take it on an empty stomach.
    • Mix the remaining croup with milk and use before the first breakfast.

    Treating heartburn and bloating

    • Drink plenty of mineral water with 2-3 tablets of activated charcoal;
    • Dissolve 2 g.mummy, add it to warm milk with honey and take it in the morning before eating.

    Treating heartburn with burp

    • Pour the leaves of the plantain with water( 10 g per 200 ml), then boil and insist for 20 minutes. The broth is consumed during the day for four times.
    • From the plantain is taken not only the broth, but also fresh juice, diluted with water in a ratio of 1: 5.

    Treatment of heartburn after eating

    • 2 pcs. Almond to wash, peel and slowly chew after eating;
    • To consume a small handful of pumpkin seeds in seizures.

    Treatment of heartburn with

    For efficient relief of the burning in the stomach, soda is used in two versions:

    • dilute tsp.soda food in 150 ml of water and consume at a time;
    • Half a dessert spoon of soda put on the tongue and swallow with a glass of warm water.

    Treating heartburn with honey

    • For seizures, take ch.l.fresh honey with chamomile tea.
    • Ст.л.honey mixed with diluted 0.2 gr.mummy and take the mixture in such quantity before going to bed.

    Treating heartburn with potato juice

    • Each morning on an empty stomach, use 150 ml of fresh potato juice;
    • Squeeze out fresh young potatoes with 200 ml juice, add st.l.honey and take twice a day for 100 ml.

    Treatment of heartburn with

    • Connect 25 g.psyllium, 20 gr. St. John's wort, 10 gr.chamomile, then pour the herbs with boiling water( 250 ml) and take the received infusion during the day for three times;
    • Powdered althea root diluted in warm water( tsp on the glass floor) and eat after eating.
    We also recommend that you read the article Treatment of osteoporosis with folk remedies.

    Prevention and helpful advice on how to avoid heartburn. ^

    Special treatment regimen plays a special role in the treatment of this process. In the health period from the menu, it is desirable to exclude the following products:

    • Fatty foods - fatty fish, meat, rich soups, fried foods;
    • Alcoholic, coffee, carbonated and fruit citrus drinks;
    • Vegetables - tomatoes, red or black pepper;Smoked, marinated and salted.

    The most useful products that help avoid heartburn are cereals, dairy products, lean meats, vegetables, fruits( not citrus) and herbal teas.

    In addition to certain prohibitions, the diet for heartburn requires the observance of several simple rules:

    • Take food in small portions and slowly;
    • Do not overeat;
    • After eating do not produce slopes, do not lie down and lift weights;
    • Eat three hours before bedtime.

    Together with the food, the following preventive measures should be adhered to:

    • Monitor the condition of the weight;
    • Avoid wearing too narrow, fitting or pulling the abdominal cavity of clothing;
    • Avoid nerve strains;
    • Give up smoking.