  • Treatment of gastroduodenitis with folk remedies

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    Read in the article:
    • What is gastroduodenitis: symptoms and causes
    • Treatment of gastroduodenitis at home: folk remedies, prescriptions
    • Prevention and helpful advice on how to relieve and normalize the patient's condition with gastroduodenitis

    Treatment of gastroduodenitis at home: folk remedies

    Gastroduodenitis isa fairly common disease of the gastrointestinal tract, the treatment of which combines medicines, enzymes, multivitamins and health improvement dithe.

    In addition to the therapy prescribed by the doctor, recipes of traditional medicine that can significantly speed up the healing process are of special demand.

    What is gastroduodenitis: symptoms and causes ^

    Gastroduodenitis is a kind of gastrointestinal disease, the inflammatory processes of which affect the mucous membrane of the duodenum and stomach.

    The causes of this disease include:

    • Disrupted diet;
    • Regular use of alcohol;
    • Depression, stress;
    • Prolonged use of antibiotics;
    • Intestinal infections;
    • Decreased immunity.
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    The main symptoms of gastroduodenitis are nausea, vomiting, heartburn, a feeling of heaviness in the stomach, diarrhea or constipation, cramping sharp pains in the upper part of the stomach.

    Gastroduodenitis is divided into several types - acute, chronic, erosive, superficial( erythematous), atrophic, hypertrophic and mixed.

    Folk treatment of gastroduodenitis offers simple recipes prepared in a safe and safe manner, consisting of medicinal herbs, beekeeping products and medicinal berries.

    The following anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial, antispasmodic and healing folk remedies for the treatment of gastroduodenitis can provide excellent additional help:

    • Chamomile, plantain, air, mint, sporegrass, cucumber, centenarius, chaga, aloe and many other medicinal plants;Propylene powder,
    • ; honey;
    • Seabuckthorn, mountain ash, viburnum, black currant;
    • Potato, cabbage juices.

    Treatment of gastroduodenitis in adults

    Symptoms of gastroduodenitis in adults can be varied, as the form of the manifestation of the disease depends on the cause and nature of the course. They can be either pronounced, but short-lived or constantly increasing.

    Treatment of this disease is as follows:

    • Weekly bed rest;
    • Special strict diet;
    • Antibiotic therapy;
    • Reception of enzymatic preparations;
    • Physiotherapy.

    Treatment of gastroduodenitis in children

    The course of gastroduodenitis in childhood is manifested as pain in the stomach after eating, nausea, vomiting, belching, constipation and pallor of the skin.

    Treatment of this disease involves the appointment of enveloping, enzymatic, antimicrobial drugs and a strict sparing diet.

    Treatment of gastroduodenitis in pregnant women

    Gastroduodenitis in pregnant women causes stomach pain, nausea, stool and poor health. After the exact definition of the form of the disease, the doctor prescribes medicines that are safe for the child's future and relieve inflammation and pain.

    In addition to medicines, the patient must necessarily adhere to bed rest, strict, but at the same time sparing and balanced diet.

    During the treatment of gastroduodenitis in pregnancy, depending on the degree of acidity of the disease, it is recommended to use mineral water.

    Treatment of gastroduodenitis in the home: folk remedies, prescriptions ^

    Treatment of gastroduodenitis folk methods: home recipes

    Treatment of acute gastroduodenitis

    • Grind in a coffee grinder 5 parts of a cudweed, three parts of a sponge, two parts of roots of ara and mint, one part of cumin seeds.
    • 150 gr.cooked collection to combine with a liter of boiling water, put in a thermos and insist the night.
    • Ready to take infusion three times before eating 100 ml each.

    Treatment of chronic gastroduodenitis

    • Half a glass of berries of viburnum bring to a boil in three liters of water, then insist a day.
    • Add a couple of cups of chopped chaga to a potassium broth, then insist another 40 hours.
    • After the required time, the broth should be filtered, add to it 100 ml of aloe juice and 150 ml of fresh honey.
    • Received medicine to take two tablespoons.three times before eating.

