
Constipation - Causes, symptoms and treatment. MF.

  • Constipation - Causes, symptoms and treatment. MF.

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    Constipation occurs due to impaired function of the large intestine, manifested by rare or difficult acts of defecation and is accompanied by a feeling of incomplete emptying of the intestine.

    Each person has his own individual frequency and character of the chair. It depends on his lifestyle, eating habits. But the often repeated delay or incomplete bowel movement for more than 48 hours is a chronic constipation.

    Diseases in which constipation is possible

    • Anal fissure
    • Bowel cancer
    • Depression
    • Diverticulitis( diverticulosis)
    • Hemorrhoids
    • Hirschsprung's disease
    • Hypothyroidism
    • Irritable bowel syndrome
    • Multiple sclerosis
    • Parkinson's disease
    • Scleroderma

    Possible causes of constipation

    • Hormonal changes in the menstrual cycle
    • Diet poor in fiber
    • Medications
    • Pelvic floor dysfunction
    • Pregnants
    • spinal injuries

    Causes of constipation Causes of constipation


    Organic constipation of is associated with taking medications, various diseases, pathological changes in the intestine.

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    1. Most often, constipation causes the use of antacids( Almagel), antidepressants, antihistamines( suprastin), diuretics, hypotensive drugs( verapamil), calcium preparations. When they are canceled, the chair is restored.

    2. Toxic constipation occurs when is poisoned with lead, mercury, thallium .Poisoning often happens in production conditions, and the degree of manifestation depends on the amount of toxic substance that has got into the human body.

    In addition to constipation, lead poisoning is characterized by an increase in blood pressure, anemia, weakness, malaise, paroxysmal pain in the abdomen, the appearance of a "lead edge" - a purple-gray band along the edge of the gums.

    In case of mercury poisoning, headache, sleep disturbance, hand tremor, hearing loss, vision, difficulty swallowing, cardiac disruptions, hypotension, thirst.

    Thallium poisoning is accompanied by alopecia( baldness), mental disorders.

    3. Endocrine constipation occurs primarily in hypothyroidism, diabetes mellitus, menopause.

    Hypothyroidism occurs with a decrease in thyroid function. It is characterized by weakness, lethargy, hair loss, dry skin, lowering blood pressure, constipation, weight gain.

    Diabetes is manifested by thirst, dry mouth, frequent urination, skin itching, constipation and bloating.

    4. Constipation due to disturbed water-electrolyte metabolism occurs in chronic cardiovascular failure. It is manifested by weakness, shortness of breath, the appearance of edema, heaviness in the right hypochondrium.

    5. Neurological diseases can cause constipation.

    Injuries, diseases, tumors of the spinal cord, especially the lumbar and sacral parts, where the innervation of the pelvic organs takes place, are manifested by constipation.

    6. Hirschsprung's disease( aganglion of the large intestine) appears from the first days of the child's life, the leading symptom is persistent prolonged constipation, an increase in the size of the abdomen, a decrease in appetite.

    7. Constipation is observed in patients with structural changes in the anus( hemorrhoids, anal fissures).Diseases develop gradually, against the background of constipation there is itching in the anus, scarring, pain during defecation or loss of hemorrhoids, with hemorrhoids.

    Tumor lesions of the colon are accompanied by mechanical compression of the intestine and are manifested by constipation. In the initial stages of the disease are characterized by persistent constipation, the periodic appearance of blood and mucus in the stool, pain during defecation.

    8. Reflex constipation occurs in diseases of the digestive system( peptic ulcer, exacerbation of chronic cholecystitis).

    With peptic ulcer there are pains in the near-umbilical region, in the upper part of the abdomen, calming down after eating, heartburn, vomiting, constipation.

    Chronic cholecystitis is characterized by pain in the right upper quadrant, giving in the back, in the right scapula, arising after the intake of fatty, fried foods. Accompanied by nausea, vomiting, bitterness and dry mouth, constipation.

    Constipation may be manifested and helminthiases - diseases caused by parasitic worms. They for a long time are asymptomatic, then there is general weakness, nausea, abdominal pain associated with eating, bloating, constipation, anemia. These complaints can be combined with allergic manifestations - skin itching, asthma attacks, rhinitis, skin rash like urticaria.

    When all bowel diseases and extraintestinal causes of constipation are ruled out, then is diagnosed with functional constipation.

    Psychological factors predisposing to the development of functional constipation are most often encountered, they are associated with a violation of the regulation of intestinal motility by the centers of the cortex of the brain. These are depression, anxiety. Suppression of urge to defecate with limited accessibility of the toilet, changing the habitual rhythm and lifestyle.

    Alimentary constipation of develops with irrational and monotonous nutrition by mechanically sparing food with fiber restriction. To products that delay the emptying of the intestines, include manna and rice porridge, baking, kissels, strong tea, chocolate, coffee.

