
Signs of hypotension in pregnancy and the technique of its treatment

  • Signs of hypotension in pregnancy and the technique of its treatment

    For any woman who is going to become a mother, pregnancy is a certain stressful situation. And this is not surprising, because a woman for a period of 9 months is responsible not only for her life, but also for the life of a small creature. During pregnancy, many women in the first months of blood pressure is slightly reduced, which, in general, is the norm, provided that the state of health of a woman does not suffer from this.

    It's another matter if the woman had a reduced pressure before pregnancy, then in the first months of pregnancy she may have a sharp jump in pressure downwards, which can negatively affect the health of the woman and the fetus. In this case, talk about a diagnosis, such as hypotension in pregnancy, which needs treatment and adjustment.

    Causes of hypotension

    The main reason for the natural decrease in pressure in the first weeks of pregnancy is the change in the hormonal balance in the body of a woman. Hypotension during pregnancy manifests itself in the morning with symptoms such as drowsiness, lack of appetite, dizziness, weakness, nausea. Normally, all these symptoms gradually go away during the day. These signs can be attributed to signs of early toxicosis of pregnant women, which is considered normal and soon passing state.

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    However, pronounced hypotension is characterized by its constant flow and gradual deterioration of the condition. Because of the reduced amount of nutrition and oxygen entering the body of the mother and child, there are worrying symptoms, which include placental insufficiency, the threat of abortion, hypoplasia of the fetus, and subsequently - the weakness of labor and hypotonic bleeding after childbirth.

    What factors can cause deterioration in a pregnant woman? These include:

    • Unbalanced diet and nutritional deficiencies for fetal growth and development.
    • Forced long standing on the legs and irrational rest.
    • Long stay in hot tub. Lack of oxygen in the environment.
    • Prolonged stressful situations and nervous overexertion.

    Special attention should be paid to the symptoms of hypotension. If other symptoms join the usual symptoms that arise as a manifestation of toxicosis, you should immediately consult a doctor for help and take urgent measures to correct blood pressure.

    These symptoms include:

    • Decreased body temperature and increased sweating of the hands and feet.
    • Appearance of dyspnea even with low physical exertion.
    • Appearance of pain in muscles and joints.
    • Syncope and conditions close to unconscious.

    In the diagnosis it is important to understand whether hypotension is pregnant in a physiological state and whether the fetus suffers from reduced pressure? If this is not observed, then the doctors talk about "vegetative-vascular hypotonia in the hypotonic type", which does not need medical treatment. Another thing, if hypotension is pathological and manifests as a symptom of another disease, in these cases it is necessary to eliminate the cause of such a condition as soon as possible.

    Special attention should be paid to those pregnant women who have a so-called lower vena cava syndrome, which should not be confused with hypotension. In women, this syndrome develops in the second half of the pregnancy period, which occurs as a result of squeezing the inferior vena cava with an enlarged uterus in the position of a woman lying down. In the supine position on the side or in the standing position( sitting), all the characteristic signs of hypotension disappear.

    Treatment of a disease in pregnant women

    When diagnosed with hypotension during pregnancy, a treatment takes an individual approach. So, for example, with physiological hypotension, treatment is not performed, and if the condition worsens, treatment can be carried out at home or in the hospital if a woman's condition worsens.

    If the cause of hypotension is a primary disease( anemia, pancreatitis, cholecystitis, infectious lesions), then it is necessary to carry out treatment in this direction, eliminating the cause. The use of usual symptomatic means for increasing blood pressure( ginseng, rhodiolarose and others) will only bring temporary relief.

    If hypotension is observed in pregnant women - treatment usually includes all the same drugs that are traditionally used to treat hypotension. These include plant adaptogens, which contain substances, tonic vessels( levzeya, rhodiolarose, and others).Carefully use( or discard altogether) alcoholic tinctures( ginseng, magnolia vinegar, aralia).

    It is important for pregnant women to follow simple rules that will help to keep the tone of the vessels in the norm. These include:

    • Observe a proper rest and sleep for at least 10 hours a day, of which 8-9 hours at night time, and 1 -2 hours for daytime sleep.
    • Do not jump off the bed on waking, this can cause a seizure of hypotension.
    • Do not abuse caffeinated drinks during pregnancy, as their excess leads to a persistent decrease in pressure. In a cup of coffee or cocoa, you need to add milk or cream.
    • The diet should be a fractional, at least 4-5 times a day, in small portions.
    • It is possible to take in the mornings a contrast shower, but without sharp transitions from hot water to cold.
    • It is useful to do morning exercises, swimming, and also to make walks in the open air.
    • In the diet should necessarily be products containing fats, proteins, carbohydrates, as well as vitamins and trace elements in the required quantity.

    Drug treatment for hypotension during pregnancy is usually not prescribed, as this can adversely affect the course of pregnancy and the fetus.

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