  • Eczema Symptoms

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    Eczema is a disease resistant, peculiar inflammatory erythematous-vesicular, itchy skin lesions. It arises sharply, but then it takes a chronic course with a tendency to frequent relapses. The disease does not have a single etiology and is due to various exogenous and endogenous factors;the most likely role of neurogenic and allergic mechanisms. Red convex spots, oozing and covered with a crust, are noted at the stage of exacerbation of the disease;The chronic stage of the disease, often caused by the erasure and scratching of the skin, is characterized by scaly, red swellings on the skin. Different types of eczema are isolated on the basis of the cause of the disease and its appearance, but in all types there is severe itching and redness, and when combing the skin they can intensify and spread. Eczema is not a health threat, and in many cases the symptoms can be weakened with the help of creams and ointments sold over the counter. However, in serious cases, secondary bacterial and viral infections can develop on the affected area. What use of folk remedies in this disease look here.

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    • Endogenous eczema is usually associated with the presence of allergies in the patient's medical history or with his relatives.

    • Contact eczema can be caused by contact with a variety of substances, including some plant substances;metals, especially nickel;rubber or latex;paints;cosmetics;perfume;topical drugs;cleaning agents.


    First, redness appears, against which bubbles are formed up to the size of a pinhead. In the center of the lesion, the vesicles are opened, the serous exudate appears on the surface of the skin, forming wet areas with a softened and sloughing horny layer. Upon close examination of the focus, numerous "point" erosions can be detected, from which small drops of serous exudate( serous wells) appear on the surface.

    Eruptions are symmetrical. Most often they are located on the hands, legs and trunk. Patients are troubled by an itch of varying intensity, contributing to the development of neurotic disorders with sleep disturbances right up to insomnia. As the inflammatory phenomena decrease on the wetting areas, crusts and scales are formed, and the depigmented spots peel off. There may be foci of dryness and peeling of the skin with the formation of cracks. With prolonged chronic course of eczema on the palms and soles sometimes appear dense corpus callosum formations with cracks. Often, the course of eczema is complicated by the addition of purulent infection.

    Distinguish true seborrhoeic, microbial and professional eczema.

    The most frequent localization is the rear of the hands and face. The acute period is marked by a rash on the erythematous background of the microvesicle. After their opening, small point erosions( "serous wells") are formed, separating in the form of drops serous exudate. As the inflammatory phenomena subside, the number of vesicles decreases, some of them dry up to form crusts, and small, otrepid scaling appears on the affected areas. Due to the fact that eczema develops paroxysmally, all elements( bubbles, mocculation, crusts and peeling) are observed simultaneously, which is the most characteristic symptom of eczema( evolutionary polymorphism).The disease is accompanied by severe itching. As a result of scratching, eczema is complicated by a secondary infection.

    Often the eczematous process tends to spread, in some patients it affects significant areas of the skin.

    The process is localized in the face, scalp, chest, interlaculatory triangle area and occurs more often in people with oily seborrhea. It is characterized by the precipitation of small acicular follicular nodules of a yellowish pink color, covered with greasy grayish-yellow scales. Later, nodules form plaques of different sizes, also yellowish-pink, covered with fatty scales, then the plaques merge, forming larger foci with scalloped contours. Subjectively, there is a slight itch.

    Occupational eczema occurs as a result of skin sensitization to various stimuli: chemical, mechanical, physical. Primary localization at the rear of the hands, forearm, face and neck. From true eczema differs less pronounced polymorphism, the absence of exacerbations and rapid cure with the elimination of the corresponding stimulus.

    Microbial eczema is characterized by a sharp limitation, round or coarse-grained outlines. On the periphery, one often sees the collar of the exfoliating stratum corneum. The affected area is often covered with lamellar crusts, after removal of which a continuous wetting surface appears on which "serous wells" are clearly revealed. Microbial eczema is localized on the lower legs, behind the hands, less often on the scalp. After the primary focus, the dissemination of the process often occurs.

    Treatment of eczema is carried out by a doctor. Patients should be observed by a dermatologist up to a persistent cure.

    In the treatment of a copy, a diet with restriction or complete exclusion of extractives, citrus fruits, mushrooms, meat broths, spices is prescribed. Good results are provided by the dairy-vegetable diet.

    In the midst of the disease, it is recommended to refrain from water procedures, avoid contact with water and soap, do not use household chemicals.

    During an exacerbation, if possible, it is necessary to protect the inflamed areas from the sun and light, from which the disease only worsens. Therefore, bandages and bandages should be applied to the affected area. During the recovery period, sunburn is useful.

