  • Treatment of pneumonia( pneumonia) folk remedies

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    Read the article:
    • Causes and symptoms of pneumonia( inflammation of the lungs)
    • Rapid and effective treatment of pneumonia at home: folk recipes
    • Prophylaxis and useful tips on how to relieve and normalize the patient's condition in pneumonia

    Treatment of pneumonia with folk remedies greatly accelerates recovery.

    Pneumonia is much more effective and can be treated more quickly if you combine antibacterial and medicinal therapy with folk medicine methods, which offers a wide range of safe products that help to significantly accelerate the healing process.

    Causes and symptoms of pneumonia( inflammation of the lungs) ^

    Pneumonia, or pneumonia, is a serious infectious inflammatory process that occurs in the lung tissue.

    Its pathogens are various microorganisms - viruses, adenoviruses, staphylococcus, pneumococcus and others.

    In addition, the development of pneumonia is directly influenced by many factors:

    • Alcoholism, smoking;
    • Reduced immunity;
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    • Prolonged bed rest;
    • Infectious or respiratory diseases of the respiratory tract.

    Pneumonia is divided into four types - acute, viral, focal and congestive. For any of the types of the disease characterized by the following symptoms:

    • High fever, fever and chills;
    • Shortness of breath;
    • Pain in the chest, head and muscles;
    • Sweating profusely;
    • Severe cough;
    • Mala, severe pallor of the skin, weakness, apathy.

    Rapid and effective treatment of pneumonia in the home: folk recipes ^

    The popular treatment of pneumonia will help to maximize the speeding up of the healing process only in combination with medications. The main methods that home medicine offers are phytotherapy, copious drinking, compresses and inhalations.

    The most popular folk remedies for rapid treatment of pneumonia are:

    • Lime honey;
    • Medicinal plants - oregano, birch buds, elderberry flowers, lime blossom, nettle, St. John's Wort and others;
    • Aloe juice;
    • Rosehip fruits, dried raspberries and cranberries;Onion and garlic juices.

    Treatment of pneumonia in adults

    Infectious inflammatory processes occurring in the body of adults begin to manifest itself in the form of dyspnea, shortness of breath, night sweats, chest pain and cough. On the background of the symptoms of pneumonia, there is a strong weakness and an increase in temperature.

    • First aid to the body in fighting the beginning of pneumonia is able to provide vitamin, anti-inflammatory and sudorific drinks in large quantities - tea with raspberries, rose hips or lemon, orange and pomegranate juices, herbal teas, cowberry and cranberry fruit.
    • Thermal compresses( mustard or alcohol) and inhalation are recommended to be performed in the absence of high temperature.

    Treatment of pneumonia in children

    Traditional medicine can be provided only with additional, but quite effective help to medical therapy in the treatment of pediatric pneumonia.

    • To reduce such symptoms of pneumonia as high temperature, it is necessary to provide the child with a copious drink - warm berry fruit drinks, fruit compotes, mineral water without gas.
    • A warm decoction of mother-and-stepmother with lime honey or honey-flavored radish juice will help cough.
    • At the final stage of treatment of pneumonia, for complete recovery, fir inhalations can be used to divert the remaining mucus in the lungs. In addition, fir oil is recommended to lubricate at bedtime chest area.

    Treatment of pneumonia in pregnant women

    Inflammatory disease of the lungs during pregnancy requires lightning fast taking the necessary measures of appropriate treatment.

    Together with a doctor-appointed therapy for pregnant women, you can use the following folk methods of treating pneumonia:

    • Observe an abundant drinking regime - compotes, fruit juices( limited citrus), tea with raspberries, a drink from rose hips;
    • For the expectorant effect, you can use a decoction of mother-and-stepmother, violets or althea with honey.

    Treatment of acute pneumonia

    For successful treatment of the acute form of pneumonia, folk medicine suggests using the following household remedies:

    • At 15 cm, place part of the bandage with finely chopped onions and put it in a special inhalation mug. Breathing is necessary about 10 minutes six times a day;
    • Sweating antitussive broth - take one part of the collection of oregano, raspberries and coltsfoot, boil with boiling water about 200 ml. Eat warm every day.

    Treatment of viral pneumonia

    In the treatment of viral pneumonia, folk healers are advised to use decoctions of medicinal plants:

    • 80 g.kidney birch and 25 gr.lime flowers pour 450 ml of boiling water and keep on the fire for 2 minutes, after which drain. In liquid lime honey 500 gr.add 100 gr.sliced ​​aloe leaves, warm strained broth and 100 ml of olive oil. Take three times a day according to art.spoon, pre-shaking;
    • A couple of dried white fig fruits pour 200 ml of milk and boil for about 15 minutes over low heat. Milk drink is used for initial symptoms of the disease, 150 ml twice a day.

    Treatment of focal pneumonia

    • 100 gr.chopped garlic mixed with 0.5 kg.fat geese and heated with a water bath. Next, put the mixture on paper from parchment and put on the chest, wrapped on top with a woolen shawl. The compress is applied at night;
    • 350 gr. Lime honey boil( 7 minutes) in a water bath with 50 grams.birch buds. The prepared composition is diluted with water( tsp for 250 ml) and taken before bedtime.

    Treatment of congestive pneumonia

    • At night in a thermos, place 500 ml of boiling water with 4 tablespoons.berries of the viburnum. Infusion is used with honey after eating three tablespoons;
    • With stagnant pneumonia, mustard plasters or papillary patches placed on the chest have a good warming, diluting and anesthetic effect.

    Treatment of pneumonia with medicinal herbs

    Antipyretic and sweating collection:

    • Mix in equal parts( according to st.l.) oregano, string, chamomile and fruits of viburnum and raspberry.
    • Brew 600 ml of boiling water and use three times a half cup;

    Antitussive collection:

    • Pour 250 ml of boiling water st.l.dry plantain and birch buds, wrap and insist for two hours.
    • Take 30 ml 4 times daily.
    We also advise you to familiarize yourself with the article Treatment of laryngitis with folk remedies.

    Prevention and useful advice on how to relieve and normalize the patient's condition with pneumonia ^

    The main preventive measures for the prevention of pneumonia include:

    • Regular compliance with personal hygiene;
    • Maintaining the immune system with vitamin preparations and proper nutrition;Avoid seasonal hypothermia and colds.

    For complete recovery after the end of pneumonia treatment, it is recommended to drink more drinks that remove residual toxins and increase immunity - compotes, sea buckthorn berries, cranberries, cranberries and raspberries.

    In addition, it is desirable to eat more fermented milk products to restore the microflora after the medical treatment of pneumonia.