  • Treatment of joint diseases

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    There can be absolutely the same manifestation of the disease, and consequently, the same recovery. Therefore, everyone should have their own way of treatment. In the process of searching for your method of treating joint diseases and serious reflections on the causes of all the ailments, you involuntarily come to the conclusion that the path to recovery consists of certain stages( stages), and under conditions that must be strictly observed. Unscrupulous performance of at least one of them can push the recovery for an indefinite period or not at all to give the desired result. These conditions are simple and not burdensome, so if desired, everyone can easily adhere to them.

    Many, having familiarized with the method described below, believed in their cure, gained strength and determination to fight with illnesses. Let us believe in recovery and wish each other the firmness of spirit, the power of reason, the joy of life and human happiness.

    And now about the conditions for the treatment of diseases. The first condition is the patient's mental preparation for treatment. The goal is an inner spiritual attitude to cure the body, to achieve spiritual balance, to help the body in its fight against diseases. This is most difficult, because, having analyzed your life, a person should try to start living anew, become spiritually wealthier. It is easy to judge others, it is much more difficult for a non-partisan to look at oneself from the outside, at least for a time from self-love or self-abasement, having overcome inferiority complexes or overestimating the evaluations of one's personality.

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    The second condition is the fulfillment of certain procedures for removing poisons poisoning it from the body( wraps, compresses, baths, baths, massages, etc.).Do not all, but one or two procedures a day according to the plan of treatment, adhering to strictly defined time frames. After a month or two of intensive application of the procedure, it is necessary to stop the procedure, giving the body a rest for 5-10 days.

    The third condition is the reception of medicines prepared from medicinal plants: infusions, decoctions, tinctures, powders. With a poor state of the body, the first time you can use and pills prescribed by a doctor, but not for long: a month and a half. Each medicine is used for one to two months, after which it must be replaced by another one. For example, the first two months of treatment the patient drinks a decoction of the burdock root, a month or two later - a decoction of oat straw and so on.

    The purpose of taking potions is to restore the disturbed balance( equilibrium) of the body's vital forces: metabolic, energy and other processes;destruction of pathogens and substances.

    The choice of medicines depends on the patient's condition, the area of ​​his residence and the possibility to prepare certain medications.

    The fourth condition is the performance of feasible physical exercises, the purpose of which is the restoration of metabolism;simultaneous carrying out of massage and exclusion of harmful substances from body tissues;restoration of mental balance - the acquisition and strengthening of confidence in their abilities and capabilities. From the simplest and quietest exercises, without jerks and jumps, it is necessary, as the body strengthens, to move to more serious, with the use of weights, gradually increasing the load. Time of classes: first - 10-15 minutes, then this interval increases to 1-1.5 hours. You can not rush time, forcing your body: the result will certainly affect, and the ailment will be defeated.

    The fifth condition is proper nutrition. Food should not overload the body, preventing it from getting rid of the disease. It is necessary to exclude or reduce to a minimum the use of foods containing a large amount of uric acid - one of the components that destroy the body. A large amount of uric acid is found in meat of young animals, liver, lungs, kidneys, tongue, in liver sausage and sausage salami;in sardines, sprats, anchovies and herring. Uric acid is absent in cereals, vegetables, milk, so when joint diseases it is advisable to eat porridges, fruits and vegetables( especially cabbage, which can be consumed in large quantities and in any form), as well as honey. Try to reduce or exclude from your diet salty and spicy. However, do not go on diets.

    The sixth condition is rest and sleep. To prevent overloading the body should periodically release it from any loads, both physical and mental, and medicinal. A person should rest and from family troubles, and from dissatisfaction with his life. Many positive and negative points are very relative. In addition to psychological rest, a person needs a daily full-fledged sleep. In the room where the patient is, there must always be clean air, for which it must be periodically ventilated. The bed should be set so that the head of the patient is facing east or north.