    In patients with long-term bed rest, elderly people develop hypodynamic constipation , due to decreased physical activity.

    In irritable bowel syndrome, there is a violation of intestinal motility. The syndrome is manifested by a combination of pain in the abdomen and a violation of defecation( diarrhea, constipation or alternating diarrhea and constipation) without pathological changes in the intestine. The development of the syndrome is preceded by fasting, taking laxatives, frequent cleansing enemas, to reduce body weight, changing the psychoemotional state( depression).

    Acute constipation is a sudden absence of stool for several hours, occurs with intestinal obstruction. Accompanied by cramping intense pain in the abdomen, nausea, vomiting, gas retention, constipation. The patient's condition quickly and sharply worsens and requires an urgent examination of the doctor.

    Constipation examination

    To determine the cause of constipation, a number of examinations are necessary. General analysis of blood, to exclude the inflammatory process and anemia. A blood test for sugar, for the detection of diabetes mellitus. Colonoscopy, irrigoscopy, sigmoidoscopy, to exclude pathological processes in the intestines, fibrogastroduodenoscopy - for the diagnosis of peptic ulcer, ultrasound of the abdominal cavity organs - to detect organic diseases of the digestive system. Analysis of blood for latent blood, coprocytogram - to determine the inflammatory process in the intestine, analysis of feces for eggs of helminths. Bacteriological study of feces - to determine normal microflora and detect pathogenic and opportunistic microflora of the intestine.

    Treatment of constipation

    To eliminate constipation, a lifestyle change is necessary. Classes in physical education, swimming, running, if there are no contraindications for this, help strengthen the abdominal press and strengthen intestinal motility.

    Gymnastics from constipation

    Act of defecation helps massage the abdomen( in the morning in bed for 5 minutes in a circular motion clockwise) and a general massage. Restoration of desires for defecation is promoted by special exercises, which increase intrectal pressure, stimulate peristalsis. In the morning before the beginning of gymnastics it is recommended to drink a glass of cold water, after 30 minutes in the toilet to do the exercises. Deep breath - protrude the belly, pause for 5 seconds, exhale - retract the stomach, pause for 5 seconds, repeat 3 times, then strong straining. After several quiet breathing, the exercise is repeated 7-10 times.

    Nutrition with constipation

    For constipation, it is recommended to provide adequate nutrition, with a high content of mechanical and chemical stimulants of the motor function of the intestine. This bread with wholemeal flour with the addition of bran, a variety of vegetables in a raw and stewed, fruits, whole grain products. Particularly useful beets, carrots, tomatoes, pumpkin, zucchini, cauliflower. Plums, apricots, figs, pears contain fiber and sorbitol are effective for both prevention and treatment of constipation. Increase in the volume of intestinal contents and accelerate its transit is promoted by bran, sea kale, flaxseed. Wheat bran is poured with boiling water so that they swell, the supernatant is drained, taking gradually increasing the dose from 1 teaspoon to 1-2 table spoons 2-3 times a day for 6 weeks. Sea cabbage take 1 teaspoon per night.

    Medical treatment of constipation

    If ineffectiveness or low efficiency of diet and gymnastics are prescribed laxatives.

    Treatment of constipation folk remedies

    In the treatment of constipation, phytotherapy is widely used. To purgatives of plant origin are: Senna leaf, buckthorn bark, jostera fruits, licorice root, dill herb, plantain seeds. Bark of buckthorn, jostler fruits, senna leaf is applied in the form of a decoction, 20 g of plant per 200ml of water. Bark of buckthorn, a sheet of Senna take 1-2 tablespoons in the morning and in the evening, and the fruit of the zoster on ½ cup for the night. But take them only temporarily and on the advice of a doctor. With long-term admission, their effectiveness decreases and the chances of normalizing the intestine work are reduced, due to the development of the inert intestine. In addition, melanosis may develop, the pigment deposits in the intestinal wall, which leads to the development of carcinoma.

    Complications of constipation

    The complication of chronic constipation is the formation of a fecal obstruction( coprostasis), which can cause incontinence, rectal bleeding, prolapse of rectum and development of intestinal obstruction.

    To which doctor to consult with constipation

    The basis of treatment is to eliminate the cause of constipation and requires an individual approach. Necessary drugs, their dose, combination will recommend only a general practitioner( family doctor, therapist, pediatrician) or a doctor gastroenterologist. If constipation is accompanied by loss of body weight, severe weakness, increased body temperature, increasing intense pain in the abdomen, a decrease in appetite, the appearance of mucus and blood in the stool, bleeding, you should urgently consult a general practitioner.

    Therapist doctor of the highest category Vostrykova I.N.