  • Vessel treatment with folk remedies

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    Crayfish ordinary. In folk medicine, remedy drugs are used to remove vascular spasms, in the treatment of edema, edema.

    Powder from a dried plant is taken 0.5 grams 3 times a day.

    Infusion: 2 tbsp. Spoons of herbs are poured into 600 ml of boiling water and insist for 1 hour. Filter. Drink 200 ml 3 times daily before meals.

    Valerian officinalis. The day of removal of spasms of cardiac vessels, valerian root is used both in collections( valerian root, motherwort tincture, anise fruits, yarrow herb, see above), and in the form of tincture - 30 drops 3 times a day.

    Periwinkle small. Vinca preparations act as a vasodilator. They are used for spasms of the vessels of the heart and brain. Also, these drugs are taken with hypertension and as an anticancer agent.

    Infusion: 1 tbsp.a spoonful of dry leaves pour 300 ml of boiling water, boil in a water bath for 15 minutes, cool 45 minutes at room temperature, filter. Take 1/3 cup 3 times a day.

    Pharmacological preparations vinopan and devincan are obtained from vinca, which are used in a dosage of 0.005-0.01 mg 2-3 times a day for the same indications.

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    Drok dyeing. Herb infusion has a vasodilating effect in diseases of the heart and blood vessels of the brain.

    Infusion: 1 teaspoon of dry herbs pour 500 ml of water, boil on low heat until evaporating 1/3 of the volume, cool, filter. Drink every other day for 1 tbsp.spoon 3 times a day.

    There is another ancient method of preparing the infusion: 15 g of dry grass is poured with 33 tablespoons of raw water and boiled until 2/3 of water evaporates. Drink the broth every other day until it begins to weaken and drive urine.

    Drugs are also used in the treatment of dropsy, liver disease and as a blood cleanser.

    Heart rate abnormalities

    Zueznik European. Herb infusion is used to treat cardiac arrhythmias associated with changes in thyroid function, for the treatment of thyrotoxicosis, for insomnia.

    Infusion: 1 tbsp. Spoon the herbs pour 200 ml of boiling water, insist 2 hours, filter. Drink 1/4 cup 4 times a day for half an hour before meals.

    Rauwolfia the snake. From it, a number of domestic drugs are used to treat atrial fibrillation and paroxysmal tachycardia( ai-talin), as well as for the treatment of hypertension( raunatin, reserpine).

    Atherosclerosis, accompanied by headaches and tinnitus( atherosclerosis with primary lesion of cerebral vessels)

    Barvinok. Infusion vinca take on 1/3 cup 3 times a day( preparation and use see above).

    Rowan.200 grams of ash berries boil in a water bath for 20 minutes, drain. Cool at room temperature for an hour. Strain. Take 1 / 2-1 / 3 cup 3 times a day.

    Juice from rowan fruits( take fresh ripe fruit) cook with sugar( for 1 l of juice - 600 g of sugar) for 20 minutes on a low heat. Take 1/3 cup 3-4 times a day for atherosclerosis and joint pain of rheumatic origin.

    Kalina. When sclerosis of the brain vessels drink water infusion of flowers of the viburnum( 1 tablespoon of flowers on

    300 ml of boiling water, to insist 1 hour, strain, drink 0.5 cup 3-4 times a day for a month).

    Japanese Sophora. Sophora and its preparations contain rutin, a substance that reduces permeability and fragility of capillaries. Sophora preparations are used for cerebral sclerosis, for preventing stroke, for preventing hemorrhage in the heart, for hypertension and diabetes.

    Decoction of flowers and fruits: 2 tbsp. Spoon the mixture into 500 ml of boiling water. Boil for 5 minutes on low heat, drain. Drink 1/3 cup in the treatment of atherosclerosis, to prevent stroke and hypertension.

    Pharmacy drug софорин( tincture of fruits on ethyl alcohol) is applied externally.

    Rutin, extracted from the fruits of Sophora, is taken with ascorbic acid( ascorutin) in many vascular diseases by 0.05 g. 3 times a day.

    Carrots. From the seeds of carrots, the preparation kellin is obtained, which exerts an antispasmodic( expanding) effect on the coronary and cerebral vessels. The action of kellin is similar to that of papaverine. Take kellin to 0.02 mg 3-4 times a day for atherosclerosis, angina, bronchial asthma.

    Clover meadow. It is used for atherosclerosis of cerebral vessels, accompanied by headaches and noise in the ears( at normal arterial pressure).

    Tincture: 40 g. Plants are insisted in 500 ml of vodka for 10 days( periodically shaking).Strain. Take 20 ml 1 time per day before lunch or one hour before bedtime. The course of treatment is 3 months. Every month, take a break for 10 days.

    Pound of garlic( 358 g) must be ground, mixed with juice of 24 lemons and insisted for 24 days. Shake means before each intake. Take it 1 time a day, before going to bed, dissolving 1 tsp.mixture in 1/2 cup water.

    It is likely that calmness and general positive mood favorably affect blood vessels and protect them from liming. Doctors from Duke University in Durham found that with a low level of serotonin( an intermediary substance that transmits the pulse from the nerve endings to other cells and organs) liming of the arteries is accelerated. Low levels of serotonin are often observed in people in a state of depression. In quiet, satisfied and relaxed people, on the contrary, the level of serotonin is significantly higher, and the danger to the vessels, respectively, is not so great.