  • Treatment of spurs on the heels of folk remedies

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    • How to heel spur: symptoms, causes
    • Treatment spurs folk remedies: homemade recipes
    • Prevention and helpful tips how to avoid the formation of spurs on the heels

    Home treatment for calcaneal spurs: folk recipes

    Spur on the heel gives a lot of discomfort,because when walking a person feels unbearable pain. Today, this ailment is very common both in young people and in elderly people.

    What is heel spur: symptoms, causes ^

    Heel spur is a pathological growth of the bone, which has the form of a spine and causes acute pain, which is repeatedly aggravated by exercise. Even specialists understand that it is possible to get rid of the problem quickly only with the help of an operation.

    Treatment of spurs on the heels at home will be effective only in case of timely therapy after the appearance of the first symptoms.

    First of all, the appearance of a spur leads to inflammation or micro-rupture of the plantar fascia, that is, the ligament, which accounts for the human weight when walking. This disease affects mainly women older than 40 years and athletes.

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    For other reasons, spurs on the heel include:

    • disease, which results in impaired blood flow;
    • metabolic disorders, excess weight;
    • diabetes mellitus;
    • excessive physical stress on the feet;
    • wearing uncomfortable shoes and shoes on heels;
    • longitudinal form of flatfoot;
    • arthritis, gout or osteoarthritis;
    • mechanical damage to the heel or foot.

    One of the first symptoms of a calcaneal spur is severe pain in the heel, which appears in the morning, then dies slightly during the day. In addition, the patient feels that a nail was hammered into his heel. Practically in all cases the gait changes.

    Visible sign of the spur is a slight increase in the heel. Sometimes it's hard to notice.

    Treatment of spurs with folk remedies: home remedies ^

    Popular treatment of calcaneal spur: home remedies

    Nowadays popular prescriptions for the treatment of calcaneal spurs are gaining popularity, which in combination with conservative methods help to significantly reduce pain and accelerate the recovery of the patient.

    Treating the calcaneal spur with iodine

    • To relieve the symptoms of an illness, you can make foot baths.
    • In the pelvis you need to pour 3 liters of not very hot water and add soda( 1 tablespoon) and iodine( 15 drops).
    • The duration of the procedure is 15-20 minutes. If the water cools down, pour a little boiling water.

    Treating the calcaneal spur with medical bile

    • You need to buy canned bile from the pharmacy. Before applying it to the skin, the heel should be steamed for 15 minutes.
    • A cotton swab impregnated with bile must be applied to the affected area, wrapped with polyethylene and fastened with a handkerchief or bandage, and put a sock on top.
    • Put such compresses on a daily basis and leave it overnight. After a while, the symptoms will be weakened, and the spur will disappear.

    Treating heel spur with honey

    Honey is a universal and very effective remedy that is used in many folk recipes. With the addition of honey, many mixtures are made for compresses with a calcaneal spur:

    • Take a teaspoon of honey and sea salt. Mix the ingredients and apply on the heel. Leave it overnight, fix with a bandage and wrap it with polyethylene.
    • Honey should be mixed with flour, so that the gruel has a consistency of not very liquid dough.
    • The cake should be placed on the affected area, pre-steamed, wrapped with cellophane and secured with a bandage.

    Treating the calcaneal spur with laundry soap

    • It is necessary to take a bar of laundry soap and rub it on a fine grater.
    • Place in a container and melt on a water bath.
    • It is recommended to make compresses from the prepared mass.
    • Apply a soap slurry to the spur for the whole night.
    • From above, the heel can be wrapped with polyethylene and secured with a bandage.
    • Perform the procedure daily until complete recovery.

    Treating the calcaneal spur with fat

    • To prepare the medicine from the spur you need to take half a glass of melted lard, ½ cup vinegar and one raw egg with the shell, grinding it on a coffee grinder.
    • All components must be put in a dark place, stir every day.
    • After 21 days the drug will turn into a homogeneous mass.
    • A small amount of it must be spread on a cotton swab and attach to a sick heel, secure with a bandage and put on a warm sock.
    • The course of treatment is 35 days.

    Treatment of calcaneal spur bischofite

    Bishofit is a natural substance that has a beneficial effect on health and helps to defeat the disease. To achieve the best effect, it is necessary to adhere exactly to the rules of application of this gel.

    • Warm the heel with a warmer for 5 minutes.
    • Then you should fold the gauze in several layers, apply a remedy on it and put the heels on the skin.
    • Gaulet should be covered with cellophane and put on a warm sock.
    • Compress left overnight, and in the morning remove and wash off the gel with warm water.
    • Set compresses every other day for two weeks.

    Treatment of calcaneal spur with dimethoxide

    Dimexide is a medicinal product that can relieve inflammation in the heel spur and relieve the symptoms of the disease.

    • As a rule, a solution of dimexide is used( a tablespoon of the drug should be diluted in three tablespoons of boiled water).
    • Compress should be applied for 20 minutes.
    • To do this, a tampon soaked in a solution must be placed on the heel, secured with a bandage and put on a woolen sock.
    • The duration of the course of therapy is 7-30 days.

    Treating the calcaneal spur with alcohol

    • In the vessel you need to pour a glass of alcohol and heat it on low heat. You should do this with caution, since alcohol can ignite.
    • It is recommended to lower the heel in a hot liquid for 20 minutes.
    • Then pull out the leg and wait until the alcohol is absorbed.

    Treating the calcaneal spur of the nettle

    • It is necessary to take fresh leaves of the nettle. It is advisable to collect them in May.
    • A small amount of raw material should be carried out the turn of the meat grinder to get 2 tablespoons.green gruel.
    • The resulting drug is evenly distributed on a burdock sheet and applied to the diseased heel, fastened with a handkerchief or bandage.
    • Compress every day at night. In two weeks the pain will decrease, and after a month the spur will disappear altogether.

    Treating the calcaneal spur with herbs

    • It is required to take a glass of dried horsetail and pour three liters of hot water. The broth should be insisted for two hours and filtered through gauze.
    • Before going to bed, you need to make foot baths lasting 15 minutes. Wiping feet from water, a painful heel should be lubricated with Lugol's solution.
    We also recommend that you read the article Treatment of the knee joint meniscus with folk remedies.

    Prevention and helpful advice on how to avoid spur formation on the heels ^

    It is well known that any disease is easier to prevent than treat. Therefore, preventive measures should be taken to eliminate the causes that cause the formation of the heel spur. Among them:

    • weight control;
    • timely treatment of flat feet, use of orthopedic insoles;
    • no excessive load on the feet;
    • competent treatment of diseases of the joints and spine;
    • wearing comfortable shoes;
    • self-massage of feet;
    • active way of life and playing sports;
    • balanced diet.

    Do not forget about preventive exercises, thanks to which you can avoid the appearance of a spur. It is advisable at all times to walk barefoot, to stomp on toes, on the outside or inside of the foot. You can also take foot baths, adding in them soda, soap, salt or essential oils.