
Leukocytes in the blood are increased: the causes and treatment

  • Leukocytes in the blood are increased: the causes and treatment

    The most famous laboratory and diagnostic procedure is a blood test.

    This is a kind of test for health, as blood indicators determine a person's condition, possible pathologies in the body and the degree of destruction of the diseased organ.

    The general blood test indicates the level of hemoglobin, the number of red blood cells, white blood cells, lymphocytes, platelets and shows a picture of the general condition of the body.

    Blood test allows you to determine the presence of infection and helminths in the body, allergic reactions, anemia. The doctor deciphers the blood test, taking into account the age, the diseases, the pregnancy and the menstrual cycle in women.

    Before taking a blood test, it is recommended that you adhere to certain rules. Do not overeat, do not physically overload the body, do not take thermal procedures, do not drink much and do not eat spicy food. These factors may introduce an incorrect correction in the blood test, making it difficult to establish the correct diagnosis.
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    Leukocytes in the blood

    An important indicator of the state of the body is the level of leukocytes. These are white cells that have a nucleus that react to the slightest changes in the body.

    In case of problems, the body is forced to produce an increased number of leukocytes, which serve to protect and create a barrier against microbes, viruses, foreign cells and microorganisms. There are norms of leukocyte counts, which depend on age.

    Norms of leukocytes( x 109):

    • in the first month of life - 6,5-13,7;
    • in 1 year - 6-12;
    • from one year to six years - 5-12;
    • from 7 to 12 years - 4,5-10;
    • from 13 to 15 years - 4,3-9,5;
    • in adults( women and men) is 4-9.
    Normal level of leukocytes means a healthy state of the body without pathologies. In the case of an increase in the leukocyte number, the question is raised about the presence of pathologies or infectious diseases. In what cases can leukocytosis be physiological, unrelated to the disease? If the patient donates blood after eating, taking a cold or hot bath or thermal procedures the day before the test, the indicators can be increased. Also, during pregnancy, during childbirth or before menstruation in women, the number of white blood cells increases slightly.

    See also what to do if the white blood cells in the blood are lowered.

    Causes of elevated white blood cell count

    Why are white blood cells elevated, and what does this mean? The main indicator of the presence in the body of a malfunction or disease is the number of leukocytes. The importance of this number is precisely that the increase in leukocytes signals a disease.

    In such pathologies may increase the level of leukocytes in the blood:

    • acute infection or exacerbation of chronic infection( SARS, tonsillitis, bronchitis, etc.);
    • diseases characterized by the disintegration of tissues( burn, necrosis, stroke, infarction);
    • intoxication( uremia, ketoacidosis);
    • blood loss;
    • leukemia;
    • tumor;
    • immunodeficiency.
    Based on the level of leukocyte count and patient complaints, the doctor prescribes more in-depth analyzes to determine which organ is not functioning well and the general condition of the patient.

    In what cases does the level of white blood cells increase? For colds, respiratory diseases, pyelonephritis, influenza, sinusitis, otitis, pneumonia, bronchitis, as well as diseases accompanied by tissue destruction.

    There are five types of leukocytes:

    • lymphocytes;
    • neutrophils;
    • monocytes;
    • eosinophils;
    • basophils.
    Each species performs a certain role in the body. If the percentage of one species changes, then only by changing the level of other cells.

    The leukocyte formula indicates the possible course of pathological processes. A more accurate diagnosis can be made by calculating the absolute level of indicators. Relative and absolute changes in the level of leukocytes have the difference that absolute numbers more closely approximate the true state of the organism.

    That the indicator of the general or common analysis of a blood approached to true more, it is not recommended to accept food before delivery of blood, for the day before delivery of the analysis it is better not to take a hot bath, to avoid bathing in a cool pond. Do not physically burden the body, overeat, drink alcoholic beverages. In pregnancy, leukocytes increase in the blood, so the doctor can prescribe a control general analysis or other tests of urine and blood.

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