  • How to remove a sulfur plug from your ear at home

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    Read the article:
    • What is the sulfur plug in the ear: the symptoms, the causes of
    • How to remove the sulfur plug by folk remedies: home remedies
    • Prevention and helpful tips how to avoid the formation of sulfur plugs in the ears

    Sulfur tube in the ears: how to remove at home

    Sometimes people notice that their hearing is deteriorating. The reason for this is often the ear plug.

    To date, sulfur plugs in the ears are a very common problem, which must be solved immediately after its appearance.

    What is a sulfur plug in the ear: symptoms, causes ^

    Sulfur in the ears is developed in order to protect the hearing organs from external influences, to prevent the ingress of various infections, bacteria and viruses into the ear. Auditory canals should be cleared of sulfur naturally. However, as a result of the accumulation of sulfur, dust particles and dead epithelium, an ear plug is formed.

    To be honest, today few people turn to a specialist for help in solving this problem. More often patients carry out removal of a sulfuric stopper in house conditions. Despite this, it is important to consult with an otolaryngologist beforehand, which will give useful recommendations.

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    Reasons for the appearance of sulfur plug in the ear:

    • long stay in a dusty place;
    • improper care of the auricles;
    • features of ear structure;
    • irritation, which appears due to the use of cotton buds, headphones;
    • skin damage inside the ear;
    • has a history of aural diseases such as otitis media or sinusitis.

    The cleaning of ears from sulfuric plugs by folk methods is allowed only with full confidence in the correct diagnosis. In case of careless procedure, serious complications are possible that can lead to complete or partial hearing loss.

    Ear cork in the ear: symptoms

    The danger of sulfur plugs is that they are difficult to recognize. Very often patients do not even feel any discomfort from the accumulation of sulfur. Symptoms, as a rule, appear after bathing, when water enters the ears and sulfur swells. The most common signs of the formation of sulfur plug:

    • tinnitus;
    • painful sensations;
    • dizziness and headaches;
    • feeling of ear congestion;
    • hearing impairment;
    • in the ear gives its own voice during the conversation.

    How to remove the sulfur plug with folk remedies: homemade recipes ^

    How to remove sulfur plugs from the ears:

    tips To prevent sulfur fuses from causing trouble, you must carefully clean the ear canal. If they are already formed, you need to be able to remove them carefully. There are many ways to do this. The most effective are softening and washing the ears from sulfur plugs.

    Removing the sulfur plug with hydrogen peroxide

    This procedure is the most common. It is recommended to use 3% hydrogen peroxide for its carrying out. It is important to purchase a solution of such a concentration in order to avoid a burn of the external auditory canal.

    • First, a few drops of solution should be pipetted into the pipette. On the bed, it is necessary to arrange in such a way as to lie on a healthy ear. In the ear, it is necessary to drip a few drops of peroxide and place a cotton swab there.
    • This procedure is preferably performed before bedtime for seven days. Instead of hydrogen peroxide, you can use glycerin or any vegetable oil.
    • The next step is rinsing. It is necessary to take a syringe with 20 ml of peroxide, then lie on one side and start to pour liquid into the ear, wait 10 minutes.
    • And the last step is the washing out of the sulfur plug. To do this, the shower is most often used. It is required to adjust the warm water and slowly direct the water jet into the ear. Cork should go out quickly, greatly improving the patient's well-being.

    Removing cork with ear candles

    Ear candles can be made at home from beeswax, propolis, essential oils and medicinal herbs. You can also buy them at the pharmacy. Special candles not only help get rid of this unpleasant problem, but also anesthetize, warm your ears, remove inflammation.

    The positive effect of the candles is due to the optimal combination of heat and vacuum that occurs in the ear during the burning of the candle. Sulfur not only softens, but also moves outward.

    To carry out the procedure and cure a sick ear, you need to prepare 2 ear candles, several cotton buds, napkins, matches, cotton, water and baby cream. It is necessary to carry out such actions in the indicated order:

    • Massage the auricle using a children's moisturizing cream.
    • Lie on your side and cover your head with a napkin, making a hole in the ear area.
    • Place the lower edge of the candle in your ear, and burn the upper one.
    • Wait until some of the candle burns, then get it out of your ear and put it out in the water.
    • Remove the remains of the candle using a cotton swab.
    • Close the ear with a cotton swab for about 10 minutes to keep warm.

    Use of pharmacological agents

    Drops that are sold in each pharmacy, effectively soften and dissolve plugs, removing them from the ear canal. Use the medicine simply: it should be dripped into the ear, and after a couple of minutes, rinse the leftovers with saline solution.

    These drops are in many cases completely safe for health and are used even for the treatment of children. They are contraindicated in case of damage to the tympanic membrane and hypersensitivity to the components that make up the drug. Medicaments can be replaced with onion juice, digging in the diseased ear 3 drops twice a day.

    Self-blowing nose

    This option is used in case the sulfur plug does not come out of the ear after softening.

    • It is required to make an input, and to pinch the wings of the nose with fingers.
    • With a strong expiration, sulfur should exit the auditory canal.

    Use this procedure with extreme caution. If severe pain occurs, self-bloating should be stopped immediately and consult a doctor.

    We also recommend that you read the article Treatment of the front with folk remedies.

    Prevention and useful advice on how to avoid the formation of sulfur plugs in the ear ^

    • During cleaning of the auricle, it is prohibited to use sharp objects that can damage the drum partition.
    • You need to pay attention to hygiene.
    • It is recommended to avoid hypothermia, getting into the ears of cold water.
    • It is necessary to monitor the state of health by regularly visiting a doctor-otolaryngologist.

    To get rid of sulfuric cork in the ears with the help of folk remedies is very simple. But before carrying out any procedure to remove sulfuric cork it is worth considering whether it will not bring harm. If there is even the slightest doubt about this, it is necessary to contact qualified specialists who will help get rid of congestion in the ears and recommend the most effective and safe ways for this.