
Treatment of erosion of the cervix by folk remedies

  • Treatment of erosion of the cervix by folk remedies

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    Read the article:
    • What is cervical erosion: symptoms, causes of occurrence, effects
    • Treatment of erosion of the cervix folk remedies: home recipes
    • Prevention and useful tips how to prevent the formation of erosion of the cervix

    Treatment of erosion by domestic means: folk recipes

    Erosioncervical uteri is a woman's gynecological disease, which is detected by a doctor-gynecologist after the examination of the patient.

    In medical conditions, erosion is treated with cryodestruction, chemical coagulation, moxibustion and other techniques, some of which are painful and can cause undesirable side effects.

    If the form is not released, this disease is effectively treatable with folk medicine, the remedies of which are not only effective, but also safe for health.

    What is cervical erosion: symptoms, causes, consequences ^

    Cervical erosion is a disease characterized by the appearance on the mucous membrane of the uterine neck of the defect in the form of a bright red spot called erosion.

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    Cervical erosion: symptoms of

    • Pain experienced during intercourse and the presence of bloody discharge after it;
    • Burning, itching in the vagina;
    • Malfunctions of the menstrual cycle are rare.

    In most cases, the initial stage of the disease is asymptomatic and is determined by a preventive examination by a gynecologist.

    Cervical erosion: causes of

    • Hormonal imbalance;
    • Dysbacteriosis of the vagina;
    • Untimely treatment of sexual infectious diseases;
    • Abortion, traumatic birth.

    Cervical erosion: consequences of

    Although this disease is considered benign, however, if it is incorrect or untimely, it can develop into a cancerous tumor or become one of the main causes of infertility.

    Cervical erosion is clinically divided into the following types: true, congenital, pseudo-erosion( ectopia), ectropion and endometriosis.

    Treatment of erosion at home involves the use of popular traditional medicine, which can have an effective healing effect.

    Among widely used folk techniques, douche and baths with medicinal anti-inflammatory and healing plants, the use of tampons with rosehip oil, pumpkin or sea-buckthorn, the use of healing tinctures with broths and the application of bee products are considered particularly effective.

    Cervical erosion during pregnancy

    When diagnosing this disease in pregnancy, treatment is extremely difficult because some methods and drugs for prospective mothers are contraindicated, others are not recommended.

    If erosion of the cervix does not bleed and causes other discomfort, its therapy is postpartum.

    However, in case of severe symptoms, the doctor may prescribe to the pregnant patient the sea-buckthorn or methyluracil candles, which are safe and do not affect the fetus.

    Cervical erosion after childbirth

    Postpartum erosion is a fairly common phenomenon that almost every woman encounters. The method of its treatment depends on certain factors - the degree of neglect, the size of the lesion, the patient's age, health and so on.

    In medical conditions, the treatment of erosion involves the use of one of the following procedures - cauterization( diathermocoagulation), liquid nitrogen( cryodestruction), laser treatment and chemical coagulation.

    Use of folk remedies for getting rid of erosion is recommended at an early stage of the disease.

    Cervical erosion in nulliparous

    To this pathological formation in nulliparous factors such factors as abortions, venereal diseases, papillomas, herpes and others contribute.

    For treatment, modern medicine offers the use of laser, nitrogen and other most gentle methods, which do not leave serious consequences after themselves, and also do not lead to scarring of the neck, which can cause infertility.

    Treatment of erosion of the cervix by folk remedies: home recipes ^

    Folk treatment of cervical erosion: home prescriptions

    Treatment of cervical erosion at home allows you to get rid of it with natural safe means that gently and effectively affect this formation and do not leave scarring behind. Thanks to simple and effective methods, painful, and sometimes expensive, cautery can be avoided.

    Treatment of cervical erosion with onion

    • With three small bulbs remove the husks, fill it with 0.5 liters of boiling water and insist for an hour.
    • The resulting onion infusion should be washed with the vaginal area.

    Treatment of cervical erosion with chamomile

    • Pour a liter of hot water into a glass jar and place two tablespoons.chemist's drug chamomile.
    • Place the can in a water bath, hold for 20 minutes, then insist 40 minutes and allow to cool.
    • Romashkovy broth should be syringed once a day.

    Treatment of cervical erosion with eucalyptus

    • Eucalyptus tincture diluted in warm boiled water in a ratio of 1 tsp: 200 ml and apply the resulting solution in the form of syringing.

    Treatment of cervical erosion mummy

    • In 150 ml of water, dissolve 2.5 gr.natural mummy, then moisten it with a tampon and put it on overnight.
    • The course of treatment takes 14 days, break -10 days.

    Treatment of erosion of the cervix with honey

    • In a three-layer gauze put ch.l.fresh liquid natural honey, roll into the shape of a tampon and insert overnight.

    Treatment of cervical erosion aloe

    • In three tsp. Aloe juice add three drops of castor oil and 20 ml of liquid honey.
    • Prepared a tampon moistened in the resulting solution and enter overnight into the vagina. The number of procedures is 15.

    Treatment of cervical erosion with sea buckthorn oil

    • In the morning and in the evening for an hour, put a cotton-tampon swab moistened with sea buckthorn oil in the vagina.

    Calendula treatment

    • Ст.л.dried calendula flowers put in a container with two glasses of boiling water and insist an hour. Ready-made infusion should be carefully filtered and applied as a daily douching for 15 days.
    • 20 gr.fresh marigold inflorescence mix with 20 ml of olive oil, then infuse for 10 days, strain and use to wet tampons.

    Treatment of St. John's wort

    • Four st.l.the inflorescence of St. John's wort is placed for 10 minutes on a fire in two liters of water, then insist another hour.
    • A well-filtered warm decoction should be followed by douching for 20 days each evening.

    Treatment with propolis

    • In an enamel saucepan, add 200 gr.butter, let it melt over low heat, then add 10 gr.crushed propolis, and then boil the mixture for 15 minutes.
    • Prepare the hot mixture through a three-layer gauze, cool and insert a tampon soaked in it for 20 minutes.

    Treatment of cervical erosion with herbs

    • Baden root is an excellent hemostatic, anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial, antitumor and astringent.
    • For syringing, the following solution should be prepared - three tablespoons.roots of the bean paste in 200 ml of boiling water and evaporate the broth to half the original volume.
    • The resulting extract of bdan should be diluted in 0.5 liters of warm water in a volume of two tablespoons.
    We also recommend that you read the article Treatment of endometriosis with folk remedies.

    Prevention and useful advice on how to prevent the formation of cervical erosion ^

    The main preventive measure to avoid erosion of the cervix is ​​a regular visit to the doctor - gynecologist for preventive examination.

    Additional measures to prevent its occurrence are:

    • Compliance with the rules of personal hygiene by a woman and her partner;
    • Quality and timely treatment of genital tract diseases;
    • Preventing unwanted pregnancies and eliminating abortions by using contraceptives.