  • One, two, three - look!

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    Features of the game and its educational value. The purpose of this game is to teach the child to build the image of an object of a given magnitude and use it in gaming activities. Children already have experience of playing games. The new is to find the object( the ring from the pyramid) on the representation of its size: the sample of the right size is first given to the child by the bunches, but the search is carried out without it.

    Children are checking the correctness of their actions using the familiar method of applying a ringlet to the sample. This allows the child to comprehend this technique as a means of self-control. Thus, the game prepares for self-control, which not only improves the child's perception, but also influences the development of his personality. Previous games prepared children for a successful solution of this problem.

    The game has a control character. Its carrying out allows the teacher to find out which of the children has already mastered the methods of comparing and estimating the magnitude, and who else is not.

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    Like other collective games, this game enriches the social experience of children. Fulfillment of instructions on the verbal signal contributes to the upbringing of endurance both for those who perform the assignment and for those who assess its correctness.

    Game material. Single-colored pyramids, which have already been used in previous games( preferably yellow and green), with a number of rings at least seven. You need two or three pyramids of each color.

    Description of the game and its techniques. Children sit down on their chairs, arranged in a semicircle, the teacher spreads the dismantled pyramids on two or three tables, stirring the rings. Two pyramids of different colors put on a small table in front of the children and dismantles one of them.

    Then calls three children and gives each of them a ring of the same size. Each is entrusted to find a pair for his ringlet of exactly the same size."Look carefully at your rings and try to remember how big they are, so as not to be mistaken. What kind of ring do you have, big or small? "Asks the teacher of the babies one by one. If the child finds it difficult to answer, he suggests that he approach the collected pyramid and attach his ring to a ring of the same size.

    Then these children are invited to leave the rings on their stools and go in search of other rings of the same size. The educator warns that it is possible to look for ringlets only after all the children say the following words: "One, two, three - look!" He asks all sitting children to repeat these words with him, and with the last word three children called out begin to search for rings."We'll see how they carry out our assignment and what they will bring to us," the teacher turns to the other children.

    After selecting the ringlet, each child returns to the place and applies it to his sample, which remained on the chair. After making sure that the choice is correct, the child takes both rings in their hands and shows them to all children. If he is convinced of the error, he is allowed to correct it by replacing the selected ringlet with another one.

    After completing the assignment, the children show their rings to everyone, the others clap, they say: "Mo-lodts!" The rings return to the tutor, and the kids sit down in their seats. One of the children returns the found ringlets to the tables, then the game is repeated with the participation of other children.

    For a change in the repetition of the game, you can use as a pattern a pyramid of a different color.

    Rules of the game.

    1. Carefully consider the received ring-pattern, try to memorize its value and leave the ring on the stool.

    2. To search for a ringlet it is authorized only on a signal "Search!".

    3. You can search for a ring of any color, but exactly as large as the sample.

    4. Before showing the ring to the group, you need to make sure that the task is executed correctly( put it on the sample ring).

    Tips for the educator. Since the game is aimed at checking the achievements of each child, preparing for it, it is necessary to make a list of children in advance in order to mark the results of each during the game.

    If someone does not cope with the task, you can allow him to take a sample with him to fix the error on the spot. With those who mistake too often, you should separately play the previous games( for example, "Come to the Meadow") and in the same game.

    Children can take rings of any color. Observance of this rule contributes to distraction from an inessential for this activity trait, which is very important for the intellectual development of children.

    Carrying this game, try to pay special attention to the development of children's self-control. Make sure that every participant of the game must check himself before showing the ring found to another. Do not interfere if the child, during the execution of the assignment, looks back at the specimen left on the chair. This suggests that the kid needs to update the visual image and tries to control himself in the course of playing actions.