  • Mites bites

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    Very common bites of ticks. Ticks live among the leaves of trees, in tall grass or low bushes and jump over passing mammals, such as deer or dogs. A particular danger is that mites are carriers of microorganisms, which in turn can cause serious diseases, for example, meningitis and encephalitis.

    In some regions, the tick bite of can cause tick-borne rickettsiosis, an acute infectious disease accompanied by headaches, weakness, insomnia, muscle aches and focal pneumonia. But in most bites ticks do not cause serious problems.

    The mite is visible to the naked eye, and its bite swells. The size of the mite is on average 6-7 mm in length. With a bite, the tick immerses its head under the skin, and the body and legs remain outside.

    When going to a forest or park with a child for a walk, be sure to wear long-sleeved clothes, trousers and socks. Pants are best placed in socks to protect the skin of the legs from getting a tick on it.

    In areas of increased mite habitat, it is necessary to periodically inspect the baby's hair, this allows to detect the tick even before it has plunged under the skin.

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    If the child has a fever after a tick bite, a rash or headache has occurred and this condition lasts for several days or weeks, it is necessary to show the child to the doctor.

    If a pregnant female mite is left in the wound for several days, under certain conditions the child may develop a so-called tick-paralysis. The female secretes a toxin, which causes temporary paralysis. Paralysis occurs as soon as the insect is removed from the wound. But such a complication is extremely rare and can develop only if the mite is under the skin for several days.

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    First of all, the tick must be removed, although it can be washed out with pus from the wound. Complications after a bite are rare.

    The most difficult thing is to make the mite come out together with the claws and not kill it when it is under the skin. If after removal of the jaw claw mites remain in the wound, the healing may take several weeks.

    Doctors do not recommend removing mites themselves. It is best to conduct this procedure in a hospital.

    If the child has a fever, a rash or headache develops and similar symptoms of

    last more than three weeks, show the child to a specialist.

    The doctor can remove the tick, but he can not protect the child from the disease carried by the tick. Very often, mites can be found in seemingly inaccessible places, such as, for example, axillary cavities or the navel, but the most favorite place of the tick is the scalp.

    After removing the tick, the doctor usually sends it to the analysis to see if the tick is an encephalitis carrier or the tick is "clean".

    If a doctor suspects that with a bite a serious infection or an agent of a disease has got into the body of the child, he will take blood for analysis and, if necessary, prescribe antibiotics.

    Bite of red-mite

    Red-mites are small red insects. When bitten, they secrete a toxin that penetrates the skin, causing severe itching. Usually, small red wounds appear along the line of the top edge of the pants at the waist or other open places. At close examination in the center of such wound it is possible to find out a tiny larva of the red tick mite. Inhabitants of

    red tick mites on the bushes and in the grass. The tick bite is easier to avoid than to treat it later. You should use special repellents, wear long-sleeved clothes and pants.

    If a child is bitten by red-red mites, the bite sites will itch and itch for several weeks. The ranks should be kept clean and moistened with warm water at least twice a day. The doctor will help get rid of the insect itself, but not from itching. Anti-histamine drugs can cause drowsiness, so they are resorted to only when the itching becomes especially severe, despite home treatment with lotions, aspirin, and baths.