  • Treatment of bronchitis with folk remedies

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    Read the article:
    • Causes and symptoms of bronchitis
    • Rapid treatment of bronchitis at home: folk recipes
    • Prevention and useful tips on how to relieve and normalize the patient's condition with bronchitis

    Treatment of bronchitis with folk remedies helps to quickly restore health.

    The use of popular methods of traditional medicine helps to significantly reduce the duration of treatment of bronchitis and rid the body of long-term use of medications that often have undesirable side effects.

    Causes and symptoms of bronchitis ^

    Bronchitis is an inflammatory disease of the respiratory tract affecting the bronchial mucosa. Depending on the severity of the lesions, the acute, chronic, obstructive, asthmatic forms and the smoker's bronchitis are distinguished.

    The main symptomatology associated with any form of bronchitis is:

    • A prolonged, dry and non-expectorating( subsequently moist) painful cough;
    • Temperature increase;
    • Hearing and wheezing with breathing, shortness of breath;
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    • Severe weakness;
    • Pain in the sternum, accompanying cough.

    Popular treatment of bronchitis, primarily aimed at reducing inflammation of the respiratory tract, liquefaction and excretion of sputum from the bronchi and significant relief of the patient. The most popular methods used by folk medicine in the treatment of bronchitis are:

    • Phytotherapy - the use of medicinal properties of medicinal plants;
    • Use of expectorants, antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory drinks;
    • Use of natural homemade ointments;
    • Inhalation procedures;
    • Warming compresses.

    Over the years, the following popular folk remedies for the rapid treatment of bronchitis have been used:

    • Pork, badger fat;
    • Juice of radish, beets, onions and aloe;
    • Berries of wild rose, raspberries, viburnum;
    • Honey, beeswax, propolis;
    • Fir or camphor oil;
    • Medicinal herbs, which have various healing properties in the treatment of bronchitis - licorice, coltsfoot, linden, St. John's wort, mint, leaves and stalks of raspberries and others.

    Rapid treatment of bronchitis at home: folk recipes ^

    Treatment of bronchitis with folk remedies: homemade recipes.

    Treatment of bronchitis in adults

    The manifestation of the first signs of bronchitis in adults begins with malaise, weakness and weakness. Then the progressive inflammatory process in the bronchi begins to manifest itself with a dry, sharp and painful cough. In order to stop the onset of bronchitis, you must immediately begin treatment.

    • One of the most fast-acting and effective antitussive agents for the treatment of bronchitis are broths from licorice root, mother-and-stepmother or plantain and badger fat. The last means can be used externally( in the form of lubrication) and inside.
    • Inhalations - herbal, potato or oil - are used as an anti-inflammatory and sputum-improving treatment.

    Treatment of bronchitis in children

    In childhood, inflammation of the bronchi begins to progress against the catarrhal diseases, which are characterized by fever, sore throat, runny nose, malaise and cough. Then the cough becomes dry, harsh, sharp and begins to cause attacks of an emetic reflex.

    Traditional folk remedies used at home for treating bronchitis will help to successfully alleviate the child's condition:

    • Home treatment begins with bed rest and a plentiful warm drink - raspberry tea, milk with honey, cranberry juice, fruit drinks.
    • In the absence of temperature, a good effect will be inhalation, mustard plaster on the feet and iodine net or heat compresses on the chest.
    • Badger fat is desirable to use not only as night grindings, but also inside with honey on a small spoon.

    Treatment of bronchitis in pregnant women

    During pregnancy, it is strictly forbidden to use the following methods and means of treating bronchitis:

    • Warming foot baths;
    • Use of mustard plasters or cans;
    • The use of herbs - oregano, ledum, anise, cornflower, elecampane, St. John's wort and nettle.

    Traditional medicine recommended only the safest methods of treatment of bronchitis in expectant mothers:

    • As a harmless and softening cough funds are allowed to use lime tea, milk with honey, decoction of mother-and-stepmother( limited).
    • Sodium alkaline or propolis inhalation will benefit greatly.

    Treatment of acute bronchitis

    • Inside a large radish cut a hole, put a thick honey in it, cover and put away at night preferably in a warm place. The resulting juice should be consumed in three divided doses;
    • Add 4 drops of fir oil to the boiled potatoes and use as a ten-minute inhalation.

    Treatment of chronic bronchitis

    • Prepare a herbal meal from a rosemary( 4 h), oregano( 2 h), birch buds and nettles( 1 h).Next, take a couple of tablespoons.mixture, pour 400 ml of boiling water and put on the fire for 10 minutes. Then for an intense 30 minutes, the broth is taken at 1/3 of the st.three times after a meal;
    • Liquid badger fat in its pure form or diluted with honey 3/1 taken orally daily on a spoon three times.

    Treatment of obstructive bronchitis

    • Rubbing 150 gr.berries of viburnum and mix them with 8 items of l.honey. Use inside a few spoons, drinking with hot tea with raspberries and lemon;
    • A 200 ml decoction of st.l.collection of thyme, fruits of anise, violet, root of elecampane and mother-and-stepmother take? Art.daily three times.

    Treatment of asthmatic bronchitis

    • 200 gr. Leave the aloe leaves with 200 ml of honey and 200 ml of Cahors and insist 10 days.
    • The resulting mixture is taken three times daily according to art.l.before meals.

    Treatment of bronchitis of a smoker

    • Take st.l. Ledum marsh, St. John's wort and thyme, pour 1.5 tbsp.boiling water and boil for 5 minutes.
    • Add honey and take daily as a tea.

    Treatment of bronchitis with propolis

    • 20 gr. Propolis to break into three parts and thoroughly chew before swallowing during the day;
    • 40 gr.propolis pour st.boiling water, put in a thermos for 24 hours, constantly shaking. Infusion to take twice a day for 30 drops.

    Treatment of bronchitis with medicinal herbs

    • Mix 2 tbsp.linden with licorice root, pour boiling water( 200 ml) and keep on fire for about 8-10 minutes. A strained broth is taken three times in 120 ml;
    • Art.spoonful of herbal collection( 3-violet violet - 5 g, plantain - 10 g, horsetail - 3 g., sweet clover - 10 g) pour boiling water( 250 ml) for 8 hours. Take 50 ml every 5 times daily.
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    Prophylaxis and useful advice on how to relieve and normalize the patient's condition with bronchitis ^

    For the prevention of bronchitis, it is recommended to adhere to light rules that will protect the respiratory system from this disease:

    • Avoid seasonal hypothermia;
    • Timely start treatment of any colds, especially domestic folk remedies;
    • Try to stop smoking or reduce the number of cigarettes smoked;
    • Do respiratory gymnastics;
    • Avoid weakening of the immune system.