
Painting on glass with stained-glass paints: master class, stencils, video lesson

  • Painting on glass with stained-glass paints: master class, stencils, video lesson

    Master-class on painting glass with stained-glass paints and advice on the selection of paints

    The history of stained glass dates back to the VI-VII centuries. However, as decorative and applied art became known only in the last century.

    Today everyone can take care of the individual painting of the glass - both as a hobby and as leisure with the child;since it will serve both the development of fine motor skills, patience, sense of composition, and the creative development of the personality as a whole.

    Everything you need can be found in any art department.

    So, we will need:

    • Stained-glass paints. There are colorless and matt stained-glass paints. Matt pass less light.
    • Stained-glass window( paint-outliner, relief contour, contour paste).
    • Stained glass medium, structural stained-glass paste( serve for obtaining new shades by dilution).
    • Palette.
    • Glass.
    • Template work( you can find many templates on the Internet, take pictures from children's coloring, or draw a sketch yourself).
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    • Brushes. Brushes from squirrels, goats or ponies, as well as synthetics, are more suitable, as it is suitable for all types of paints. Be sure to purchase brushes number 1 and 3 - they will be needed for medium and large sections, respectively.
    • Wadding, cotton swabs.
    • Liquid for removing varnish, alcohol, vodka - for degreasing the surface.
    • Toothpicks.
    • Wipes.

    Let's get to work.

    First remove the dust particles of grease and dirt from the glass with alcohol and fleece.

    Place your sketch under the glass, if possible, fix them together with adhesive tape. This will help prevent the "pulling" of the picture, if you accidentally touch the design.

    Tip: Before applying the paint to the glass, try to apply a contour to the sheet of paper to "feel" the paint, the thickness of the layer, the rate of ink leakage, etc. To correct the applied contour, use cotton buds, or rather toothpicks. If the situation is very bad, wait until the contour dries, and gently cut off the excess with a razor.

    After applying the contour, leave your work to dry for about an hour.

    This is how the contour looks like it is finished. A photo.

    After making sure that the circuit is dry, proceed to applying the paints. To paint does not stick to the brush, moisten it with water.

    Advice: Do not mix paints from different manufacturers - they can be water-based or solvent-based, or solvent, and different compositions also do not contribute to the synthesis of paints.

    Please note that different paint bases dictate different techniques for its application.

    So solvent paints are more resistant to operation, but they are very whimsical: they dry for a long time, they require only a synthetic brush and a ventilated room - they smell of varnish;toxic, which makes it impossible to paint dishes. Liquid, which makes it difficult to work in an upright position.

    Water-based paints are not toxic, they are easily washed off from the product and brushes in case of failure, all this allows working in a domestic environment, together with the child. Such paints can be diluted with water, in contrast to solvent, but only if the product is coated with varnish.

    For a more illustrative example, offer you the video:

    Our master class on painting the glass with stained-glass paints came to an end. Now that you know all the nuances of fulfillment, you can easily spend a Saturday evening with a tube in your hand, and then enjoy the result yourself or give your masterpiece to your relatives and friends.

    The history of the stained-glass window dates back to the VI-VII centuries. However, as decorative and applied art became known only in the last century.

    Today everyone can take care of the independent painting of glass - both as a hobby and as a leisure with the child;because it will serve both the development of fine motor skills, patience, sense of composition, and the creative development of the personality as a whole.

    Everything you need can be found in any art department.

    So, we will need:

    • Stained-glass paints. There are colorless and matt stained-glass paints. Matt pass less light.
    • Stained-glass window( paint-outliner, relief contour, contour paste).
    • Stained glass medium, structural stained-glass paste( serve to obtain new shades by dilution).
    • Palette.
    • Glass.
    • Template work( you can find many templates on the Internet, take pictures from children's coloring, or draw a sketch yourself).
    • Brushes. Brushes from squirrels, goats or ponies, as well as synthetics, are more suitable, as it is suitable for all types of paints. Be sure to purchase brushes number 1 and 3 - they will be needed for medium and large sections, respectively.
    • Wadding, cotton swabs.
    • Liquid for removing varnish, alcohol, vodka - for degreasing the surface.
    • Toothpicks.
    • Wipes.

    Let's get to work.

    First, remove from the glass particles of dust grease and dirt with alcohol and fleece.

    Put your sketch under the glass, if possible, fix them together with adhesive tape. This will help prevent the "pulling" of the picture, if you accidentally touch the design.

    Tip: Before applying the paint to the glass, try to apply a contour to the sheet of paper to "feel" the paint, the thickness of the layer, the rate of ink leakage, etc. To correct the applied contour, use cotton buds, or rather toothpicks. If the situation is very bad, wait until the contour dries, and gently cut off the excess with a razor.

    After applying the contour, leave your work to dry for about an hour.

    This is how the contour looks like it's finished. A photo.

    After making sure that the circuit is dry, proceed to applying the paints. To paint does not stick to the brush, moisten it with water.

    Advice: Do not mix paints from different manufacturers - they can be water-based or solvent-based, or solvent, and different compositions also do not contribute to the synthesis of paints.

    Please note that different paint bases dictate different techniques for its application.

    So solvent paints are more resistant to operation, but they are very whimsical: they dry for a long time, they require only a synthetic brush and a ventilated room - they smell of varnish;toxic, which makes it impossible to paint dishes. Liquid, which makes it difficult to work in an upright position.

    Water-based paints are not toxic, they are easily washed off from the product and brushes in case of failure, all this allows working in a domestic environment, together with the child. Such paints can be diluted with water, in contrast to solvent, but only if the product is coated with varnish.

    For a more illustrative example, offer you the video:

    Our master class on painting the glass with stained-glass paints came to an end. Now that you know all the nuances of fulfillment, you can easily spend a Saturday evening with a tube in your hand, and then enjoy the result yourself or give your masterpiece to your relatives and friends.