  • Today is a holiday for the guys

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    How many times during the year do we mark significant dates, memorable to our state, our people? Two? Five? Seven?

    However, not in the amount of business. The main thing is what trace will leave the triumph in the hearts of children. It is no accident that holidays are considered one of the most effective means of educating children, forming high patriotic and civil feelings among them. Thoughtful, well organized on a family scale - of course, in accordance with the possibilities - the holiday, as a rule, affects the most delicate feelings of our children, through the emotional sphere brings to them its historical coloration, significance. That is why children, as a rule, are so eagerly waiting for the celebration, preparing for it, and then for a long, long time discussing each and every stroke of each other with it.

    . .. Victory Day. That bright day of May 1945, when the salvoes of guns ceased, we are really far from us now, as the song that is loved by all is sung. Far from the time and painfully close - a nationwide memory of Soviet people who did not spare themselves in the fight against the enemy, bringing this joyful hour closer. ..

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    A fresh spring morning in the family of the Muscovites of the Maslovs there was a revival. Grandparents and grandmothers waited for everyone to go to the Gorky Park of Culture and Recreation to meet with former grandfather's brother-soldiers.

    In the meantime - in which, again, Sergei and Marinka read out the next issue of the family wall newspaper "Bell" in honor of the Victory Day. Over thirty such amateur newspapers lay on a cabinet under a sheet of Plexiglas, timed for large, national holidays, and for family celebrations. Each number was prepared collectively, with drawings, humor, with farewell to the future, with kind wishes to family members and friends, who, it happened, also dedicated special issues.

    This time the speech in the newspaper was mainly about grandfather and grandmother. Grandfather is a participant in the war, an order bearer. Grandmother in those years for selfless labor in the rear was awarded a medal. Their photos are placed in the most prominent place. Below them - two columns of poetic text, which for a week polished Marinka and Dad.

    As soon as the guests appeared on the doorstep, they immediately received a memorable album about the hero cities. The guys in turn received a colorful book with works on a military theme.

    In the family it's already so: on holidays, gifts are required. They are different. But books are especially popular here. Everyone loves - and children, and parents, and grandfather with grandmother. The book then reminds them for a very long time about the event that was celebrated in the family.

    Grandfather leafing through the album, affectionately loachery of Seryozhka's hair.

    - You made me happy today, guys. Very well. Indeed, for a long time I had dreamed of such a book, but everything prevented me from acquiring it. Thank you!- After a short pause, as if to himself, he says: "It's no accident that people say that a big one is seen from a distance. During the war years there were hero cities, there are as many of them in this album. And heroes among people and do not even count. Here, guys, what were those 1418 fiery days.

    The phrase is not loud at all. Nevertheless, every word of it is postponed in the minds of the children. Perhaps, without knowing it, the veteran of the war at that moment involuntarily touched upon, perhaps, one of the most fertile, most highly moral themes of family pedagogy. ..

    And later in the park the Maslovs met their fighting friends grandfathers, whom life scattered in different postwar yearscorners of the country. Memories, jokes, laughter, songs. The real lesson of memory was for children a minute of silence. For Sergey and Marinka, the often audible words "our grandfathers and grandmothers won" turned from a very abstract statement into thoughts, filled with new, concrete content. Grandfathers, these are not somewhere out there, beyond the threshold of visibility. Here they are, quite close, with medals on their chests, with scars on their hands and faces - a bitter mark of war for the cich for ever. ..

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    There are quite a few families where a good tradition has established itself: on Victory Day, in the presence of children, to share with friends and relatives, not just general considerations "about the affairs of bygone days," but to reproduce in detail, say, the most memorable episode of the struggle against the fascists, read guerrillaor front-line verses, to perform songs of the war years. One of the authors of this book happened once to visit such a home holiday, and it struck him with what keen interest the children, including pre-school children, reacted to the stories of adults, caught literally every phrase. But most of all, it was striking how the children, and also the adults too, looked at the yellowed clippings from the newspapers of the war era, preserved by some people and the gratitude certificates of the Supreme Commander-in-Chief, front-line triangles hastily written, sometimes in a break between fights, the usual pencil.

    Soldiers' letters, photographs of fiery years, medals and decorations that are taken out today from the boxes except on great holidays. All this is our wealth, family relics. Unfortunately, in every family, unfortunately, their enormous educational power is used. But they must speak in full voice everywhere. In the name of the present and the future!