    The success of therapy is facilitated by adherence to the regime of life, punctual performance of prescribing physician. The word "eczema" comes from the Greek "exes" - "rashes".Small, with millet grain, the blisters are clearly visible on the reddened edematous skin. From permanent scratching, they are opened, and in their place there are small depressions, or, as they are called, eczematous wells, from which the tissue fluid seeps. As the inflammatory process subsides, peeling, crusts on the skin appear. Having begun acutely, eczema often takes a chronic course, spreads, hitting the hands, legs, face, scalp, and sometimes the whole body. There is an itching, so painful that a person loses sleep, quickly becomes tired, becomes irritable. The associated neurotic reactions in turn aggravate the course of the disease.

    The high allergic reactivity of the organism provokes the development of eczema. The term "allergic reactivity" is collective and means increased sensitivity to various substances of chemical or protein origin. Allergens can be chemicals used in everyday life: fertilizers, insect killers, detergents. And even fabrics, especially synthetic ones, as well as wool, silk, nylon and nylon stockings, socks, gloves. Uncontrolled use of medicines, especially antibiotics and sulfonamides, certain foods, as well as contact with certain plants, can cause eczema. Allergic action has also microorganisms - those that nest, say, in inflamed tonsils, appendix, paranasal sinuses, carious teeth.

    The development of eczema is facilitated by diseases of the stomach and intestines, endocrine disorders, disorders of the nervous system, a decrease in the body's resistance due to diseases of the internal organs. Often, eczema accompanies varicose veins, thrombophlebitis, trophic ulcers. To find the most effective treatment, the doctor should establish the cause of eczema. Therefore, going to an appointment with a dermatologist, try to remember what preceded the development of the disease. Specialists of dispensaries, allergic rooms and laboratories, if necessary, will make special tests to identify the culprit of eczema - allergen. And when contact with the allergen is eliminated, healing quickly comes.

    Sometimes it is enough to protect the skin from the effects of an allergen, so that the eczema recedes: for example, clean the sinks, bath with pastes and powders in rubber gloves. But to work in them for a long time does not follow, as the hands in gloves quickly sweat. And if there is a wet eczema, you can not use rubber gloves at all.

    In cases where eczema is exacerbated after the use of certain products, they should be excluded from the diet. During the period of exacerbation, egg white, meat soups, game, salty foods and spicy seasonings, honey, chocolate, spicy cheeses, spirits, whole milk, coffee, cocoa, strong tea( especially at night) are prohibited.

    Suffering eczema recommended sour-milk products, boiled meat, vegetables, fruits( but not citrus).Sugar and other sweets should be limited. If the skin is wet and swollen, do not use a lot of liquid.

    Skin care is very important. In the acute period, it is not recommended to wash for 7-8 days. Healthy skin areas can be wiped with cologne, vodka, diluted in half with water. Pustules, if they are, should be treated with a solution of brilliant green. Clear the affected areas from the crusts can be cotton wool moistened with boiled vegetable oil. In the same way, if necessary, remove the remnants of previously used drugs. The most important thing is, if possible, to eliminate the allergen revealed from everyday use: to part with indoor plants, washing powders or cosmetics and other substances responsible for the development of eczema.

    Sufferers of eczema often need the help of a neurologist: after all, violations of the nervous system play an important role in the development of the disease. A person fell into a conflict situation, became agitated, and he immediately exacerbated eczema. The same happens often with mental and physical overstrain. There are patients who, embarrassed by the cosmetic deficiencies generated by eczema, narrow the circle of communication, try to be fewer in public. And completely in vain! More than once I had to make sure that others around pay little attention to features that the patient himself considers to be conspicuous. Given the relationship of eczema with emotional stress and taking into account the individual characteristics of the patient, the neuropathologist will prescribe funds that reduce the excitability of the nervous system, normalizing sleep.

    Try to work rhythmically, learn to cope with bad mood: fix attention not on failures, but let small, but achievements, on happy, pleasant memories. Smooth mood - a guarantee of well-being!

    We would advise suffering eczema and functional disorders of the nervous system to avoid sudden changes in the routine of the day, not to break without the need for a stereotype - for years, a developed system of habits and habits. It is necessary to sleep at least 7-8 hours and always go to bed at the same time - at 10 or 11 pm. It is more common to be outdoors, to regularly engage in physical education. Such a load not only strengthens the muscles, but also removes nervous excitement, negative emotions. This advice applies not only to people in seated occupations, but also to those who are engaged in manual labor.

    It is very important to switch from one activity to another. Those standing at the bench, for example, are especially recommended for walking.

    And it's not at all good to spend all your free time lying on the couch or sitting in the chair in front of the TV screen. You need to rest actively: go on hiking, cycling. Doing physical exercises is better in the air. Communication with nature activates the defenses of the body, calms the nervous system. But smoking, alcoholic drinks, as you know, it excites. Therefore, suffering from eczema, tobacco and alcohol are categorically contraindicated.

    Consult a doctor if eczema does not go away by itself, is widely spread, infected, or repeated.