  • Tea Vitamins

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    In tea, an abundance of vitamins is found. It contains vitamins A, B, B2, pantothenic acid, P, PP, K, C( 150-230 mg%).In fresh tea leaves contains ascorbic acid 4 times more than in lemon and orange juice. Green tea contains ascorbic acid 10 times more than black tea. However, black tea contains several times more vitamins B 1 and PP.The content of vitamin B1 in mg per 100 grams of dry tea averages 94.4 mg, in green tea 19.0 mg, and vitamin PP - 15 240 and 10 260 mg respectively.

    Let us dwell on vitamins. So in 1912 the Polish scientist Casimir Frank called the compounds that stimulate the vital activity of the organism. In translation from the Latin "vitamins" - vital amines. Tea, being a unique drink in terms of vitamin composition, can be called the elixir of life.

    Of the 20 known vitamins that enter the body with plant and animal food, there are seven in tea.

    Retinol ( vitamin A) promotes growth and development of the body. It is necessary for the processes of reparative and physiological regeneration, strengthens the mucous membranes of the respiratory tract, urogenital organs, intestines and increases their resistance to infections and allergens. It is necessary for our vision.

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    The main sources of vitamin A are products of animal origin( liver, butter, egg yolk, etc.).In plants( carrots, hips, parsley leaves, dandelion, apricot fruits, etc.) contains carotene( provitamin A), from which the body synthesizes retinol.

    In tea, there is also provitamin A. Therefore, in lovers pochaevnichat with vision and regeneration is all right.

    Thiamine ( vitamin B1) is found in brewer's yeast, vegetables, in wheat and rice bran, peas, wheat sprouts. A deficiency of thiamine in food leads to a violation of fat metabolism, heart rhythm, nerve damage, etc.

    Riboflavin ( vitamin B2) is necessary for normal liver, stomach function, normalizes vision, affects the growth and development of the fetus, participates in the metabolism in the synthesis of hemoglobin. Its biological activity is manifested only when the protein content is sufficient in the diet. It is found in embryos and shells of cereal grains, in yeast, peas, beans, forest and walnuts, in root crops, cottage cheese, milk, egg whites, liver, meat, fish.

    With a lack of vitamin B2, general weakness, worsening of appetite, depression, gastrointestinal disorders, lacrimation, itching, burning, photophobia, hyperemia, peeling of eyelids and auricles, hair loss, progressive cataracts, rapid aging occur.

    Vikasol ( phyllochenone, vitamin K) is a group of fat-soluble compounds, produced in green parts of plants and some microorganisms of intestinal flora. Vitamin K in a significant amount is found in the leaves of the nettle, dioecious and burning, shepherd's bag, water pepper, garden lettuce, in fruits of tomatoes, mountain ash, cabbage, tea. When there is a lack of vitamins in this group, there is a decrease in blood coagulability( hemorrhage, bleeding).

    Ascorbic acid ( vitamin C) - one of the most important substances for the normal life of the human body. Vitamin C is involved in the regulation of oxidation-reduction processes and in the metabolism, increases the body's resistance to infections, normalizes vascular permeability, actively participates in the formation of steroid hormones, accelerates wound healing, has detoxifying properties, stimulates the formation of erythrocytes.

    Ascorbic acid reduces side effects in the treatment of sulfanilamide drugs, has a protective effect with an increased radiation background, as well as an excess of nitrates and nitrites in the body. It is proved that vitamin C prevents the formation of nitrosamines in the body - substances that can cause the development of cancer.

    Tobacco smoke contributes to the destruction of vitamin C in the body, so smokers should receive this vitamin 1.5-2 times more than non-smokers. The presence in the tobacco smoke of carcinogenic substances and the destruction of ascorbic acid is one of the causes of

    of the fact that cancer occurs in smokers many times more often than non-smokers.

    Deficiency of ascorbic acid in the diet of different population groups ranges from 25 to 75%.What are the consequences of insufficient intake of vitamin C?

    This is primarily a violation of oxidation-reduction and other processes that ensure normal life activity. The risk of developing viral, cardiovascular, oncological diseases increases, the body wilts quickly. Poor health, frequent colds, irritability, anemia, fragility of blood vessels - all these are manifestations of insufficient content in the body of vitamin C;the people suffering from this are inclined to explain what is happening to them with anything, just not the true reason. Children who do not receive sufficient amounts of vitamin C, often catch cold, are seriously ill, are worse at school, with difficulty endure physical exertion.

    The main source of vitamin C - fresh vegetables, fruits, berries, greens. Especially rich in this vitamin berries of dog rose, black currant, red pepper, lemons, oranges. A lot of ascorbic acid in cabbage, including sauerkraut. Fresh leaves of tea - a source of vitamin C.

    Nicotinic acid ( vitamin B5, vitamin PP) improves appetite, reduces toxic effects of lead and carbon disulfide, takes part in the synthesis of nucleic acids, thereby improving brain activity and relieving depression and dizziness.

    An increased amount of this vitamin is prescribed to mental workers, as well as patients whose treatment is carried out with antibiotics, antituberculosis and sulfanilamide drugs. Nicotinic acid is used in the complex treatment of anemia in children.

    Nitotinic acid is found in many cereals, bread, yeast, vegetables, fruits, buckwheat, tomatoes, peaches, peanuts, mushrooms, etc.

    If there is a deficiency in the body of vitamin B5, pellagra develop, and with shortage of vitamins B5 and B2, short-sightedness may occur.

    Rutin ( vitamin P, quercetin) regulates the permeability of the capillary walls, reduces their fragility, especially in combination with ascorbic acid, of which it is a satellite in the plant world, and only in its presence a positive effect of routine, providing elasticity of the vessels. It increases the activity of adrenaline and reduces the activity of the thyroid gland.

    Vitamin P is used for the prevention and treatment of rheumatism, with liver diseases, hemorrhagic diathesis, hemorrhage in the retina of the eye, scurvy, radiation and hypertension. A significant amount of vitamin P is found in the fruits of wild rose, black currant, aronia, unripe walnuts, green tea, buckwheat grass, red bell pepper, tomatoes, oranges, carrots and tea.

    Most of the vitamins when brewed tea turns into infusion. From dry tea, up to 90% of vitamin C is extracted, which is well preserved with the proper brewing of tea.

    The higher the grade of tea, the more vitamins, tannin, caffeine, essential oils and other substances beneficial for the body.