
How to reduce blood sugar in the home without drugs

  • How to reduce blood sugar in the home without drugs

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    Read in the article:
    • Blood sugar in humans: symptoms and causes of increased sugar
    • How to reduce blood sugar in folk remedies: home prescriptions
    • Prevention and helpful tips on how to quickly lower blood sugar at home

    How to reduce blood glucose: folk remedies

    Everyone who does not even suffer from such a disease as diabetes should control the blood sugar level.

    This is necessary in order to prevent possible health problems. After all, the human body will work well only if the glucose level is stable.

    Human blood sugar: symptoms and causes of increased sugar ^

    The level of glucose is considered one of the most important biological indicators. The normal level of sugar in the blood on an empty stomach should be 3.6 - 5.8 mmol / liter. Of course, the exact value can not be determined, since it depends on the individual characteristics of each person.

    However, sometimes in the body failures occur and metabolic processes are disrupted. The body stops producing enough insulin and, consequently, the blood sugar level increases significantly.

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    The main causes of elevated blood sugar:

    • genetic predisposition;
    • strong stress;
    • pregnancy;
    • infectious diseases;
    • the presence of a disease such as diabetes mellitus;
    • frequent overeating, the presence in the diet of a large number of easily digestible carbohydrates.

    Signs of increased blood sugar:

    • A constant thirst can indicate problems with sugar. When the sugar is not normal, the kidneys are working more actively to filter out its overabundance. Thirst is a signal that you need to fill the missing fluid.
    • The feeling of fatigue with an increased level of glucose appears very often. All because the sugar remains in the blood, and does not enter the cells, therefore, the cells do not receive the necessary energy.
    • Dizziness is also considered a sign of an elevated glucose level.
    • Swelling of the hands and feet.
    • Numbness of the limbs, pain in the hands and feet with changing weather conditions.
    • Deterioration of vision, the appearance in front of the eyes of fog, black dots, flashes.
    • Wounds that do not heal for a long time.
    • Rapid weight loss.

    Reducing blood sugar at home can be achieved if you stick to a certain diet. It is advisable to eat foods that lower blood sugar:

    • Vegetables: celery, aubergines, tomatoes, lettuce, radish, cucumbers, etc.
    • Fruit: cherry, lemon, apples, avocado, strawberry, melon, banana, citrus fruits and the like.
    • Spices: linseed oil, mustard, ginger, cinnamon, raw garlic. Nuts and beans.
    • White fish, rabbit and chicken meat.

    To date, in order to monitor glucose levels, there is no need to visit the laboratory. You can use the fast method using a glucometer. In case the results exceed the maximum permissible values, you should contact a specialist for further treatment.

    How to reduce blood sugar in folk remedies: home remedies ^

    How to reduce blood glucose at home: folk remedies

    Some people use medicines, others consider reducing blood sugar without drugs in a more effective way.

    How to reduce blood sugar in oats

    Oats are a very effective tool that is used to treat many diseases, including to reduce glucose levels. The remedy is very easy to prepare.

    • Half a glass of oats should be poured into 600 ml of boiled water.
    • It is necessary to boil the mixture in a water bath for 15 minutes, then press for about an hour.
    • It is recommended to take ½ cup decoction three times a day before meals.

    Duration of treatment with oats is 30 days. No less useful is the juice from the stems of oats, which is recommended to take half the glass before eating twice a day.

    How to reduce blood sugar in flax seeds

    • Flax seeds must be ground in a coffee grinder.
    • After this, a teaspoon of the prepared powder should be poured into 200 ml of boiled water.
    • Infuse for 30-40 minutes, then cool.
    • In the prepared infusion, squeeze the juice of half a lemon.
    • Infusion does not need to be filtered. After cooking, you need to drink it in one gulp, then do not eat for another 2 hours.

    If you adhere to the recommendations, then the glucose level will begin to decrease after 3 hours. You can also use a whole flaxseed, adding it to salads and cereals.

    How to reduce blood sugar in buckwheat

    Buckwheat is considered no less effective means that will help achieve the desired level of glucose in the blood. A good buckwheat in that it contains few carbohydrates, but many useful substances.

