
How to get rid of couperose on the face: reviews about the most popular ways to treat couperose

  • How to get rid of couperose on the face: reviews about the most popular ways to treat couperose

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    The cause of the appearance of couperose on the face are weak vessels. First you might think that this is just a cosmetic defect, and a well-chosen cream can get rid of this trouble. But the reason is deeper. An integrated approach is required in treatment.

    We will try to understand, to ak to get rid of couperose on the face quickly and effectively.

    Skin care for couperose

    The appearance of red spots on the face of many is taken by surprise. How to behave in such a situation, so as not to harm the skin even more?
    Stop using aggressive cosmetic products that increase blood flow. It can be scrubs, mask-films, rubbing creams, cosmetics, which includes alcohol or fruit acids. It is not recommended to keep menthol, mint, honey, eucalyptus, aloe and cloves in such products.
    It is less to touch your face with your hands. Do not grind or use a hard towel. Wash only with cool water. Too hot or cold water can complicate the situation.
    Cancel visiting baths and saunas, you can not make steaming trays.

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    Adjust the food intake. Get away from alcohol, chocolate, citrus, fatty and spicy food.
    It is not superfluous to drink vitamins to strengthen the vessels.

    Methods for getting rid of couperose

    Getting rid of couperose on the face involves using several methods. Everyone chooses what suits him best.

    Cosmetic products

    Special cosmetic products can be purchased at the pharmacy. Many leading firms are engaged in solving this problem. Popular agents are Avene Diroseal, New Line, Janssen Vitaforce C Skin Complex, Lierac Apaisance Fluide Anti- Rougeurs, Bioderma Sensibio AR Cream.

    Folk remedies

    A slight manifestation of couperose is considered a minor problem. Therefore, few people immediately go to a dermatologist or a cosmetologist. As a rule, most women begin to use popular methods of struggle. Some recipes, indeed, are effective and quickly yield positive results. Tonic from chamomile. Two st. Spoons of chamomile must be brewed. Then the infusion is diluted in 500 ml of water. Add an ascorutin tablet and wipe the face.
    Mask of berries. Strawberries, raspberries, cranberries and sea buckthorn are turned into mashed potatoes. Add a spoonful of starch.

    Professional methods of

    Large manifestations of couperose or hereditary are very difficult to treat. For this there are professional methods.
    Electrocoagulation. Vessels are pierced with a thin needle, to which the current is connected.
    Laser sclerotherapy. Provides for the use of a laser. As a result of the procedure, all the affected vessels disappear.
    Photorejuvenation. This is the fastest and most effective technique, where a bright light beam is used.



    "I was helped by couperose folk medicine. Lubricated her face with a tincture of chamomile and calendula. Gentle skin care and no chemicals. Refused all the shopping tools! "

    " I am rescued by a mask of raw potatoes. I just rub it on the grater and put it on my face. Perfectly soothes the skin and makes the vessels invisible! "

    " I do not know who has a couperose, which is so quickly helped by folk remedies, nothing helped me. And special cosmetics including. Now I agree on the laser procedure. I hope that will help! "

    " I have lost my hands when I underwent laser treatment, but the couperose remained. I had to heal from the inside. A special diet, a healthy lifestyle and drugs to strengthen the blood vessels. Gradually, everything began to improve! "

    " I was very helped by Vichy's remedy. According to reviews, it is reliable and effective. I tried - it helped. There are also good cosmetics. But about vitamins and proper nutrition must always be remembered! ยป
