  • Treatment of opisthorchiasis folk remedies

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    Read in the article:
    • What is opisthorchiasis: the causes, symptoms, types
    • Treatment of opisthorchiasis at home: folk recipes
    • Prevention and helpful advice on how to avoid opisthorchiasis

    Home treatment for opisthorchiasis: recipes.

    Opisthorchiasis is a disease to which any lover of fish products or delicacies is exposed.

    For the removal of parasitic worms from the body requires the appointment of certain medications and compliance with the diet.

    In addition, for the treatment of opisthorchiasis popular techniques are widely practiced that have natural and non-toxic properties for the body.

    What is opisthorchiasis: causes, symptoms, types ^

    Opisthorchiasis is a lesion of the liver, pancreas, gallbladder by parasitic worms, called a feline or Siberian gnat. This causative agent penetrates the human body through the use of raw, thermally underprocessed or slightly salted fish.

    Reproduction in the digestive system causes the following symptoms:

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    • In acute form - nausea, vomiting, decreased appetite, fever, diarrhea, abdominal and muscle pains, enlarged liver, skin rashes;
    • In chronic form - manifested in the form of pancreatitis, hepatitis or cholecystitis.

    Opisthorchiasis in humans occurs in the following clinical forms: acute, chronic, typhoid-like, cholangic, bronchopulmonary, hepatocholangic and gastroenterocolytic.

    The danger of this disease consists in filling with pus liver, biliary tract and the appearance of a cancerous tumor.

    Folk treatment of opisthorchiasis must be combined with a complex of drug therapy and strictly under the supervision of an infectious disease doctor. Traditional folk remedies for the treatment of opisthorchiasis are widely used by folk medicine:

    • Medicinal plants - St. John's wort, aspen bark, celandine, buckthorn, tansy, wormwood, dandelion( leaves, roots) and other herbs;Pumpkin seeds, garlic, honey;
    • Lime ash, birch tar.

    Home treatment of the opisthorchiasis consists of three main stages:

    • Preparatory stage - antihistamines and sedatives, choleretic, laxatives and enzyme preparations;
    • Stage of purification from parasites with the help of a special anthelmintic preparation;
    • Restorative stage - the process of restoration of invasive secretory and motor functions.

    Folk remedies in this case are applied in the first two stages of the therapeutic course.

    Treatment of opisthorchiasis in adults

    For the removal of parasites in adults, traditional medicine is widely used chemotherapy in the form of a glistular preparation Praziquantel, which is contraindicated in children and pregnant women.

    The disadvantage of this effective drug is its high toxicity to internal organs and a strong effect on immunity. Therefore, it is desirable to combine it with folk medicine.

    Treatment of opisthorchiasis with home remedies not only speeds up the process of parasite withdrawal, but also has a beneficial effect on the body.

    Treatment of opisthorchiasis in children

    The initial stage of treatment of opisthorchiasis is accompanied by a decrease in intoxication in the child's body. Complex therapy includes antihistamines, antispasmodics, antibiotics, antihelminthics and digestive enzymes.

    Treatment of the opisthorchiasis of the house requires strict adherence to a diet, mainly consisting of abundant drinking, consumption of dairy products, low-fat meat, legumes and cereals.

    Treatment of opisthorchiasis in pregnant women

    During the period of opisthorchiasis, pregnant women will be hospitalized, where treatment procedures will be used to restore the affected liver function and stop the symptoms of allergies. In addition, future mothers prescribed bed rest with a special diet.

    As anti-inflammatory and cholagogue means are prescribed decoctions of corn stigmas, chamomile, immortelle and other herbs that do not adversely affect the growing fetus.

    The appointment of antihistamines to pregnant women is performed exclusively by the attending physician.

    Treatment of opisthorchiasis at home: folk recipes ^

    Folk treatment of opisthorchiasis: home recipes.

