
Izonit: schemes with figures for children - flowers, animals( step by step MC attached)

  • Izonit: schemes with figures for children - flowers, animals( step by step MC attached)

    Isolate: diagrams with numbers and a step-by-step MC for making colors in this technique.

    To discard is a very beautiful needlework that can be used by both adults and children. This kind of needlework in another way is called thread graphics, isografics, embroidery on cardboard, a picture of thread or thread design. For this kind of needlework, any thread is suitable. In the technique of isolating schemes with numbers are embroidered on certain points. Drawing you can create both monophonic and different colors.

    So, here's our collection.

    In educational institutions

    This needlework in Russia is popular in educational institutions.

    Isography is often used in labor lessons. Creative and abstract thinking, imagination and imagination are developing. Also, the coordination of the hands and the eye is developed. Children become more plodding. There is more patience and attentiveness.

    Watch the video:

    To begin with, in the handicraft store you can buy ready-made circuits for children with numbers. If you are a beginner, then choose the schemes easier.

    instagram viewer

    Or schemes that will be of interest to children.

    And soon you can go to more complex pictures.

    You can also print pictures or draw, perform without leaving your home. Moreover, on the Internet you can find a large number of pictures for children.

    Isolate can be varied, but special beauty is different to fade colors. Also there are pictures for beginners and more experienced needlewomen.

    Painting in technology to isolate "Chamomile"

    Let's look at the picture below:

    First make a picture:

    Now attach the picture to the cardboard and squeeze it:

    Then make holes on the cardboard:

    Now make a pattern on the vase on the "corner":

    Nowexecute the circular pattern:

    The flower petals are made in the "circle":

    Now you can make a napkin:

    Now sew the vase over the contour:

    Now embroider the stems and leaves on the "circle":

    To make the flowers complete, the core colorapply glue PVA.

    To make the flowers more tender, sprinkle the manga on the core and press it down a little.

    Surplus manki shake and dye gouache in yellow, and ears in green.

    Here is our picture and ready. Video at last:

    It is very beautiful needlework that can be used by both adults and children. This kind of needlework in another way is called thread graphics, isografics, embroidery on cardboard, a picture of thread or thread design. For this kind of needlework, any thread is suitable. In the technique of isolating schemes with numbers are embroidered on certain points. Drawing you can create both monophonic and different colors.

    So, here's our collection.

    In educational institutions

    This needlework in Russia is popular in educational institutions.

    Isography is often used in labor lessons. Creative and abstract thinking, imagination and imagination are developing. Also, the coordination of the hands and the eye is developed. Children become more plodding. There is more patience and attentiveness.

    Watch the video:

    To begin with, in the handicraft store you can buy ready-made schemes for children with numbers. If you are a beginner, then choose the schemes easier.

    Or schemes that will be of interest to children.

    And soon you can go to more complex pictures.

    You can also print pictures or draw, perform without leaving your home. Moreover, on the Internet you can find a large number of pictures for children.

    Ison can be diverse, but it's especially beautiful to change colors. Also there are pictures for beginners and more experienced needlewomen.

    Painting in technology to isolate "Chamomile"

    Let's look at the picture below:

    First make a picture:

    Now attach the picture to the cardboard and squeeze it:

    Then make holes on the cardboard:

    Now make a pattern on the vase on the "corner":

    Nowexecute a circular pattern:

    Let's make the flower petals according to the "circle":

    Now you can do the napkin:

    Now sew the vase over the contour:

    Now embroider the stems and leaves on the "circle":

    To make the flowers complete, apply PVA glue to the core of the flowers.

    To make the flowers more tender, sprinkle the manga on the core and press it down a little.

    Surplus manki shake and dye gouache in yellow, and ears in green.

    Here is our picture and ready. Video at last: