  • X-ray examination

    Indications for X-ray examination are extremely wide. The choice of the optimal method depends on the diagnostic task in each case. Contraindications include the patient's condition and the specificity of the proposed radiological method.

    X-ray examination is contraindicated in case of a serious deteriorating condition of the patient, as in this case, urgent medical measures are required.

    The procedure for the X-ray study of is primarily initiated with fluoroscopy or radiography. X-ray methods allow to investigate the motor function of internal organs, for example, heart, stomach, intestine, and also to determine the movement and possible modifications of pathological formations when the patient's position or palpation of the proposed zones of their location changes.

    The use of electron-optical converters significantly reduces the radiation load in fluoroscopy, and also increases its diagnostic effectiveness. The advantage of radiography - high resolution.

    The X-ray diffraction pattern

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    is an objective document that can be stored for a long time and used for comparison with subsequent images, which allows to observe the dynamics of the pathological process.

    Fluoroscopy and radiography is a group of general radiologic methods that underlies special methods that are used to obtain additional information about the function and structure of the organ being studied.

    Some independent methods, such as tomography, fluorography, etc., are based on the application of special techniques and technical means, and special methods( urography, bronchography, choleography, angiography, etc.) are needed to study a particular organ, part or all of the organ system in itwhole. Special methods are usually performed after artificial contrasting. They are used in cases where the use of simpler methods does not give the required diagnostic results.

    X-ray examination is carried out by a specialist with the help of an X-ray lab assistant. In some cases, a preliminary preparation of the patient is required, ensuring the proper quality of the results obtained, leveling the unpleasant sensations associated with the radiographic examination and preventing the development of possible complications. For example, before the X-ray examination of the colon, laxatives are prescribed, cleansing enemas are used to relieve fecal matter;use analgesics and local anesthetics in a study related to the puncture of the vessel or duct. When using radiopaque substances, it is necessary to take hyposensitizing agents. Also, to more clearly identify the functional state of the organ under investigation during the X-ray study, medications are used, for example, stimulating the peristalsis of the stomach or removing the spasm of the sphincter and some others.

    Obligations of X-ray lab assistant:

    • operation of X-ray diagnostic and fluorography devices;

    • participation in the conduct of an x-ray by a radiologist;

    • preparation of a suspension of barium sulphate and other radiopaque substances, solutions of photochemical materials;

    • X-ray film processing;

    • maintenance of accounting and reporting documentation;

    • Provision of emergency care if necessary for patients undergoing X-ray examination.

    X-ray lab assistant is a staff member of the X-ray room or office of a medical institution with a secondary medical education and a specialization in radiology. The duties of the X-ray lab are stipulated by the provisions on its functions and the order of operation of the X-ray room or department approved by the Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation. The activity is carried out under the guidance of a radiologist and head of the X-ray room( department).Complications associated with the X-ray study

    More often such complications develop with artificial contrast of the cavities, organs and body systems and can be expressed as the appearance of allergic symptoms by reactions such as acute respiratory failure, collapse, reflex pathological changes in the heart activity, embolism and damageorgans and tissues.

    Work in the X-ray room is associated with the danger of having a negative effect on the body of ionizing radiation. Radiologist must comply with existing requirements to maintain radiation safety of personnel and patients. When carrying out an X-ray examination in the ward or operating room, and also in the presence of this procedure in the X-ray room, it is necessary to use individual means of anti-radiation protection.

    X-ray laboratorian is obliged to undergo a medical examination to identify contraindications for health reasons to work under conditions of exposure to ionizing radiation.

    An X-ray radiologist should annually perform regular follow-up to prevent the development of occupational diseases.

    The operation of the X-ray room is regulated by the "Sanitary rules of work in the conduct of medical X-ray studies."X-ray examinations are performed only by employees of a medical institution, who received special training in radiology. It is compulsory for personnel to observe the "Model Safety Instructions and Industrial Sanitation".

    X-ray examination of the stomach, intestines, urinary system

    X-ray examination of the stomach and duodenum is performed with a diagnostic purpose for diseases of the stomach and duodenum.

    A nurse instructs the patient about the upcoming study, time, place. Three days before the study, the patient should adhere to the following rules:

    • to exclude from the diet products rich in fiber( legumes, black bread, fruits, fresh vegetables, potato dishes);

    • Dinner on the eve of the study until 6.00 pm;

    • Because the test should be performed in the morning on an empty stomach, do not eat, drink, drink or smoke.

    X-ray examination of the gallbladder

    Oral cholecystography is performed with a diagnostic purpose for gallbladder diseases.

    1. The patient is informed in advance about the forthcoming study.

    2. For 12 to 15 hours before the X-ray study, the nurse gives the patient 6 tablets of contrast medium( choloid, bilignost, etc.).This drug is taken on a tablet every 10 minutes for 1 hour.

    3. Dinner on the eve of the study no later than 18.00.

    4. For 1 to 1.5 hours before bedtime, a cleansing enema is made for the patient.

    5. The study is conducted in the morning on an empty stomach. Do not eat, drink, drink, or smoke.

    6. The patient is given a choleretic breakfast - 2 raw eggs.

    X-ray examination of the large intestine

    Irrigoscopy is performed with a diagnostic purpose for diseases of the large intestine.

    A nurse instructs the patient 2-3 days before the X-ray examination.

    The patient should:

    • exclude from the diet foods rich in fiber( legumes, black bread, fresh milk, fresh fruits and vegetables, potato dishes);

    • Have dinner on the eve of the study no later than 18.00;

    • after supper take 30 g of castor oil;

    • in the evening to produce 2 cleansing enemas( at intervals of 1 - 1.5 hours);

    • in the morning 2 hours before the procedure also make 2 cleansing enemas( at intervals of 1 - 1.5 hours).

    X-ray examination of the kidneys

    Intravenous urography is performed with a diagnostic purpose for kidney diseases.

    The nurse in advance supplies the kit:

    • contrast agent( urographine, verohrafine);

    • harness;

    • sterile beads;

    • sterile disposable syringes;

    • sterile disposable gloves;

    • alcohol 70%;

    • anti-shock kit.

    It must be remembered that an allergic reaction to the administration of a contrast agent is possible, therefore the day before the study, the nurse conducts a diagnostic test for the contrast medium used.

    The nurse gives the following instructions 2-3 days before the scheduled radiographic examination:

    • exclude from the diet foods rich in fiber( legumes, fresh milk, potatoes, black bread, fresh fruits and vegetables);

    • Have dinner on the eve of the procedure no later than 18.00;

    • in the second half of the day preceding the procedure, to limit the intake of liquids as much as possible;

    • Before the procedure, in the evening and morning 2 hours before the test, make a cleansing enema.

    Deliver the patient to the X-ray room( department), taking a pre-prepared set for intravenous urography. In the presence of a physician enter intravenously at a rate of 0.3 ml / s contrast agent.