  • Fast Reading

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    There are many things in the world that are worth reading. A huge, interesting world is open to the reader. But if the eyes move slowly on the page, and the brain is not able to perceive and interpret what the eye sees, then 20-30 minutes spent do not feel sorry for self-improvement in this matter. For slow readers, a lot of advice was given. One method advises: "Skip the pages through their middle and catch the main essence of the author's thoughts".

    It would be a tremendous mental effort to try to find out the author's opinion in this way, without giving him the opportunity to express it. Well, what would become of literature, the beauty of its syllable and the skill of the word, if we all did this? In addition to the method described above, it is advised also to read in short sentences, limiting the number of words visible by the eye to such a limit. Reading in this case is somewhat like a jump with obstacles. Another speed reading teacher advises you to linger on every word on your way until you clearly understand its meaning. This is the worst form of gazing. None of these methods will allow you to speed up reading.

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    Any eye restraint or interference of consciousness in the reading process impairs vision. Eyes are uncontrolled organs, hungry for visions. They must function without conscious control, just as the heart functions. Whenever we try to manage them or limit their freedom in some way, there is a tremendous strain not only of the eyes, but of the psyche. Imagine how much effort the brain must put in being completely unknown and trying to find out the author's thought only from words located in the center of the page. Restricting the eyes with separate phrases again leads to an attempt to curb the nature of fast moving organs, interfering with their functioning. This, in turn, leads to stress. Nerves of the retina of the normal eye move 70 times a second or faster. You too can learn to let your eyes move fast. They want it. They are waiting for the view with impatience.

    Do you read slowly or, worse, what is called "not a reader at all?" Many people come to our School of Eye Training, complaining that they are reading so slowly that several paragraphs of text are exhausting them, and they just can not grasp the meaningread. These people and would love to love reading, but feel that doing it is beyond their strength."I can see all the words well enough, as much as my vision allows me, but every time I read with me the same misfortune occurs - I do not remember what I read," they complain.

    Slow reading is caused by a close look-continuous reading of everything that is located in the line. Such eyes do not know how to move and try to literally erase, like a blot, glance every word that comes across them on the way. This system is very similar to the type of gazing that occurs in children. This continuous reading is such a strong tension for the eyes that it takes them out of focus and they jump over words and even whole lines. It is a close look at the cause of poor vision, so first of all we must teach these eyes to move, speed up their reading of the text. In order to achieve this, go back to the method and advice given for those wearing bifocals. Often we find out that although such people used to read at school, they do not have even the slightest idea of ​​how the letters of small print look. In addition, poor readers have never been taught the use of phonetic methods in teaching reading or dividing syllables. If you have similar difficulties with reading, you can help.

    1. First of all, you need to teach the body and eyes to relax.

    2. After this, you need to teach you to relax the psyche, using memory. Since in this case you will have to deal with a set of lowercase letters, for this purpose you can use the mental representation of each letter from the debco table. This is also helped by the "letter of the nose" of each letter during the palming. Look at some line, close your eyes and "write it with your nose" from memory.

    3. Now you need to teach your eyes to move, instead of "sticking" to individual words. Refer to the exercises on the page in the reading lessons. Do you treat those people who like to work with some kind of adaptation? Then make yourself an adaptation, which we will call a transporter. Take a stick 1 foot long and a box of silver drawing buttons. Stick the buttons into the wand at a distance of half an inch from each other. Now put this wand in front of your eyes and start smoothly moving your nose back and forth along a row of silver buttons. Close your eyes and keep doing this. Then open your eyes again, and these silvery spots will indeed move back and forth. Then, to develop the ability to move vertically, place the stick vertically and move it up and down.

    4. Now both the psyche and the eyes are prepared to accelerate the tempo of reading, which means teaching their manner to stick to the white background between the lines, instead of the words themselves.

    a) Turn the training table upside down and hold it so close to your eyes that they need to make an effort to see the letters. Easily glance your eyes and attention on the white strips between the lines from one field of the table to the next. The font will seem to move in the direction opposite to the movement of your head. Now you know how the white spaces between the lines look. Turn the table to the correct position, close your eyes and try to remember these gaps completely white.

    b) Open your eyes and easily glide your eyes and attention along the very top edge of your table with a slow short swing of the table. Soon you should see a weak glow on the top edge resembling a white neon glow-a faint gleam of light that makes this edge whiter than the rest of the table. When this happens, quickly go down under the first line of the font, taking with you a white glow to shine under the black base of the letters on it. Get down, reading, down as far and as fast as you can, regardless of whether the glow is coming with you or not. At least, there will be a feeling that the eyes stop on a white background, rather than skip according to words. As you train, you can sometimes experience the feeling of transferring the glow from the top of the table down to all of its lines. When this happens, you will be able to read clearly and with great speed, with such a great, that at first the psyche will have to speed up its work in order to keep up with the eyes.

    Use this increased speed, even if you do not understand or remember what you are reading. In this case, your goal is to restore the good functioning of your eyes. As an experiment, read again what you just read, and if the context was not too complicated, it is likely that it will turn out that you have seized the text for the first time. You just think you did not catch it, because you're used to reading too slowly. Remember that you will not be able to immediately use the white stripe. This is the reward that Nature gives for obeying her law.

    Whenever you start reading, start with reaching the neon-like glow at the top edge, then, going down under the lines, remember it. One day you will succeed.

    The reason for using white gaps is that mental stress interferes with clear reading. When you try to interpret printed characters, which mean something, an effort appears. Observing the same pure background at the base of these letters does not entail any effort. When eyes look without effort, they, relaxing, eliminate tension. As a result, vision is returned to the person.

    Sight becomes much clearer in bright light. The point of the sharpest contrast is the place where the blackness of the font meets the whiteness of the paper. After relaxing the eyes, the center of vision of the eye should move exactly in this place. Then the fovea( pit), this hunter for the light, will move with enormous speed over, around and in all letters, etching them in the sharpest contrast in the brain for subsequent interpretation. When you completely relax and give yourself up to the speed of the naturally functioning eye, a white strip will appear that will carry you along the lines, unless, of course, you do not interfere with it.

    Persistent studies will gradually allow you to transfer a neon-like glow from the top of the page to the very bottom of the text. But, even if you can not reach under this glow line, similar to what you reached at the top of the table, remembering this glow and finding it will give you the opportunity to more easily adhere to white gaps under the lines to increase your reading speed. Once seen, a thin white stripes make it possible later to use her memories and thoughts.