breastfeeding naturally.
In principle, it is always safer to use the natural way, unless you are absolutely sure that you know the method better. Breastfeeding has the advantages we know, and probably many others we do not yet know. It helps the mother physically. When the baby sucks, the muscles of the uterus walls vigorously contract. This speeds up the return of the uterus to its normal position and size.
You could hear that with colostrum( the liquid that precedes real milk), the baby gets immunity against diseases. It is possible that this is so, although certain evidence has not yet been received. Children who are breastfed are less likely to have gastric disorders. The tremendous advantage of breastfeeding is that milk is sterile: a child can not catch infection through it. From a purely practical point of view, breastfeeding saves weekly many hours of work, because you do not need to sterilize the bottles, mix and prepare the milk formula, you do not have to worry about keeping the mixture in the refrigerator and about heating the bottles. This is especially important if you have to go somewhere. In addition, breastfeeding saves money. He also has another advantage, which is rarely mentioned: it fully satisfies the sucking instinct of the child. He can suck as much breast as he needs. It seems to me that it is for this reason that babies rarely suck fingers.
The most convincing evidence of the benefits of breastfeeding comes from mothers. They talk about the immense satisfaction that brings them the consciousness that they give the child something that no one else can give, a feeling of closeness. It is rarely mentioned that weeks after two women begin to experience very pleasant sensations during feeding. It should be so. A woman can not feel like a mother, or enjoy maternal happiness, or experience maternal love for a baby simply by the knowledge that she gave birth to this child. She becomes a real mother, especially in the case of the first child, only when she begins to take care of him. The more successful she does from the very beginning, the more satisfied the child receives, the sooner and happier she gets along with her new role. In this sense, breastfeeding performs miracles with the young mother and her relationship with the baby. She and her child are happy together and feel that they love each other more and more.
However, recently and especially in large cities, fewer and fewer babies are breastfed. The main reason is that artificial feeding has become available and absolutely safe. Another reason is habitual. If in the given country the majority of women feed children from a bottle, this seems quite natural to the young mother.