    Treatment of acute opisthorchiasis

    • Pour a glass of pumpkin fresh seeds, combine with two raw chicken yolks, a glass of boiled water and st.l.honey.
    • Drug mixture should be used on an empty stomach, then for two hours keep the warmer under the right side.
    • After this procedure, you should wait 10 days and repeat.

    Treatment of chronic opisthorchiasis

    • St. John's wort( 10 g.) Pour boiling water( 200ml), insist half an hour, then use six times a day.
    • Lime sprigs are burned, ashes are sifted and placed in a jar. Art.mix the mixture in hot milk, add honey and eat on an empty stomach.

    Treatment of typhoid-like opisthorchiasis

    • Grind fresh leaves of burdock through a meat grinder, squeeze out the juice obtained through gauze from gruel.
    • Take in fresh form on an empty stomach in the morning to 30 ml for three weeks.

    Treatment of hepatocholangitis opisthorchiasis

    • Pine buds pour pure alcohol in a ratio of 200 g / 500 ml, cleaned for 10 days in a dark place.
    • Pine tincture should be taken 20 ml before meals every morning.

    Treatment of gastroenterocolitic opisthorchiasis

    • 10 tbsp.flax seed mixed with st.l.cloves, chopped in a coffee grinder and added to food or eaten in a pure form, with plenty of water.
    • The daily norm of the mixture should not exceed 30 g.per day.
    • The duration of the procedure is three days, after which a three-day break and so on for a month.

    Treatment of opisthorchiasis with garlic

    • Mix the following ingredients - a glass of alcohol, a glass of beet juice, a chopped large head of garlic, a bottle of holos.
    • The resulting mixture should be insisted for three days, then strain and take st.l.three times every day for 14 days.

    Treatment of opisthorchiasis with aspen bark

    • Aspen crust to grind, take 10 tablespoons, pour them with a liter of boiling water and keep on fire for 20 minutes, then strain and cool.
    • The treatment procedure is the following - two tablespoons.decoction take three times during the day before eating.

    Treatment of opisthorchiasis with birch tar

    Scheme of birch tar consumption - daily in st.l.warm milk add the following amount of tar:

    • Day 1 - one drop;Day 2 - two drops;Day 3 - three drops;
    • And then in this sequence for up to 10 days, after which the number of drops is again reduced by one.

    Treatment of opisthorchiasis with herbs

    Prepare the following number of herbs:

    • St. John's wort, tansy, clover, buckthorn, wormwood - 50 g;
    • Thyme - 25 g;
    • Ground pumpkin seeds - 20 gr.
    • After cooking, all components are mixed, 4 tablespoons are taken, 800 ml of boiling water is poured and 4 hours are infused.
    • The received anthelminthic infusion is taken daily in half a glass.
    We also advise you to familiarize yourself with the article Treatment of worms with folk remedies.

    Prevention and useful advice on how to avoid opisthorchiasis ^

    During the therapeutic course, it is important to adhere to a diet that can inhibit the multiplication of fluke.

    Food regime for opisthorchiasis should consist mainly of the following products: prunes, apples, sour-milk products, raw domestic( for store) eggs, sauerkraut juice, vegetable soups, crumbly porridges, wheat or rye bread. Particular attention is given to the abundant use of liquid in the form of non-acidic berry, fruit juices, fruit drinks, fruit broth, kissels and compotes.

    In addition, rational nutrition should be followed even after the removal of parasites. The dietary regime in this case is aimed at restoring the affected internal organs by excluding fried, sweet, fatty, sharp and smoked dishes. Daily

    human nutrition, getting rid of pests, for a predetermined time should preferably consist of vegetables, fruits, dairy products, vegetables and dairy soups, cereals and abundant liquid drink.

    To avoid infection with opisthorchiasis, it is important to follow preventive measures:

    • Observe the technique of cutting fish;
    • Carefully follow the rules of salting, heat treatment of fish;
    • Do not try fish or minced fish raw;
    • Boil thoroughly, fish fish products;
    • After cooking the fish, you must thoroughly clean the kitchen tools and wash your hands.