    • Groats must be ground in a coffee grinder.
    • Each evening, a tablespoon of ground buckwheat should be poured 200 ml of kefir and insist all night.
    • It is recommended to take the prepared mixture daily on an empty stomach one hour before a meal.

    How to reduce blood sugar onions

    • Onions will have a beneficial effect on the body and reduce glucose level if you drink a tablespoon of onion juice before meals.
    • Also from the onion, you can prepare a useful tincture. To do this, grind a small onion and pour a glass of cool water. Infuse for 2 hours. Take one third of the glass three times a day.
    • Another useful and affordable recipe is a baked onion. It is necessary to bake in the oven bulbs, without cleaning them from the peel. To achieve the desired result, you need to eat two onions three times a day before meals.

    How to reduce blood sugar by chicory

    Experts have proved that chicory is very useful in diabetes mellitus.

    • You can drink a drink based on chicory, which is sold in every pharmacy and supermarket.
    • A teaspoon of chicory should be poured with boiling water and leave for 30 minutes.
    • Take half the glass three times a day.

    You can also prepare a decoction of chicory root.

    • To do this, you need a teaspoon of chopped chicory root, pour a glass of boiled water, put on low heat and cook for 10 minutes.
    • After this, infuse for an hour and take on a tablespoon before eating.

    How to reduce blood sugar with walnut

    To combat this problem, it is recommended to use walnut, specifically walnut septums. Of these, you need to prepare a decoction according to the following recipe:

    • 40 g of septums you need to pour 400 ml of water and mix well;
    • put on fire and cook over low heat for 50-60 minutes;
    • cool.

    Drink a tablespoon of broth daily before each meal.

    How to reduce blood sugar in horseradish

    • For treatment, you will need a horseradish root, which must be grated and mixed with sour milk in a ratio of 1:10.Do not use kefir instead of sour milk.
    • The resulting mixture should be taken three times a day on a tablespoon before eating.
    • This means that the blood sugar level will decrease gradually.

    How to reduce blood sugar lemon

    To cope with this problem will help all known lemon.

    • To prepare a remedy, you need to squeeze juice from one lemon and add a raw egg to it, mix thoroughly.
    • Take a cocktail in the morning, one hour before breakfast.
    • Course - 3 days, break - 10 days.
    • The course of treatment can be repeated.

    How to reduce blood sugar in vegetable juices

    Vegetable juices are an indispensable means for lowering glucose level. To prepare a medicinal solution, it is necessary to mix potato, cabbage and beet juice in equal amounts.

    For reception of positive results juice should be accepted under the certain scheme. You need to drink a third of the glass of juice before eating in the morning and evening. After a week of treatment with vegetable juices, the result will be noticeable, and the blood sugar level will decrease.

    How to reduce blood sugar in herbs

    Herbal preparations are universal helpers. Lowering the level of glucose will help such herbs as nettle, dandelion, linden color, cowberry leaves, blueberries, etc.2 tablespoons herbs pour a glass of boiled water and insist. It is recommended to drink herbal infusions three times a day.

    There are cases when with the help of herbal infusions the level of sugar came back to normal, and diabetes mellitus receded. Herbal teas, for example, from hawthorn, rose hips are also useful for lowering glucose in the blood.

    We also recommend that you read the article How to bring down the temperature without medication at home.

    Prevention and helpful tips on how to quickly lower blood sugar at home ^

    When the blood sugar level is elevated, the doctor is recommended to follow a strict diet. At an increased level of glucose in the blood, the diet of the diet can look like this:

    • Breakfast: skim curd, buckwheat with milk, rosehip tea.
    • Snack: freshly squeezed juice without sugar.
    • Lunch: vegetable borsch, meatballs, steamed, tea.
    • Snack: unsweetened fruit.
    • Dinner: baked fish, stewed cabbage, tea.
    • It is recommended to drink a glass of kefir before going to bed.

    We add that the diet for diabetes mellitus has a lot of nuances and should be discussed with the attending physician.