    Treatment should not be performed immediately for in all directions, but in stages.

    stage( 1-2 weeks):

    a) drawing up a treatment plan by hours, days and weeks;B) preparation of necessary medicinal plants and means;

    c) psychological preparation for treatment, We will consider in more detail the sections of the stage:

    a) the plan should be made only after a careful study of the entire technique. The plan should provide for the timing and opportunities for the acquisition and preparation of raw materials, medicines( decoctions, infusions, tinctures, powders) necessary for the treatment of the disease, the time of their admission, the time and order of the procedures, physical exercises, etc.;

    b) for the general improvement of the body and cleaning it from harmful substances, it is necessary to prepare 6-10 sacks of oat straw( their number depends on the disease term and its neglect), 3 bags of hay and 3-4 bags of pine branches( and spruceknobs).

    It is desirable that the twigs are always fresh, so it is better to tear them shortly before the treatment procedure( for a day or two).Prepare also two enameled tanks with a capacity of 20--40 liters, a zinc bath( for rural residents), an enamel pot with a capacity of 3-5 liters. Oat straw is yellow stems of growing or sloping oats, you can also use its green grass. Broth of oat straw breaks out on the bones, improves the work of the kidneys( when ingested).

    Haymill is the seeds of plants, their leaves and stems, remaining under a mop or haystack;

    c) psychological preparation is perhaps the most important condition of healing. Before you start to treat diseases and cleanse your body of harmful substances, you need to cleanse your soul, freeing it of the weight of superfluous, superfluous, from what prevents us from living, to see the shining stars in the sky, the kindness of people, which prevents us from forgiving and beingforgiven, to turn evil into good and carry it;people, even their loved ones. We must try to live in peace with ourselves, remembering God, verifying each of our actions with His teaching and the best traditions of our People.

    The cure of diseases depends on the fulfillment of these conditions.

    The psychological moment of recovery is expressed in the following principles:

    1. Desire to be cured. Not everyone really wants to be cured: some somehow like to be sick, to be seen, to be pitied. Lishy their "pleasures", give them the life of healthy people, which often no one cares, surely some will refuse to recover. In fact, this happens: everyone remembers about the sick, no one is healthy. Such people talk a lot about diseases, savoring their details. They rely only on the help of traditional doctors and non-traditional physicians, who must deal with them every minute, forcing them to perform certain actions or procedures. There are also those who, although they consider themselves sick and dream of recovery, but only after they solve all other problems that may never end. And only a few, having abandoned all affairs, decide to recover and hope, first of all, for their own strength. They can not accept the disease and are acutely experiencing their condition. This category of people closest to others is to be cured. Aspiration to recover must be filled every cell of the patient's body, this desire must be above all others.

    2. Faith in healing. Faith is a complex and ambiguous state: in the process of illness it takes possession of the whole being of a person, but can gradually fade away, and even completely disappear, leaving behind itself emptiness, mortal anguish and complete indifference to oneself, the surrounding, illnesses and everything that is with itconnected. Is it dangerous. Hope for a second should not leave the soul of the patient. We must firmly believe that any disease, no matter how insidious, cruel and prolonged it may be, is curable. Many people have proved the opportunity to overcome seemingly incurable diseases.

    3. Getting rid of bad habits, unnecessary emotions and experiences. It is necessary for everyone to decide for themselves: whether to part with bad habits( evil, envy, money-grubbing, alcohol abuse, smoking, etc.) or leave everything unchanged, condemning yourself to new torments.

    It is necessary to try to get rid of harmful emotions by all means: feelings of revenge and secret insults drain the soul, take rest for a long time, and even for the whole life, making it torture, and the body - the repository of diseases

    One must want and be able to forgive, you can not forgive only betrayals, but also remember them constantly - an empty business.

