
Treatment of urinary incontinence with folk remedies

  • Treatment of urinary incontinence with folk remedies

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    Read in the article:
    • Urinary incontinence: causes, symptoms, types
    • Treatment of urinary incontinence at home: folk recipes
    • Prevention and helpful advice on how to prevent incontinence

    Home treatment for urinary incontinence: folk recipes.

    Urinary incontinence is a rather unpleasant pathological condition caused by involuntary urination.

    Treatment of this pathology is impossible without specialized urological therapy, which is recommended to combine with folk medicine, allowing at home to accelerate the healing process.

    Urinary incontinence: causes, symptoms, types ^

    Urinary incontinence is an uncontrolled independent discharge of urine without sensation of urge. Symptoms of this condition include:

    • Weak or significant involuntary urination;
    • Sudden urge to urinate;
    • Involuntary release of urine with laughter, physical exertion, sneezing, coughing, etc.

    Urinary incontinence is caused by the following reasons:

    • Weakness of muscles, which control the function of the urinary system;
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    • Severe depression;
    • Infectious Diseases;
    • Childbirth, menopause;
    • Running cystitis;
    • Anatomical changes in the urinary system.

    Involuntary urination is classified into several types - stressful, urgent( imperative), mixed, night( enuresis), situational and senile.

    Traditional treatment of urinary incontinence offers a wide selection of herbal remedies with excellent healing properties. Widespread demand for the following folk remedies for the treatment of urinary incontinence - sage, cowberry, St. John's wort, plantain, yarrow, cowberry, blackberries, corn stigmas, calendula and other medicinal plants.

    Treatment of urinary incontinence in women

    Women often have to deal with the problem of involuntary urination. This condition is caused by one of the following factors: pregnancy and childbirth, menopause or severe inflammation of the urinary system.

    The procedure for the treatment of urinary incontinence is determined by a urologist or gynecologist. The main therapy consists of medicines and certain recommendations.

    Pregnant women who have experienced urinary incontinence recommend safe herbal preparations aimed at antispasmodic, antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory effects.

    In addition to pharmacy products, it is possible to apply home treatment for urinary incontinence in the form of wearing a bandage, a slight change in the diet and the use of decoctions of cowberry, dog rose, sage and other, safe for pregnancy means.

    Treatment of urinary incontinence in men

    Treatment of involuntary urination in men depends on the factors that provoke this pathology - prostatitis, stress, age changes and others.

    The most common therapeutic procedures for urinary incontinence for men are medication and physical therapy.

    At home, as an additional measure, men should adhere to the following rules:

    • Refuse alcohol;
    • Restrict the use of coffee and carbonated beverages;
    • Minimize the consumption of chocolate, citrus and spicy foods.

    Treatment of urinary incontinence in the elderly

    Involuntary urination is the urological pathology most commonly experienced by older people. To cure this problem, a whole range of health measures is applied, which is aimed at eliminating the causes of urinary incontinence, increasing the sensitivity and tone of the walls of the bladder.

    Treatment of urinary incontinence with home remedies is very effective and perfectly complements physiotherapy and medication, while preventing possible surgical intervention.

    Treatment of urinary incontinence at home: folk recipes ^

    Folk remedies for the treatment of urinary incontinence: home recipes.

    Treatment of stress urinary incontinence

    • Mix equal parts of St. John's wort, sporicha, valerian, hop cones, then 2 tablespoonsherbs insist half an hour in 300 ml of boiling water.
    • Take this infusion should be twice every day for 1/3 cup.

    Treatment of imperative urinary incontinence

    • Seeds of dill with st.l.pour for two hours with a glass of boiling water, wrap and leave for three hours.
    • After this infusion, strain and drink at a time in the morning.

    Treatment of nocturnal urinary incontinence

    • Dry sage - 50 gr., Fill it in a thermos bottle, pour a liter of boiling water and stand for two hours. Take infusion should be three times every day for 0.5 cup.
    • With bird cherry in the period of its flowering cut the bark, chop and in the amount of two tablespoons.pour 300 ml of boiling water, then put on a water bath for 15 minutes. After a full cooling, the drink is consumed during the day instead of tea.

    Treatment of senile urinary incontinence

    • Fresh juicy carrots pass through a juicer and the resulting juice in a volume of 200 ml is taken every morning on an empty stomach.

    Treatment of urinary incontinence with cough

    • Mix st.l. St. John's wort, st.l.centipotent and tsp.mother-and-stepmother, then take st.l.collection, place it in a glass of boiling water, then wrap it for 10 minutes.
    • You need to use infusion instead of tea, after adding a little honey.

    Treatment of urinary incontinence with climacterium

    • Combine 2 tbsp.cranberry leaves and berries with 2 tablespoons. St. John's wort, then brew them with three glasses of water, boil for 10 minutes and remove from heat.
    • A strained broth should be consumed in three divided doses during the day before meals.

    Treatment of urinary incontinence after childbirth

    • Place in a half-liter of water 2 tbsp.blackberry and blueberry fruit, put on fire for 20 minutes, then wrap it up for an hour.
    • Take this berry compote followed by 200 ml daily 4 times.

    Treatment of urinary incontinence with cystitis

    • Ст.л.stigmas corn pour for half an hour with a glass of boiling water, then insist an hour.
    • Take this infusion during the day in two divided doses.

    Treatment of urinary incontinence with prostatitis

    • Take a glass of boiling water for a glass of boiling water.plantain, insist for an hour, then strain.
    • Take infusion should be before meals in four divided doses.

    Treatment of urinary incontinence with herbs

    • Prepare collection - 200 gr. St. John's wort, 150 gr.yarrow, 100 gr.birch leaves.
    • Three tablespoonsput herbs in a thermos, pour them overnight 600 ml of boiling water. In the morning, infuse and strain during the day in four meals before meals.
    We also recommend that you read the article Treatment of diarrhea( diarrhea) with folk remedies.

    Prevention and useful advice on how to prevent incontinence ^

    The optional non-drug therapy for urinary incontinence includes Kegel's gymnastics, which improves the tone of the pelvic floor muscles. Simple exercises Kegel contribute to strengthening the sphincter of the urethra and pelvic muscles with ligaments that hold the bladder with the urethra.

    With regular implementation of special exercises in a few weeks will be noticeable significant improvements.

    In order to prevent the problem of involuntary urination, it is advisable to adhere to the following preventive rules:

    • In a timely manner, empty the bladder;
    • Do not gain excess weight;
    • Promptly start treatment of infectious diseases;
    • Strengthen the pelvic muscles;
    • Regularly visit a urologist for prevention.