  • Treatment of warts with folk remedies

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    Read in the article:
    • Warts: the causes of appearance and types of
    • How to get rid of warts at home: folk recipes
    • Prevention and helpful tips how to avoid the appearance of warts

    How to get rid of warts: folk recipes.

    The penetration of the human papillomavirus into the body often leads to the appearance on a specific area of ​​the skin of nonhazardous tumors called warts.

    Their appearance can cause some discomfort when being in public places, and also significantly cloud the appearance.

    To remove warts, there are two methods - surgical removal or excretion by natural means and methods of traditional medicine.

    Warts: causes and types ^

    Warts are benign skin lesions( papules) of the viral etiology, which is a dense, painless and dry papilla or nodule.

    The papillomatous virus that is transmitted by contact - handshaking, being in a public shower room, sauna, bathhouse, swimming pool and other public places gives rise to this skin build-up.

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    However, the immediate impetus for activating the virus are the following predisposing factors:

    • Cutaneous microtrauma;
    • Weakened immunity;
    • Hyperhidrosis of feet, hands;
    • Wearing tight shoes.

    Warts have the following varieties - common( vulgar), plantar, flat( juvenile), senile, subungual and genital warts. The main places where they are localized are hands, face, soles, genitals and underarm area.

    This benign skin bulge affects any person, regardless of gender or age. Most often they occur in childhood and affect the hands or feet of the child. Treatment of warts with home remedies in children is possible only with the emergence of a single and a small education.

    However, if the papules are multiple and large, it is necessary to show the child to the doctor for examination, laboratory tests and the subsequent appointment of appropriate therapy. In adults, warts can cause cosmetic discomfort, if the place of their localization of the hand or face, and physical - with the plantar form of the disease.

    Most often, for the destruction of warts on the face, adults resort to laser therapy, liquid nitrogen, electrocoagulation and other surgical techniques. However, for small single cases of their occurrence, adults can apply the practice of treating warts at home for years.

    Folk treatment of warts suggests using the following simple methods:

    • Sokoterapiya, i.e.external use of vegetable, berry juices or plant fluids;
    • Compresses( day, night, temporary), baths, oil lubrication and homemade natural ointments;
    • Internal use of broths that strengthen the body.

    Traditional medicine offers the following effective folk remedies for the treatment of warts:

    • Honey, propolis;
    • Juices of plants - celandine, dandelion, calendula, string, Kalanchoe and aloe;
    • Medicinal herbs - lemon balm, thyme, oregano, plantain, juniper and so on;
    • Oils - castor, tea tree, olive, linseed or sea-buckthorn.

    In addition, home treatment for warts gives excellent results with garlic, potatoes, onions, cabbage leaves, green apples and vinegar.

    How to get rid of warts at home: folk recipes ^

    Treatment of warts: recipes for traditional medicine.

    Treatment of warts on the face

    • Leave the calanchoe leaves, attach to the papule, and fix with plaster;
    • Hemp oil( 4) mixed with honey( 1) and lubricate the skin lesion 5 times daily;
    • Dilute a glass of water in a glass of water.soda and treat the affected area with a solution. Then cut off the aloe leaf, cut and fasten it to the built-up edge. Compress apply overnight.

    Treatment of warts on the hands of

    • Squeeze juice from domestic apples and grease them with a wart daily;
    • Mix tea tree oil with sea buckthorn oil( 1/1) and gently lubricate the surface of the papule.

    Treatment of warts on the legs

    • Fruit juniper( fresh) mix 1: 1 with olive oil, place in a glass container and stand on a water bath for an hour. Then strain the mixture with warts for the night, placing a bactericidal patch on top;
    • Flaxseed oil daily, gently rub in the area of ​​the papule.

    Treatment of warts on the genitals

    • Melissa insist in boiling water for two hours in the calculation of 2 tablespoons.for 350 ml of water. Cooked infusion to use every day for half a cup three times a day;
    • Before taking a bath in the water, add 8-10 drops of tea tree oil.

    Treatment of senile warts

    • Tincture of thuja or ammonia to treat warts daily;
    • From sundew, squeeze the juice and lubricate it twice( morning, evening) senile papules.

    Treatment of plantar warts

    • Three tablespoonsoregano, insist in a glass of boiling water for three hours and add the infusion into the water for foot baths;
    • Extract celandine( pharmacy) carefully to process the plantar growth. The procedure is as follows - treatment once a day for the night two days in a row, then a day of rest. So it should be repeated until it is blackened and destroyed.

    Treatment of flat warts

    • Mash the fruits of ashberry and fix the resulting gruel onto the papule for the night;
    • Three tablespoons of wormwood pour boiling water( 200 ml) for two hours. Then with a strained infusion, make daily compresses.

    Treatment of warts celandine

    • Fresh celandine juice applied to the growth three times a day;
    • Mix the celandine juice with glycerin( 1: 2) and lubricate the resulting mixture with papules three times each day.

    Treatment of warts with garlic

    • Mix the same amount of garlic paste with butter and daily apply the prepared mixture to the sore spot for an hour;
    • Cut a slice of garlic gently rub the papule every day.

    Treatment of warts with vinegar

    • From three drops of vinegar and a pinch of flour, prepare a mixture similar to the liquid dough and use a cotton bud to apply it on the growth;
    • Medium onion, cut into plates, pour 1/3 cup of vinegar for two hours. Then soaked onion slices gently attach to the affected area and fix it. The duration of the compress is 4 hours.
    We also advise you to familiarize yourself with the article Treatment of papillomas with folk remedies.

    Prevention and useful advice on how to avoid the appearance of warts ^

    Based on the fact that the warts are a consequence of the activation of the papilloma virus, the main useful advice is to strengthen immunity. To do this, you need to revise your daily diet and make it in the light of the continued vitaminization of foods.

    In addition, immunity excellently helps to strengthen berry gatherings, fruits and immunostimulating herbal decoctions.

    As additional prevention, the following measures are used:

    • Strictly observe personal hygiene and the rules for visiting any public places;
    • The area of ​​cuts provides immediate treatment with greenery, hydrogen peroxide or iodine;
    • Avoid tight and uncomfortable shoes or clothes;
    • Do not use other people's personal items;
    • Avoid close contact with sick people.