  • Treatment of sinusitis with folk remedies

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    Read in the article:
    • What is sinusitis: symptoms, causes, types
    • Treatment of sinusitis folk remedies: home recipes
    • Prevention and helpful advice how to avoid sinusitis

    Home treatment for sinusitis: folk recipes

    To date, a huge number of people suffer from sinusitis. It is known that this disease does not develop just like that, but most often it is the result of a cold or allergy.

    What is sinusitis: symptoms, causes, types ^

    Sinusitis is an infectious disease that is characterized by the onset of an inflammatory process in the nasal sinuses.

    When a person is healthy, the nasal sinuses are filled with air, and when a cold is caught, a liquid accumulates in the sinuses and a favorable environment for the reproduction of microbes appears.

    Doctors-otolaryngologists say that treating sinusitis with folk methods can be an excellent addition to traditional therapy. However, both ways to get rid of sinusitis should be carried out under the supervision of a specialist.

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    Sinusitis can occur in many ways: in acute or chronic form. Depending on the sinuses in which the liquid accumulates, the following types of disease are distinguished:

    • Sinusitis( maxillary sinus);
    • Frontite( frontal sinus);
    • Sphenoiditis( sphenoid sinus);
    • Etomoiditis( trellis labyrinth).

    Causes of sinusitis:

    • Chronic nasal congestion;
    • Frequent and severe hypothermia;
    • Unfinished treatment of colds or SARS;
    • Change in the shape of the septum due to injury;
    • Allergic reactions;
    • Inflammation of the teeth.

    The main symptoms of sinusitis :

    • Purulent discharge greenish-yellow;
    • Dry cough attacks, which are worse at night;
    • Constant nasal congestion, difficulty breathing, worsening of scent;
    • Redness of the skin around the nose;
    • The feeling of squeezing, which spreads first to the nose or nose, and then turns into a headache;
    • Increased temperature, fast fatigue, decreased appetite.

    If the first signs of the disease appear, you should contact a specialist who will prescribe effective therapy. It is important to note that the treatment of sinusitis at home without the use of medication and apparatus therapy is undesirable, as this can lead to such formidable complications as meningitis or infection of the bone marrow.

    Symptoms of sinusitis in children

    Diagnosing sinusitis in children is sometimes much more difficult than in adults, because the symptoms of the disease manifest in children are not so pronounced. The main symptoms:

    • Purulent discharge from the nose;
    • Deterioration of overall well-being;Unpleasant odor from the oral cavity.

    Treatment of sinusitis with folk remedies: home remedies ^

    Popular treatment of rhinosinusitis: home prescriptions

    Sinusitis most often develops as a result of a cold. It happens that the manifestations of the disease disappear after traditional therapy, however, after a while they appear again. In this case, people's treatment will come to the rescue, effectively supplementing the traditional one.

    Acute sinusitis treatment

    The acute form of the disease can be successfully cured with the help of potatoes that are used for inhalations.

    • Boil several potatoes, mash and place in a saucepan.
    • Next, you should bend over the container and breathe the fumes of the potato for a few minutes, making a second break in order not to get burned.
    • For greater efficiency, you should cover your head with a towel.

    Treatment of chronic sinusitis

    As a remedy for the chronic form of the disease, a potion based on garlic and vinegar is excellent. Prepare it is simple:

    • It is required to grind the head of garlic in a meat grinder and brew the mash with 2 cups of boiling water, adding a spoonful of apple cider vinegar.
    • After that, you need to inhale the vapor for 10 minutes, covering your head with a towel.
    • You need to do these inhalations three times a day.
    • After the evening procedure, it is advisable to go to bed at once.

    Treatment of purulent sinusitis

    If acute pus infection starts, then the following recipe should be used:

    • Wipe the laundry soap, squeeze onion juice, add honey, sunflower oil and milk. All ingredients are taken in equal amounts, for example, 2 teaspoons.
    • The resulting mash must be heated in a water bath.
    • Apply this way: moisten in a gruel 2 tampons and put into the nose for 5 minutes. The outflow of pus will begin after a while.

