  • Consequences of asphyxia of newborns: how they manifest themselves and in what they are expressed

    The birth of a healthy child is the most valuable thing that can be in life. Each parent wants intrauterine development, the birth and growth of their children to proceed without pathologies, but not always the desired one comes true. Hearing the diagnosis of "asphyxia of the fetus and the newborn" almost everyone panics, because they do not quite understand what is really happening to the child. Although you need to worry, but you should not panic ahead of time.

    Newborn asphyxia is a condition of a newborn that is characterized by a lack of oxygen and carbon dioxide accumulation in the tissues. As a rule, the child does not breathe at birth, but all other physiological mechanisms are normal, but there may not be a palpitation. If medical assistance was not provided in time, death from asphyxiation is possible.

    Causes of

    To understand the mechanism of development of this condition, it is necessary to know the causes of asphyxiation:

    • intracranial neonatal injury during childbirth;
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    • Rh incompatibility between mother and fetus;
    • obstruction of the respiratory tract by mucus or amniotic fluid;
    • a crochet around the neck of the umbilical cord;
    • anhydrase;
    • premature placental abruption;
    • malformations in the fetus, both the respiratory system and other vital organs.

    Also, diseases of a pregnant woman can cause deviations in the developing fetus:

    • type I diabetes mellitus;
    • of anemia of pregnant women( especially iron deficiency);
    • diseases of the cardiovascular system;
    • gestosis.

    Consequences of newborn asphyxia

    When a newborn is born, his condition is assessed on the Apgar scale. Exposed balls summarize and analyze the result: a healthy child - 8-10 points, a light degree of asphyxia - 6-7 points, an average - 4-5 points, and severe asphyxia - 0-3 points, which require resuscitation.

    Consequences for mild asphyxia of newborns - characterized by reduced muscle tone and motor activity, decreased physiological reflexes, shallow breathing and marked diffuse cyanosis. This condition quickly stabilizes, and after 2-3 days the child feels well.

    Consequences with an average degree of asphyxia of newborns - is characterized by a clearly noticeable reduced tone and motor activity, when examined, weakly reacts to touch and a decrease in pain sensitivity. For the first time hours of life, most physiological reflexes are not observed. When examined, cyanosis is detected, down to a cyanotic shade. Breathing is superficial and uneven, sometimes with convulsive movements, with palpation the pulse is threadlike. Improvement of the condition is stabilized until the fifth day.

    Consequences with severe asphyxia of newborns is a very dangerous condition, which sometimes is not compatible with life. Immediately at birth, there is a waxy-pale skin tone, the mucous membranes are cyanotic. Physiological reflexes are not determined. Palpitation of the heart is weak, the throbbing pulse is not noticeable, and when the blood pressure is measured, it is lowered. Self-breathing is not observed.

    Stabilization of the condition begins only on the 4th day, when the first reaction to the examination appears, but the reflexes do not appear immediately. The absence of sucking and swallowing reflexes can indicate that a severe brain damage has occurred. Such children should be resuscitated immediately after birth and hope for the best.

    All about the consequences of asphyxiation

    When the child is growing up, there are residual effects after a recent asphyxia, which can disrupt the whole life of the child. Such consequences include:

    • lag in the development of speech;
    • inadequate behavior and unpredictable actions in the life situation;
    • progress in school is reduced;
    • reduced immunity, in which the child often suffers from both colds and more serious diseases;
    • in 20-30% of children there is a lag in mental and physical development.
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