  • Granulosa pharyngitis: symptoms and treatment

    Pharyngitis, in simple terms, is an inflammation of the throat. From angina differs in that the mucous membrane of the throat, the soft palate and the retropharyngeal lymph nodes are affected.

    There are several varieties of this disease. One of the most unpleasant and complex in terms of treatment is granulosa pharyngitis. This variety refers to chronic diseases.

    Causes for the development of granulosa pharyngitis

    • if microelements, viruses and fungi that cause inflammation of the tissues of the nasopharynx enter the body;
    • constant presence in a room with low humidity;
    • hereditary predisposition;
    • abuse of alcoholic beverages and tobacco products;
    • allergic reactions;
    • by inhalation of industrial dust or gases;
    • prolonged nasal congestion, as well as in case of nasal septum damage;
    • diseases of the kidneys, heart, stomach and respiratory tract.

    In addition, granular chronic pharyngitis may be formed as a result of complications of such diseases as:

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    • rhinitis;
    • caries;
    • sinusitis;
    • tonsillitis.

    The course of the disease

    In the mucous membrane of the pharynx penetrates the pathogen, causing the flow of walls, flushing. Later on, the pharyngeal walls form fibrinous films, which include leukocytes, bacteria and dead cells.

    If you do not start treatment, red nodules( granules) form on the walls. Granules are an irritant of the trigeminal nerve, which causes coughing attacks.

    Granuletic pharyngitis: symptoms of

    • tickling in the throat;
    • pain when swallowing;
    • dryness in the throat;
    • formation in the nasopharynx of a viscous secretion, which is difficult to expectorate;
    • coughing attacks.

    These symptoms are similar to those of normal pharyngitis or sore throat, but are more pronounced. Therefore, with such symptoms it is better to consult a doctor, and not to make an independent diagnosis and not engage in self-medication.

    Consequences of the disease, serious - the transition to an atrophic form, more dangerous to health and accompanied by complications. Granulous pharyngitis to distinguish from usual angina can only doctor .To do this, it is enough to look into your throat.

    Granulosa pharyngitis: treatment

    Based on the results of the examination, the doctor can prescribe one of two treatment methods:

    1 .Treatment is aimed at eliminating the causes that contributed to the development of the disease. Perhaps the exclusion of certain foods from the diet, which could cause allergies or irritation of the mucosa. Necessarily it is appointed:

    • gargle of a throat by broths or tinctures from various grasses;
    • inhalation using sage, chamomile, eucalyptus, etc.;
    • moxibustion with iodine, collargol or protargol.

    2. Surgical intervention. A simple operation that is carried out in a short time without leaving the doctor's office. This method is bad because it destroys only the granules, but not the disease itself. Therefore, after the operation, additional treatment is prescribed.

    In both cases, medicines, vitamin complexes can be prescribed. It is important that the patient, at least for the period of treatment, refuses to smoke and drink alcoholic beverages. People would like to disappoint the people's medicine, it is powerless in the fight against granulosa pharyngitis.

    Since granulosa pharyngitis is a chronic form of , after passing through the course of treatment it is necessary to consult a doctor periodically to examine the throat in time to react to new manifestations of the disease.

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