
Diet on buckwheat for weight loss: a description of diet on buckwheat and vegetables, ways how to cook buckwheat for weight loss

  • Diet on buckwheat for weight loss: a description of diet on buckwheat and vegetables, ways how to cook buckwheat for weight loss

    Perhaps, there is no such person who would never eat buckwheat porridge. But do everyone know that buckwheat is not only a useful cereal, but also a dish, thanks to which you can improve your health.

    There are effective diets for buckwheat for weight loss. Buckwheat is considered to be the best dietary product. Unlike other cereals, it will never rancid under long-term storage and is not practically covered by mold. This is the main product for those who suffer from diabetes, it replaces them with bread and potatoes.

    Useful properties of buckwheat

    In buckwheat is a lot of useful substances that are important for human life. In particular, it contains a large amount of iron, potassium, in addition there is phosphorus, zinc, iodine, etc. Vitamins: B1, B2, E, PP and others.

    The content of lysine in buckwheat is higher than that of other cereal crops. It is noteworthy that lysine takes part in the formation of collagen, restores tissues. And collagen, as everyone knows, is responsible for the structure of the skin. From this it follows that by following the course of the diet on buckwheat, you will significantly improve the complexion.

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    In buckwheat are present slow carbohydrates, which are long absorbed by the body. Therefore, during such a diet will not have to fight hunger, and the period of the diet will be more comfortable than, for example, when losing weight on apples.

    The high content of folic acid, stimulating blood formation, increases the body's resistance to harmful external influences. Buckwheat is useful for eating with a large loss of blood, diathesis, rheumatic diseases, for preventive purposes it is shown for sclerosis.

    What is excluded during the diet of the Greek

    As in all diets, there are also prohibited products. In the period of this diet from the diet of losing weight are excluded:

    • sweet( absolutely everything);
    • bakery products;
    • smoked and pickled;
    • any fats;
    • alcohol-containing beverages.

    Correctly cook buckwheat

    Applying a diet with buckwheat, other products are added to the menu, so using it does not carry much discomfort. Duration of the diet is usually from seven to fourteen days. It all depends on how much excess weight you need to lose.

    So, how to cook buckwheat during a diet correctly? For this diet, only whole grains are used, cereals are not suitable, since the most nutritious substances are present in the skin.

    Take the rump and water in proportion one to two. Buckwheat needs to be sorted and thoroughly washed and dried. Then pour it with hot boiled water and wrap it, if you cook in a saucepan, but you can use a thermos for this purpose. As a rule, a porridge is cooked from the evening for the next day.

    With this method, the cooked mash becomes crumbly and retains all its useful substances and trace elements. The amount of cereal that should be eaten during this diet is unlimited, but usually two cups of cereal per day are enough. In addition, the product used in any case can not be salted.

    Sample menu

    This menu is optional, it can be slightly modified to suit your taste and financial capabilities. The main thing is to adhere to the above recommendations.

    The presence of protein in buckwheat groats is limited, in this connection it is advisable to add protein foods with a low fat content in the menu. It will not be superfluous also to eat greens, salads, and a small amount of vegetables. Be sure to drink at least one glass of water before each meal.

    • Breakfast: porridge from buckwheat, steamed in the evening, 200 g. From protein foods - soft-boiled egg or fat-free cottage cheese.
    • Second breakfast: cucumber.
    • Lunch: steamed buckwheat, 100 g, pollock, lettuce, spinach.
    • Snack: tomato, kefir.
    • Dinner: buckwheat porridge, kefir or other sour-milk products.

    If you follow the rules of this diet, then for two weeks, the disappearance of 5-10 extra pounds is quite feasible without unnecessary strain. In addition to this diet, there is no less effective diet based on buckwheat and vegetables. A selection of videos related to