    Treatment of allergic sinusitis

    With sinusitis caused by allergens, it is possible to wash using either salt or sea salt. It is necessary to prepare the solution by adding a couple of spoons of salt in a glass of warm water. Washings are done twice a day.

    Get rid of sinusitis effectively aloe juice helps. It is required to squeeze out the juice from the leaves of aloe and dig in a few drops of juice three times a day.

    Treatment of sinusitis with honey

    Honey is a sweet product that helps to get rid of the disease. In folk medicine, the following recipe is used:

    • Prepare a honey-beetroot solution. On a teaspoon of honey, take 3-4 teaspoons of beet juice.
    • Use this tool to instill a nose 5 drops into each nostril 5 times a day.

    Treatment of sinusitis with propolis

    Use propolis in order to get rid of the disease, you can use it as follows:

    • For carrying out the inhalation .To do this, it is recommended to pour propolis alcohol into the boiling water. Its amount should be such that the solution becomes opaque. Inhale the evaporation of this solution for half an hour, covered with a towel.
    • For instilling a nose. A piece of propolis should be frozen, after crushing, add a teaspoon of vegetable oil, for example, olive oil. This mash must be boiled and cooled.

    Before using propolis it is important to make sure that there are no allergic reactions. It is important to purchase this product in a pharmacy or in a specialized store.

    Treatment of sinusitis with radish

    It is recommended to use exactly black radish. Thanks to the content of a large number of nutrients, it helps to relieve pain and inflammation, cleaning the nasal sinuses from mucus.

    • A medium size vegetable should be grinded.
    • After that, you need to put the radish in gauze and squeeze it well.
    • The resulting juice is digested in the nose a couple of drops three times a day.

    Treatment of sinusitis with onion

    Onion is a universal remedy that will help get rid of sinusitis. Use a bowl mixture to wash the nose.

    • It is necessary to crush one large onion, knead it to a mushy consistency, pour a glass of boiling water and stir well.
    • When the drug has cooled, it is necessary to add a spoonful of honey, to insist a few hours, drain it.

    Treatment of sinusitis Kalanchoe

    For effective therapy at home, it is recommended to prepare an ointment based on calanchoe, aloe, onion and cyclamen roots, which is excellent for lubricating the sinuses of the nose.

    • From each component, it is necessary to squeeze out a teaspoon of juice, add 10 g of Vishnevsky ointment to the mixture.
    • For the procedure, take 2 cotton buds, dip them into a remedy and insert them into the nostrils.
    • Hold for about half an hour, repeat 3 times a day for 20 days.

    Treatment of sinusitis with herbs

    Herbalism with sinusitis is the use of decoctions of plantain, chamomile or calendula. Prepare them fairly simply:

    • It is necessary to take a teaspoon of each herb and brew the collected collection 3 cups of boiling water.
    • Decoctions are used to wash the nose.
    • Also it will be useful to put compresses on the forehead, nose and nose. It is advisable to carry out the procedure before bedtime.

    It is important to note that selecting the right therapy guarantees a good result and a quick recovery.

    We also recommend that you read the article "Otitis of the ear: treatment with folk remedies at home."

    Prevention and useful advice how to avoid sinusitis ^

    Prophylaxis of sinusitis includes the following activities:

    • Strengthening immunity by hardening, taking vitamins;
    • Regular ventilation of premises;
    • Training in respiratory gymnastics;
    • Prevention of inhalation of cigarette smoke, dust, contact with allergens;
    • Proper nutrition, eating fruits and vegetables;
    • Physical stress;
    • Positive mood;
    • Timely treatment of colds, runny nose.

    As you know, any disease is much easier to prevent than cure, and sinusitis is no exception. Adhering to the basic rules and recommendations, you can avoid the development of this ailment.