
How to make an envelope from A4 sheet, as well as from an ordinary tetrad sheet

  • How to make an envelope from A4 sheet, as well as from an ordinary tetrad sheet

    From ordinary album sheets you can make a lot of different crafts, as well as create a variety of envelopes for discs, letters and money. Such a detail will be an excellent addition to the gift, because things made with their own hands are always appreciated.

    Method № 1

    We will make this envelope from a landscape sheet. Bend it in half horizontally and straighten it again. Fold the upper corners to the middle.

    Now bend one edge to half a sheet where there is a fold line. And then the second.

    Fold the top of the sheet as shown in the photo.

    It remains to work for small - fill the edges, and the envelope is ready. Look carefully at the pictures and repeat.

    The product is ready.

    It can be used for congratulations or for money. You can decorate it in a variety of ways: ribbons, patterns and many others.

    Method No. 2

    And here is the second version of the manufacturing. Such an envelope is best made of a beautiful scrapbooking paper of A4 size, and it is large enough.

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    Fold your sheet in half horizontally, and then expand, in the middle you get a strip.

    Bend the upper left corner to the fold line. Now do the same with the bottom right corner.

    Look carefully at the photo and make the folds as it is depicted.

    Place the future envelope as shown in the picture.

    Again, carefully look at the photo and repeat the action.

    Below we see the formed pocket, it needs to enclose the angle, which turned out under the previous action.

    Do the same with a different angle, fold and tuck into the pocket.

    Everything, the envelope without glue application is ready. It will turn out very nicely if you apply any decorative elements in addition to colored paper.

    Postal envelope from A4 sheet

    A large rectangular sheet can be made and a mail envelope.

    Take the sheet and fold it in a certain way, Bend the sheet by 5.5 cm from the top and from the bottom by 11.5 cm.

    Bend the paper by 2 cm on each side.

    Cut 2 cm wide strips in the upper part of the workpiece.

    Now make incisions on the sides between the remaining two parts.

    Grease the paper strips with a 2 cm adhesive and connect.

    Everything, the product is completely ready.

    Of the notebook sheets

    If it turned out that there was no white paper in the house, then different envelopes can be made from a sheet of paper. For example, you can build a letter-triangle.

    Take a sheet of paper and bend the top left corner diagonally. After bending in exactly the same way, the right upper corner. At the top you should get a triangle, and under it a strip of the remaining paper. Now we work with it, bend the bottom corners diagonally and fill everything inside the triangle. Now add the triangle in half. Everything, the envelope-letter is ready. Do not forget that you need to write the text beforehand, before folding the triangle. Fold the envelope so that the text is inside, and outside you can write the name of the addressee.

    The main thing, do not forget about the decorations, otherwise your gift will look too simple, and you will not achieve the desired goal. Below are some more examples of self-made envelopes for inspiration, as well as a video that will help you in your endeavors.

    This is an openwork version:

    And such masterpieces are created using templates that can be found in large quantities on the Internet:

    Funny and original envelopes with buttons:

    Another unusual version:

    And beautifully designed products from scrap paper:

    The simplestway:

    In the origami technique of color paper a4:

    Another version of the same origami technique:

    And more simple methods: