  • Dental treatment during pregnancy - Causes, symptoms and treatment. MF.

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    "Congratulations, you will soon become a mother. .."

    With these words in a woman's life, a new chapter begins, full of unexpected and joyful moments, expectations and happiness, but, in addition, demanding special attention from her to her health, and,in particular, to their teeth.

    From the moment you learned that you will become a mother, your responsible and important work begins together with doctors, midwives, educators to prepare for the birth of a healthy, happy baby.

    Why to treat teeth during pregnancy

    Until recently, there was a myth that during pregnancy it is not necessary to treat the teeth, it is necessary to do this after childbirth. This is a deep delusion! After all, any carious or, worse, destroyed tooth, gingivitis( inflammation of the gums) are sources of infection, which, if ingested with food into the stomach, and then into the general bloodstream, can provoke unwanted conditions, up to pre-eclampsia( late toxicosis).Therefore, if you know that the treatment or removal of teeth you need, if you brush your teeth, your gums bleed, then when the second trimester of pregnancy boldly go to the dentist, because to date in the arsenal of his funds are enough drugs that are safe for dental treatment during pregnancy. And if nothing bothers you, then do not forget about the compulsory visits of a dentist( there are only three of them during the entire period of pregnancy).In these visits, the doctor will provide you with professional oral hygiene, talk about the features of oral care in your position, recommend toothpaste and a brush.

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    When to better treat the teeth during pregnancy

    Conditionally the period of pregnancy is divided into three periods - the trimester. The first trimester is characterized by the laying of all organs and systems, in the second trimester, their smooth development occurs, in the third - their preparation for independent work or self-operation. Each trimester has its own characteristics of reference - the first and third have the most "critical periods", therefore, any medical intervention is considered undesirable( of course, apart from those necessary to preserve the life and health of the mother and baby).The second trimester( this is approximately 14-20 weeks) is the safest, including for dental treatment.

    If there was a need for the treatment of teeth

    First, do not worry and do not panic - this is for you now to nothing. Secondly, always inform the doctor that you are pregnant, what your pregnancy is, what preparations you take , the tactics of treatment depend on this.

    If you have tooth decay. ..

    Treatment of caries during pregnancy

    To date, the treatment of caries in pregnant women is not particularly difficult. Often it is carried out even without anesthesia. The doctor mechanically( drill) will remove all the destroyed tooth tissues and put a seal on your choice - chemical or light curing - there are absolutely no restrictions. The light emitted by the ultraviolet lamp when staging a light-cured seal does not pose the slightest danger, neither for the mother, nor for the unborn child.

    If anesthesia is still needed. ..

    Anesthesia in the treatment of teeth during pregnancy

    This situation is also quite natural and does not present a big problem. Today's anesthetics( articaine-based drugs such as "Ubistezine", "Ultracaine") have an exclusively local effect, without penetrating the placental barrier, which means they are safe for the child, besides, the concentration of vasoconstrictors is reduced, and in somethey are generally absent( for example, in anesthetics based on mepivacaine).Therefore, if the treatment of teeth gives you pain, you should not suffer, it is better to avoid such stress, using modern anesthesia.

    If you have pulpitis or periodontitis. ..

    Treatment of pulpitis and periodontitis in pregnancy. X-ray

    If caries is complicated by pulpitis( inflammation of the nerve), then the treatment is necessarily performed under anesthesia, which has already been mentioned above. Treatment of periodontitis( inflammation of the surrounding root tissues of the tooth), as a rule, does without anesthesia. But in both cases, a qualitative root canal filling, which is difficult to carry out without X-ray images, is necessary. Many future mothers are very afraid of x-rays, and many dentists prefer to leave the treatment of such tooth "for later".Believe me, from one, made with all the precautions of the picture( lead protection on the stomach - the so-called lead apron), nothing terrible will happen, but in the treatment of teeth will be an excellent help. In modern radiovisiographic apparatus, the radiation dose is reduced by a factor of ten, and the quality of the images is not inferior to film ones.

    If the tooth needs to be removed. ..

    Tooth extraction during pregnancy

    If the doctor concluded that the tooth can not be rescued, it is necessary to remove it, and this is a surgical operation, but this during pregnancy presents no difficulties. The operation is performed under local anesthesia. It is important to clearly follow all the doctor's recommendations( do not rinse, heat the area of ​​operation, etc.) to avoid complications.

    A special case with "wisdom teeth".Their removal often requires additional surgical manipulation and further administration of antibiotics. Therefore, it is better to postpone this procedure, if possible.

    If you need prosthetics. ..

    Prosthetic dentistry during pregnancy

    There are no contraindications to prosthetics during pregnancy. As a rule, the procedures performed by an orthopedic dentist are safe and painless, and the future mother has free time to take care of the beauty of her smile.

    And now about implantation for now it is necessary to forget, as the period of engraftment of implants demands the big expenses from an organism, and to the future mum they are required for development of the healthy kid. In addition, often engraftment of implants under the influence of drugs that reduce the reactivity of the body, and this is also an absolute contraindication in pregnancy.

    If you are concerned about gum disease. ..

    Treatment of gingivitis / inflammation of the gums during pregnancy

    Perhaps gingivitis( gum disease) is the most frequent complaint of women starting from 3-4 months of pregnancy. This is due to serious hormonal changes in the whole body. It is characteristic that in the first half of pregnancy there is a mild form( the so-called catarrhal gingivitis), and in the second half, the course of the disease is more severe, often with the proliferation of gum tissue( the so-called hypertrophic gingivitis).In the initial stage of gingivitis, the gum margin becomes bright red, swells, bleeds easily. Gradually, such a gum becomes dark red or even cyanotic, increases in size.

    Treatment of mild forms of gingivitis consists of antiseptic treatment of gums, professional cleaning of teeth( thus removing traumatic and infectious factors), administration of applications or rinses with anti-inflammatory drugs. As a rule, after birth all symptoms of mild gingivitis disappear without a trace.

    If there is a proliferation of gum tissue, then they are removed surgically without harm to the health of the future mother and child.

    How to keep your teeth during pregnancy

    Previously, there was a saying that every child takes a woman from one tooth. Fortunately, today we can say with confidence that this is not so. The main thing is to carry out simple but very important recommendations.

    • Try to think about your dental health before pregnancy. Planning for the birth of a child is an indicator of the responsibility of the parents. Try to cure all the "problem" teeth, start taking a complex of vitamins that contain calcium. Try to adhere to the proper nutrition, add to your diet more cottage cheese, cheese, nuts.
    • During pregnancy, be sure to visit the dentist, even if you are not worried. This must be done in the beginning, in the middle of pregnancy and before childbirth.
    • During pregnancy, a child needs a large amount of calcium and for the mineralization of the skeleton, and for the formation of dairy and permanent teeth, so taking calcium from the outside is simply necessary for a woman. This will help products such as milk, cottage cheese, cheese, nuts, as well as vitamin and mineral complexes. But before taking calcium-containing drugs, you should always consult a doctor.
    • During pregnancy, the qualitative and quantitative composition of saliva changes, it becomes more viscous, loses its protective properties, which means that oral hygiene is affected, teeth become prone to tooth decay. Therefore, special attention should be given to daily oral hygiene, perhaps adding additional care products( rinsers, flosses).All these recommendations will be given to you by the dentist, also he will select you a suitable toothbrush and paste, if necessary, conduct professional hygiene.
    • Do not forget about the future of the baby's daddy, he also needs to sanitize the mouth before the birth of a child. After all, any affected tooth is the source of infection, both for the mother and the baby.

    Observance of these rules will help you to meet one of the happiest events in life with a beautiful and healthy smile!