    4. Overcoming temporary difficulties. Based on introspection, diagnosis and recommendations of the doctor to make a treatment plan by the hour, days and weeks. This will give the desired result, provided that the chosen method of treatment is completed. If for some reason one method of treatment fails or certain recipes or treatment procedures do not work, you should bring it to the end( if it does not harm your health) and take up the next, analyzing in detail the miscalculations of the previous one. If my system of treatment is not yet suitable or there are any difficulties in using it( complete or partial immobility, which does not allow performing certain procedures, etc.), you can first use other methods and recipes, taking into account, however, that they should also beuse not all at once, but one at a time, choosing the most appropriate ones for yourself. Having started to be treated by the method, gradually get rid of the use of medicinal chemical preparations( in 3-6 weeks from the beginning of treatment).Perhaps, at first it will be difficult for someone without pills, pain will increase and the condition will worsen. Do not worry, this is natural: the body is used to artificial stimulation and is either alone or not at all capable, or only partially able to function properly. Do not interrupt halfway and do not change the planned plan unnecessarily, do not go on about apathy and disbelief in success.

    5. Accuracy and consistency of the application of treatment procedures. It is necessary to accurately calculate the load on the body( both medicinal, physical and mental).In the process of treatment, it is necessary to remember the instability of the organism in the perception of loads( at different times the approach to treatment may vary), listen to its work. Always and in any situation, remember that even if recovery has come, the body needs time for rehabilitation and adaptation to the life of a perfectly healthy person.

    6. Correct dosage of physical and mental loads before and after recovery. For a complete recovery, it may take a month, maybe a year;It takes time for thought, not thoughts of illness. Not only then, but also after a lifetime, one of the previously used procedures should be performed regularly( at least once a week): full baths, wraps, foot and hand baths, massage, physical exercises, etc.).

    7. Preventing previous errors. After returning from illness, do not forget the reasons that gave rise to it, try to avoid old mistakes and not make new ones. Time is insidious: the life of a healthy person full of all sorts of problems is addictive, memories of the past gradually go far into consciousness, like a nightmare. Later, all that happened is generally not what happened to you. A person forgets that he has begun a new life, and again commits acts that have already led one day to illness.

    stage( 1-2 months): daily full wraps, drinking of broths, tinctures, infusions, exercise, bathing, bathing and massages( if these procedures are not contraindicated).

    The purpose of the wrap is to remove harmful substances from the body. Putting on clothes or wrapping themselves in sheets soaked in a special broth, we expand the pores of our skin. Broth of oat straw comes into a chemical reaction with the poisons of the body and pulls them out, into the material with which the body is wrapped. The result of the positive effect of this procedure can be determined by the sharp specific smell emanating from the material, as well as by its color. The used material( clothes) must be washed with soap after each wrap.

    treatment phase: in the morning, after sleep, take a cold or cool shower for 15-40 seconds, starting to pour from the feet to the head and back - from the head to the feet. After a shower, anyone who can and wants performs physical exercises to warm the body;who can not - go to bed again for 30-40 minutes before the body warms up completely.

    Three times a day, for 20-30 minutes before a meal, you should drink broths( infusions, tinctures, take powders) of burdock root, or oat straw, or birch buds, etc. But only one of those listed in the appendix. After one or two months of intake( no more), infusion( decoction, etc.) is replaced by another. The same broths or infusions can be re-used after a certain period of time, with any sequence,

    One hour before lunch and dinner you need to perform a set of physical exercises. However, when exercises are performed with weights, they should be performed once a day or two days, the rest of the time they are performed without burdening. After lunch, it is advisable to relax, sleep or just lie down.2 hours before bedtime, a full wrap.

    If during the wrapping you are frozen( and this happens), you can take a short warm shower after the procedure, after having finished it with cold dousing for 10-15 seconds. After these procedures, she immediately went to bed. Those who are allowed health, wraps should be carried out daily, to whom does not allow - in a day or in the following mode: two days of procedure, the third day - rest. Twice a week, regardless of other procedures( which are performed in its own way), it is necessary to take full baths with decoctions for 20-40 minutes and finish with cold dousing. If someone can not take baths or wraps, choose other methods of treatment. However, they can not fully replace the baths and wraps.

    stage( 3-6 months) - carrying out of medical procedures that promote body temperature increase, softening, burning and excretion of substances, which the diseased organism itself is not able to remove, improve metabolism, strengthen the body's defenses, etc. Increase in body temperaturealways causes the acceleration of chemical reactions.