    Treatment of erosive gastroduodenitis

    • Combine equal parts of St. John's wort with a gold-thinned beet, then prepare the infusion( tbsp for a glass of boiling water).
    • A strained drink is used morning and evening for half a glass on an empty stomach.

    Treatment of superficial gastroduodenitis

    • Collect 20 gr.licorice root with an alteum, chamomile flowers and fennel fruits.
    • Put a glass of boiling water in a glass of boiling water.collection, boil, strain, then take before bedtime for 200-250 ml.

    Treatment of gastroduodenitis with high acidity

    Prepare a collection of the following herbs:

    • 40 gr.plantain leaves;
    • 40 gr. St. John's wort;
    • 20 gr.centipedes;
    • 15 gr.yarrow;
    • 10 gr.roots of aira.

    Put a glass of boiling water in a glass of boiling water.collection, then give a boil in a water bath. Ready-made broth should be filtered, divided into three parts and consumed within a day.

    Treatment of gastroduodenitis with low acidity

    • Squeeze out 50 ml of juice from black currant berries, dilute with the same amount of water, divide into three parts and consume during the day.
    • Dessert spoon of aloe juice should be taken twice a day before meals in 30 minutes.

    Treatment of gastroduodenitis with exacerbation of

    • Mix equal shares of St. John's wort, plantain, cumin, tinder and chamomile, then in the amount of st.l.pour the grass with a glass of boiling water for 15 minutes.
    • Then strain, divide into four parts and take before meals for half an hour.

    Treatment of gastroduodenitis with propolis

    • In the morning on a hungry stomach, slowly chew, then swallow fresh natural propolis in an amount of 6 grams.
    • The duration of the procedure is a month.

    Treatment of gastroduodenitis honey

    • Honey mixed with mashed ashberries, infuse the mixture for three hours, then use according to st.l.4 times daily.
    • Two tsp. Honey diluted in warm boiled water and take an hour before eating.

    Treatment of gastroduodenitis with sea buckthorn

    • Combine a liter of water with a glass of sea-buckthorn, place on fire, boil for 5 minutes, strain and add a couple of st.l.honey. A ready-to-use medication before meals is 100 ml four times daily.
    • Sea-buckthorn natural oil is taken by ch.l.before meals twice daily.

    Treatment of gastroduodenitis with herbs

    • Mix equal parts of calendula, St. John's wort, root of mildew, mint and yarrow, then put two tablespoons of boiling water in a glass of boiling water.collection for 20 minutes.
    • The filtered infusion is consumed for two weeks three times before meals daily.
    We also advise you to read the article Treatment of cholecystitis with folk remedies.

    Prevention and helpful advice on how to relieve and normalize a patient's condition with gastroduodenitis ^

    A diet with gastroduodenitis is a strict food regime based on a certain thermal, mechanical and chemical processing of food.

    Diet therapy consists not only of prohibited and permitted dishes, but also of the following rules:

    • Dishes should be steam or boiled;
    • Prepared food must be crushed or grinded thoroughly before use;
    • The use of products in raw form is excluded;
    • Eating small meals up to six times a day;
    • Do not eat hot or cold food.

    The dietary therapeutic diet includes the following products:

    • White bread, white breadcrumbs, buttery biscuits;
    • Frozen cheese, dietary sausage;Boiled or steamed vegetables, fruits( persimmons, apples);
    • Cooked berries;
    • Whole milk, cream, cottage cheese;
    • Steam omelet, soft-boiled eggs;
    • Butter, vegetable refined oil;
    • Low-fat soups, mucous or well-boiled porridges.

    The main methods of gastroduodenitis prophylaxis are:

    • Do not abuse food dangerous for the stomach and drinks - fried, fatty, pickled, smoked, alcoholic and carbonated drinks;
    • Observe the optimum temperature regime of the dishes;
    • Timely treatment of diarrhea or constipation;
    • Protect yourself from stress;
    • Follow a healthy lifestyle.