  • Heart efficiency

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    The heart begins to knock for 8 months before the birth of any person and does not stop working for the rest of his life. The heart never sleeps and does not rest, it can only slow down the rhythm of its work.

    If we perform heavy physical work or run, then our heart works twice as fast as usual. Normally, it beats at a speed of 60-72 beats per minute. If you resort to simple arithmetic calculations, it is easy to calculate that in a day( if the day is calm) it makes 100 thousand strokes, per month - 3 million. On average, only one day the heart pumps from 13 to 25 thousand liters of blood. Such a performance can not be achieved by any machine. Even an ordinary pump made of metal can work no more than 10 years, but the heart is not made of metal! It is necessary to be surprised only to our mother-Nature, who managed to create such a miracle.

    We do not notice the work of our heart until it hurts. Our car or motorcycle we care much more than about our health, which, of course, is unacceptable. But after all, observance of elementary precautions, careful attitude to one's heart and periodic checks at the doctor could add unnecessary years to his work capacity.

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    The lungs and the heart work in close relationship. With each breath, a fresh supply of oxygen enters the bloodstream, which makes the blood bright red and releases it from excess carbon dioxide. From the lungs, the blood enters the left atrium, into the left ventricle, from where it is pumped into the arteries.

    This is the transport network of our cardiovascular system.

    capillaries of the head and upper: parts of the trunk-

    . Small and large circles of the adult's blood circulation of substance, salt, water, oxygen and trace elements, and "waste products" are taken-the products of decomposition of mineral and organic substances, unnecessary impurities,carbon dioxide.

    But every transport network needs constant care, and the heart - the power plant - in good fuel. If we stick to a healthy lifestyle, eat well and do not abuse smoking, alcohol and caffeine( coffee, tea, chocolate), our heart can work for a very long time without major repairs.