    Baths are applied for 3-6 months( depending on the time of the course of the disease).In addition, you should continue to exercise and drink a lot of tea from herbs( mint, oregano, thyme, St. John's wort).

    The plan of the treatment phase: in the morning, after sleep, as before, a cold shower. Drink potions three times a day before eating. Baths are taken for half an hour before bedtime. To do this, you need to prepare in advance a decoction of oat straw or a mixed broth, to insist it for two to three hours and bring it to the bathroom without pouring, however, into the bath. Then pour cold oods with a temperature of 9-16 ° C( depending on the individual tolerance of the cold) to the bath, quickly undress and sit down so that the water reaches the stomach area, on some rag folded four times. After 30-60 seconds, get out of the bath and let out cold water from it, bay instead of it a decoction from the previously prepared tank, bringing the volume of water to the required. The full bath lasts from 20 minutes to an hour, the water temperature is from 38 to 43 ° C.Taking baths, you should drink 3-4 sips of a pre-prepared broth of oat straw or burdock root or tea with herbs. The volume of drunk infusion of broth leaves 200-500 ml. The procedure must be completed with cold dousing of the whole body, then put on a robe and go to bed for an hour and a half( if the procedure is performed in the afternoon).But it is best to take a bath before going to bed.

    It is desirable after each application of the bath, contrast shower, etc., stand for about five minutes on the applicator Kuznetsov. It is best to do this 5-6 times a day. During treatment it is not necessary to wrap it, on the contrary, it is necessary to give the body a breath of fresh air, but not supercooling - this can negate the entire treatment. The air in the apartment should always be fresh, clean, moderately warm, but not cold. As before, whenever possible, 1-2 times a week is good to visit the bath. For the night( with this procedure and further), you can tie compresses to the joints or rub the joints with ointments. In summer, it is advisable to travel to nature( to the country, to the country, to the rest home, etc.).

    V stage completes treatment and includes various therapeutic measures performed from 2-3 months to the final recovery.

    Basically, this is the reception of foot and hand baths, doing physical exercises. In the morning, after a dream - a cold shower, before lunch or after dinner - doing physical exercises and air baths for a naked body. In the evening, 3-4 hours before bedtime, in a tank of 20-40 liters, prepare a decoction of oat straw, hay or field horsetail, or from all this together. Remove the tank from the plate, take the steam foot bath: put the tank on the floor, remove the lid, strengthen the wooden lattice on the tank( in order to avoid burns), sit on a chair, put your feet on the grate, wrap up to the waist with a blanket or a light old blanket. The tank walked on legs to the waist and did not go outside. Who does not want, can not take this procedure, but she helped me a lot. After about 20 minutes after intensive sweating, stop the procedure, wash the body with cold water and lie down a bit in the heat. Before going to bed take a foot and hand bath. With the help of these baths, we artificially improve blood circulation in the extremities, feeding them with fresh blood: as a rule, the joints of the joints are cold, they accumulate and, without normal circulation, spoil blood, infecting tissues and the entire body with harmful substances. By placing the limbs in hot water, we thereby make the purer and more fresh blood flow to them;Cold water, on the contrary, promotes an intensive outflow of blood from the extremities to the heart. Having done this procedure 5-6 times, we artificially pump blood from the heart to the extremities and back, enriching them with the necessary substances and removing the waste substances through the pores of our skin.

