
Diet with peptic ulcer: what you can eat with peptic ulcer exacerbation

  • Diet with peptic ulcer: what you can eat with peptic ulcer exacerbation

    Diseases of the digestive tract( gastrointestinal tract) always cause inconvenience. Medications and dieting in many cause horror, but what to do - need to be treated. One of the most "harmful" gastrointestinal diseases is stomach ulcers or ulcus ventriculi, which causes burning pain and interferes with digestion. To medical treatment was fruitful, doctors prescribe a diet for peptic ulcer disease.

    Nutrition for the treatment of

    With gastric ulcer should be very carefully choose food for nutrition. Even, it seems, a useful product can cause exacerbation or even bleeding. To prevent this from happening, it is desirable to memorize the entire permitted and forbidden product range.

    Gastric ulcer is a very "insidious" disease - it is associated with moments of exacerbation and calm. By the way, even a glass of wine and a smoked cigarette can contribute to the emergence of acute and severe pain.

    A properly selected therapeutic diet with peptic ulcer disease can help the patient to bring life back to the old track. So, what products should you forget:

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    • chocolates and ice cream, as well as other sweets;
    • "rough" bread( rye too), sweet buns;
    • garlic and onion;
    • all dairy products and dishes made from them;
    • eggs hard boiled;
    • sausages, sausages, sausages, lard and smoked meat;
    • porridge from wheat, legumes and pearl barley;
    • fatty fish and red meat;
    • fatty, sharp or acidic foods. Marinated and sour products;
    • chips and crackers with flavors and additives, as well as seeds;Sour vegetables and fruits.

    All this food can cause an aggravation of ulcers and sad consequences, right up to surgical intervention. And now about what you need to eat:

    • sea boiled fish;
    • fruit( soft and sweet);
    • eggs soft( but do not get involved, 4 times during the week is enough) and steam omelettes;
    • rabbit, chicken, beef, steamed( can be in the form of cutlets, meatballs, pates or soufflĂ©).Meat should be free from fatty interlayers;
    • dairy products( low-fat and non-acidic);
    • transparent broths from vegetables, cereals or chicken;
    • white bread( slightly dried), homemade croutons.

    Table number 1 with gastric ulcer

    This kind of diet is applicable when the pain symptoms of peptic ulcer are calm. Tried more than one generation, Pevsner's diet still helps patients and is very effective in such ailment.

    The products must be grinded or grinded before use( in a blender, meat grinder).Such food does not irritate the stomach and is easier to digest. Eat warm food and only a fraction.

    The diet menu consists of the following products:

    • baked pears or apples;
    • sea, baked or steamed, fish;
    • honey and a small amount of marshmallow - this is a dessert;
    • soups from vegetables( without cabbage) or milk soup;
    • boiled meat, unsweetened biscuits;
    • you need to drink non-carbonated water, juice( diluted with water 50/50) and tea with milk.

    Well, if the patient adheres to this diet. But suddenly he will eat something wrong and will begin to exacerbate? What can be eaten during peptic ulcer exacerbation?

    Table number 1a with exacerbation of the ulcer

    Table number 1a part of the diet number 1, so they are very similar, the distinguishing features are a more rigorous approach to nutrition and short-term fasting. During an exacerbation the patient needs a bed rest and it is necessary to exclude products that provoke the secretion of stomach juice.

    Therapeutic diet is reduced to 8 meals a day. From the food you need to remove vegetables and bread. The table of the patient should abound with slimy soups, rice or semolina porridge, lean meat, lean sea fish. Cooked meals should be necessarily grinded or crushed to not again cause injury to the stomach.

    The effectiveness of treatment depends on the literacy of the attending physician, the properly selected system and dietary principles, and on the patient's desire. If it is strong, then soups, similar to mucus, will seem manna from heaven. Watch educational videos on the topic: