  • Tachycardia: treatment at home

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    Read in the article:
    • What is tachycardia: symptoms, causes, types
    • Treatment of tachycardia at home: folk remedies, prescriptions
    • Prevention and useful advice how to avoid tachycardia

    Treatment of tachycardia at home: folk recipes

    Tachycardia refers to the condition whenwhich even at full rest the palpitation increases and the general state of health worsens.

    This pathology is one of the accompanying symptoms, manifested in the malfunction of the nervous, endocrine, cardiovascular or respiratory systems.

    When diagnosing tachycardia, it is recommended to include traditional medicine in complex therapeutic measures, which allows much faster victory over the disease.

    What is tachycardia: symptoms, causes, types ^

    Tachycardia is an increase in the heart rate from 90 strokes or more per minute.

    The main reasons for this condition are:

    • Hypertension;Diseases of the endocrine, cardiovascular or autonomic nervous systems;
    • Increased physical activity;
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    • Emotional negative loads;
    • Obesity;
    • Abuse of harmful products( caffeine, alcohol).

    Symptoms of heart tachycardia - frequent palpitation, weakness, hyperhidrosis, nausea, dizziness, loss of consciousness is possible.

    Diagnosis of tachycardia occurs by the following procedures:

    • Questioning and examination of the patient;
    • Results of laboratory studies;
    • ECG, electrophysiological study.

    Tachycardia is classified into the following types: sinus, neurogenic, endocrine, physiological, pathological, atrial, ventricular, supraventricular, paroxysmal, nodal and supraventricular.

    Folk treatment of tachycardia is aimed at reducing the frequency of cardiac muscle contractions, normalizing blood pressure and working the heart. For this purpose, it is customary to use not only various herbal products, healing herbs or separate herbs, but also physical therapy, massage and diet therapy.

    Treatment of tachycardia at home is carried out by using a variety of herbal decoctions, alcoholic natural tinctures, vegetable balsams and vitamin-mineral mixtures.

    Treatment of tachycardia in children

    Most often, children are attacked by two types of rapid heartbeats - ventricular, supraventricular and sinus. Symptomatic tachycardia is the same for both children and adults - sweating, weakness, palpitations and so on.

    Medical treatment depends primarily on the age of the child, on the severity and type of pathology. For home therapy it is important to observe the correct regime of the day and lifestyle, limiting excessive physical and negative emotional stress.

    Treatment of tachycardia in pregnant women

    Because during pregnancy, the load on the internal organs is doubled, this can inevitably lead to tachycardia. The principle of treatment in this case consists in the appointment of a certain food, as well as in complete physical and psychological rest.

    As a result of the fact that pregnant women are strictly prohibited from taking many medications, in this case, having consulted with a doctor beforehand, one can resort to folk treatment of tachycardia.

    Treatment of tachycardia at home: folk remedies, prescriptions ^

    Folk treatment of tachycardia: home recipes

    Treatment of sinus tachycardia

    • Dried lemon balm in dried form( 2 tablespoons), pour boiling water( 300 ml), close the lid and insist twohours.
    • Ready infusion in a warm form to take before meals three times for 100 ml.

    Treatment of paroxysmal tachycardia

    • 10 almonds, 80 gr.dried apricots, 2 lemons chopped, combined with 100 ml of honey, then add 8 drops of alcoholic tinctures of valerian with hawthorn.
    • This medicine is stored in the refrigerator, and is used on an empty stomach twice a tablespoon.

    Treatment of atrial tachycardia

    • Preparation of ingredients - herbal collection( 10 grams of nettle, chamomile, 20 grams of linden, melissa), three cups of boiling water.
    • Three tablespoonsCollect it in boiling water for five minutes, then strain and divide into three parts.
    • Each part should be taken before meals in the morning, afternoon, evening.

    Treatment of ventricular tachycardia

    • A small handful of flowers and dried hawthorn fruits to fill in the thermos, pour a liter of boiling water, leave for three hours.
    • Infusion of hawthorn take three times for ½ cup before meals.

    Treatment of nodular tachycardia

    • Prepare components - herbal collection( according to st.l. chamomile, mint and crushed root of valerian), 200 ml of boiling water.
    • Collect the collection with boiling water, insist for two hours, then divide into two parts and take twice for the day.

    Treatment of supraventricular tachycardia

    • Take st.l.collection( melissa, lavender - 100 gr., mint, motherwort to 50 gr.), pour a liter of water, boil, allow to cool.
    • A herbal soothing therapeutic decoction to take for a day three glasses.

    Treatment of supraventricular tachycardia

    • In 200 ml of pure vodka place 150 g.dried rootlets elecampane, insist two weeks.
    • The obtained herbal tincture should be taken before meals on a teaspoonful three times.

    Treatment of tachycardia with high pressure.

    • . Brew in a glass of boiling water.fruits of wild rose, hawthorn, motherwort, green tea.
    • This infusion is used as tea leaves for tea.

    Treatment of tachycardia with low pressure

    • To juice from one lemon add half a cup of juice of chokeberry with the same amount of cranberry and carrot juice.
    • Add a glass of vodka to the resulting juice solution and mix.
    • Take a natural medicine should be 10 ml an hour before meals three times every 24 hours.

    Treatment of tachycardia with honey

    • In 100 ml of honey put two tablespoons.pepper, mix and take on a teaspoon three times daily.
    • Mix 100 ml of beet juice with 50 ml of honey, divide into two parts and take within 24 hours.

    Treatment of tachycardia with herbs

    • Prepare the following firming and sedative phytomixel( equal portions of chamomile, calendula, motherwort and adonis).
    • In 200 ml of boiling water place st.l.ready mix, remove from heat and insist for a couple of hours.
    • Take the broth on the glass before dinner in small sips.
    We also recommend that you read the article Treatment of arrhythmia with folk remedies.

    Prevention and useful advice on how to avoid tachycardia ^

    The diet for tachycardia plays one of the primary roles in the process of complex therapy to strengthen the heart muscle, restore the frequency of its contractions and improve its performance.

    The main dietary dietary rules are as follows:

    • Regular four meals a day in small portions;
    • Overeating and eating at night;
    • Food should be maximally vitaminized and healthy.

    Dietary nutrition for tachycardia consists of the following food products:

    • Fresh vegetables, fruits, berries;
    • Seafood, fish, sea kale;
    • Nuts;
    • Dried fruits( you can prepare compotes or add to cereals);
    • Postal soups, preferably cereals;
    • Second grade of bread;
    • Dairy, lactic acid products;
    • Dietary meat.

    The competent prevention of this pathology is the following:

    • Healthy nutrition;
    • Maintain weight within reasonable limits;
    • Restriction of nicotine, caffeine, alcohol;
    • The correct distribution of labor, rest, sleep;
    • Regular intake of vitamins with microelements;
    • Normalization of blood pressure;
    • Control of cholesterol;
    • Avoiding nervous overload.