    After taking foot baths, it is advisable to stand on the applicator for 3-5 minutes, hiding something warm. Foot and hand baths should be taken daily for the remainder of the treatment period. Still twice a week, regardless of the procedures used, you need to take a full bath with broths( you can immediately after taking a foot bath, pouring the broth into the tub).Well at least once a week or two visit the bath and twice a week, before taking a full bath, take a sit-in bath with cold water( half-bath).Warm( hot) shower must necessarily be finished with dousing with cold water, and those who are allowed health, take a contrast shower: well warmed up under warm water( before the redness of the skin), drench cold. Repeat this procedure 2-5 times. Tesch who does not tolerate cold water, it remains advisable to pour a relatively cold, according to your health However, the colder the water, the better for the body, it enriches the blood, increases the vitality of the body. If possible, a full body massage should be performed daily, stroking and pressing the long back muscles along the spine, starting from the waist and ending with the neck muscles. Press on the spine itself is undesirable. And kneading unruly joints is necessary from the first day of treatment, it is better to do this while taking baths.

    1. During treatment, it is advisable to consult a doctor at all times.

    2. Try not to bring yourself to extreme fatigue, to avoid physical and psychological stress.

    3. Do not take several medicines( infusions, decoctions, infusions) or different baths on the same day( excluding those that are included in the complex and described above).

    4. Keep your feet always warm, and if they swell or are hot excessively, hold them slightly in cold water, or walk around the floor barefoot, or wrap them around for a night with burdock leaves( cabbage, walnut or birch, to choose from).

    5. Do not bathe in cold water or take cold baths if the body is not warm enough. Procedures with cold water should not last more than 2 minutes, and the patient's stay in water at a temperature of 41-43 ° C of heat - no more than 5-7 minutes.

    6. The water temperature in the bath should be 37 ° C at the beginning of the bath, for 5 minutes it must be brought to the desired temperature by adding hot water. And as the water temperature rises due to the addition of hot water, it is necessary to provide the initial volume of water in the bath.

    7. Half an hour before the bath, it is advisable to take 1 teaspoon of motherwort or valerian tincture. Children use of tinctures is contraindicated, they need to give infusions, decoctions, powders, but in smaller quantities, rather than adults.

    8. After taking a bath, for intensive sweating and improving metabolism, you should drink hot milk with honey in a bed( 1 teaspoon of honey for a glass of milk) or hot infusion of herbs: peppermint, oregano, St. John's wort, thyme, burdock root,kidneys of a birch, leaves of a cowberry, etc.( any separately or a little at once).

    9. After taking a bath, without wiping yourself, it is necessary to go to bed, covered so that there is no access to the air to the body. After 15-20 minutes, lightly wiped off, put on dry clothes, stand on the applicator Kuznetsov 3-5 minutes and again go to bed for an hour and a half( if the procedure is carried out in the afternoon).However, it is best to take the procedure before bedtime.

    10. After taking baths or during the day, lying in bed, put on the liver a hot enough heater for 40 minutes - 1 hour. The same procedure should be performed always after eating, if the liver and spleen are enlarged, and only twice a day in other cases. In this case, the blood temperature in the blood lakes of the liver and spleen increases, activating the blood supply in the capillaries of the liver and spleen, resulting in an increase in the volume of circulating blood. The procedure should be carried out with a warmer for 2-4 weeks.

    11. During treatment and for some time after recovery, one should not run, jump and do sharp movements, as the bone tissue of the body is rarefied and therefore can be easily traumatized.

    12. During treatment, it is strictly forbidden to drink alcohol, as it worsens metabolic processes in the body, with great difficulty restored by procedures. It is advisable to quit smoking for those who are committed to this habit, since smoking has a negative effect on the vascular system and on the composition of the blood.

    13. If the patient is suffering from constipation, you should drink 3-4 drops of water at room temperature as often as possible during the day or take laxative infusions.

    14. If such an opportunity arises and the condition of the organism is given, it is useful to apply the treatment of stings of bees, beginning with three bites and bringing them gradually to 30 per day( adding 3 bites a day), planting bees on diseased joints. During such treatment should refrain from the use of water procedures and from drinking alcohol, as this neutralizes the effect of bee venom. Drinking potions does not stop.

    15. Try not to use other people's things( clothes and shoes).