
Lacunar tonsillitis: symptoms and treatment, photo, causes

  • Lacunar tonsillitis: symptoms and treatment, photo, causes

    Lacunar angina is an acute disease caused by beta-hemolytic streptococcus, less often - by other bacteria.

    The disease is easily transmitted by airborne droplets, causing the formation of purulent deposits in the deepening of the tonsils( lacunae).

    It must be diagnosed and treated on time, as it can cause life-threatening complications in a person.

    Causes of the disease

    The following microorganisms can cause lacunar angina:

    • beta-hemolytic streptococci, group A;
    • of staphylococci;
    • Klebsiella pneumoniae;
    • pneumococci;
    • of the gonococcus;
    • wand of Pfeiffer;
    • Klebsiella;
    • combination of one of the listed bacteria with streptococcus.
    Viruses do not cause lacunar angina. They can only weaken the immunity - both local( on tonsils), and general. The bacteria get into the tonsils from the air, where they are sprayed with the saliva of a person with a sore throat:

    • when talking;
    • sneezing;
    • kissing;
    • cough.
    Increased probability of contracting angina in such cases:
    instagram viewer

    • congenital maldevelopment of tonsils;
    • chronic inflammation of the ENT organs;
    • supercooling;
    • breath by mouth;
    • hypovitaminosis C and / or B;
    • sharp pressure drop or humidity;
    • food mainly protein food;
    • stress;
    • smoking.
    Read also, catarrhal angina, follicular sore throat and purulent sore throat.

    Symptoms of lacunar angina

    The incubation period for lacunar angina is from 10 hours to 2 days. Further in adults, the following symptoms develop:

    1. 1) A rise in body temperature is a reaction of immunity to the introduction of a foreign agent into the body, aimed at destroying it( microbes stop multiplying and die at high temperature).
    2. 2) Chills - reaction to a rise in temperature. Initially, the muscular tremor is triggered by the thermoregulation center to raise the temperature of one's own body, because of this, a person sweats, which causes this feeling of coldness.
    3. 3) Sore throat. It is caused by swelling of the tonsils in response to the development of infection in them.
    4. 4) Increase and pain under the jaw, where it is possible to probe the moving round lymph nodes( probing causes discomfort or soreness).
    5. 5) Fatigue, weakness.
    6. 6) Headache, which is eliminated by taking painkillers.
    7. 7) There may be pain behind the sternum on the left or pain in the lumbar region. These are dangerous symptoms, having felt that a person should call an ambulance, and not refuse hospitalization in an infectious hospital.
    If you open your mouth and breathe it( then the root of the tongue sinks), then on both sides of the tongue, which hangs from the sky, you can see the tonsils:

    • large( the free distance between them becomes insignificant);
    • red;
    • on the surface of the visible white-yellow or grayish raids, which are located in the natural depressions of the tonsils - lacunae.
    These abscesses can fuse. When you try to remove them, they are easily removed without causing damage to the underlying tissues or local bleeding.

    See also, symptoms of angina and whether it is necessary to take antibiotics for angina.

    Symptoms of lacunar angina in children

    In children, the disease is more severe. It usually begins with a rise in temperature to high figures, on the background of which children under 6 years of age may experience seizures - common, with loss of consciousness and even stopping breathing.

    The child refuses food and liquid even not so much because of intoxication, but because of the fact that it really pains him to swallow. A pronounced increase in tonsils in the smallest children can lead to suffocation: the baby begins to suffocate, his skin( at first - only in the area of ​​the nasolabial triangle and nail beds) acquires a cyanotic shade.

    In addition to such life-threatening symptoms, lacunar angina in children may manifest itself with other signs that differ from the clinical picture in adults.

    These are the following symptoms:

    • nausea;
    • signs of conjunctivitis;
    • abdominal pain;
    • diarrhea;
    • pain giving in the ear.
    These signs can knock the parents off the right path, so they can not call the doctor, and the treatment will be inadequate( for example, from poisoning).Namely, in children, such an angina can be complicated by rheumatism( including, with the development of heart defects), kidney disease.

    Treatment of lacunar sore throat

    The effectiveness of treatment of lacunar angina in children and adults is based on observance of the general regimen:

    Important: before the temperature decreases, the regimen should be bed rest. This, together with drug therapy, will help( as far as possible) prevent complications of pathology. Therefore, if you find enlarged and reddened tonsils with a touch on them, you need to call a doctor who will issue a sick leave.

    The diet includes an abundant drink( if you can not drink because of acute pain in the throat, you need to be hospitalized), excluding from the diet those substances that can irritate the tonsils, causing even more of their edema. These are spicy, salty and pickled dishes.

    Also allergenic products are excluded, as they too can increase the degree of edema of the lymphoid tissue. This rule is especially important for children, eliminating chocolate, bright sweets, nuts, seafood. The food should not be hot, mashed, liquid or semi-liquid.

    The drug treatment of lacunar sore throat includes the prescription of such drugs:

    1. 1) Antibacterial agents are an indispensable component of treatment. They can be used both in the form of tablets, and in injections and droppers. They are applied: "Gramox", "Tsefeks", "Cefadox", "Augmentin", "Ciprofloxacin" and others. Important: the course - at least 7 days, if it is interrupted due to the improvement of the condition, you can easily get complications in the form of rheumatism and glomerulonephritis.
    2. 2) Antihistamines: "Erius", "Zodak", "Loratadin", "Diazolin".They reduce swelling of the tonsils, improving swallowing.
    3. 3) Probiotics: Entererozermina, Linex, Hilak. They need to be taken in between using the antibiotic. The course is 7 days longer than the antibiotic.
    4. 4) Anti-inflammatory drugs: "Nurofen", "Naiz", "Aspirin"( the latter should not be given to children in any case).They are drunk 2-3 times a day, regardless of whether the body temperature has been increased at the moment, or not( this is a prevention of rheumatism).
    5. 5) Local treatment: rinsing the throat with an aqueous solution of Furacillin, a slightly pink solution of Stomatidin or Oracept, a soda-salt solution( 1 tsp of salt and soda per glass of water).Rinse it 4-5 times a day, after each meal. Strongly frequent rinsing does not allow the tonsils to recover, whereas a very rare rinse prevents the purification of pus.(see how to gargle with angina.)
    6. 6) After rinsing - use of local antiseptics: "Hexenal", "Tantum Verde" and others.
    Read also how to treat sore throat at home.

    What happens if I do not heal?

    Lacunar tonsillitis is dangerous precisely because of its complications, which include:

    • rheumatism is a disease in which the joints are reversibly inflamed( that is, their deformations do not remain), but the heart( its vices develop) can irreversibly be affected.
    • glomerulonephritis is an inflammation of the kidney tissue that is triggered by the attack of kidney structures by immune complexes.
    • chronic tonsillitis.
    • abscesses of tonsils.
    • ingestion of bacteria into the bloodstream, which can cause the development of a septic process with the defeat of internal organs: lungs, heart, liver, brain, joints.

    What is prevention?

    There is no vaccination to prevent lacunar angina. As a nonspecific prevention, the following measures can be called:

    • sanation of chronic foci of infection;
    • strengthening of immunity;
    • treatment of diseases that cause difficulty in nasal breathing;
    • if someone is ill in the family, be sure to wear a mask and( if possible) to stop contacting the rest of its members.

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