
How to relax the muscles of the face: mimic relaxation of the forehead, lips, nose and temples( with video)

  • How to relax the muscles of the face: mimic relaxation of the forehead, lips, nose and temples( with video)

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    It is possible that sometimes you experience a prolonged sense of tension in the muscles of the face, fatigue of the skin, a feeling of compressed face appears. When the facial muscles remain tense at a time when you do not express any emotions, then this tension can lead to fatigue of the entire face. As a result, the circulatory process becomes worse, which leads to deterioration of the skin, the face becomes gray or pale, and we immediately start wanting to fix it. Read more on the video:

    Tired skin "gives" you the effect of a tired face, and over time this constant stress approximates aging and the appearance of early wrinkles. In this case, no expensive cosmetics can solve the problem of aging and slow down the wilting process and negative processes, no means raise the skin tone and improve its color if you do not learn how to relax your face muscles.

    If the symptoms of "muscle retention" in constant tension you have a long time, then, to this feeling you have already adapted, and it is not noticeable, and fatigue on the face comes by itself.

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    To stop the arrival of fatigue on the face, improve the tone of the skin and the general condition of the face can only be done alone, with a little effort and time, knowing how to feel and relax these strains in time. For this purpose, there are a lot of video clips that help in the fight against the constant tension of the facial muscles. For this purpose, there are also simple and quick exercises that need to be mastered and, if possible, done daily. To ensure that it is not costly in time, the duration of each charging session should last about thirty seconds.

    This short complex of exercises helps to relax the muscles on the forehead, cheeks, cheekbones and generally improves the overall appearance of the facial skin and gives a little tonus to the facial muscles. The exercises presented below need to be done every day, and if your muscles have been compressed before or are strained all the time, then you will feel a sense of ease and relaxation.

    More details on the video below:

    Complex exercises:

    • without hands help pulling eyebrows to the temples;
    • mentally pulls the lower eyelids down;
    • to feel the relaxation in the area of ​​the cheeks, we pull the lower lip inwardly, and then the corners of the mouth into the center, we feel the increase in the lips;
    • mentally pulls the center of the lower lip down, it helps to relax the chin;
    • check if the tongue is loose in the mouth and our jaw is compressed or not;
    • push the cheeks away from the teeth, feel the air cushion between them;
    • for relaxation of the cervical and shoulder section mentally, but with the application of effort, stretch the crown up.

    Now from the mental exercises we move to the physical exercises: we turn to the physical exercises:

    • closes our eyes, breathing in slowly, raising the eyebrows as high as possible, pausing for a couple of seconds and exhaling back, making a fifteen second pause and repeating several more times;
    • slowly inhale and lower eyelids, gradually straining the muscles of the eyes, tightly squeeze them. We stay so for a second and relax our muscles with exhalation. We repeat this exercise three more times;
    • that the eyes rested during sleep, before going to sleep, it is necessary to make several movements with eyes in a circle, in one and in the opposite direction;
    • to relax the muscles of the nose, maximally round its wings, as if something very indignant, take a breath and exhale. On exhalation we relax, repeat this exercise three times.

    All exercises aimed at relaxing the facial muscles, guarantee complete rest and healthy functioning of the skin, so it's best to do a little exercise for the face every day in the evening.