  • Myositis: symptoms, causes and treatment of myositis

    What it is? Myositis is a concept that unites a group of different diseases that are characterized by an inflammatory lesion of the striated muscle of the trunk and connective tissue.

    The diagnosis is quite rare, as there are approximately one case with true myositis per 100,000 population per year.


    Myositis is divided into acute and chronic in the course, cold and professional in origin. For the fact of joining the infection, they can be purulent or not purulent.

    • muscle myositis;
    • thoracic;
    • lumbar;
    • myositis of the extremities;
    • caused by helminthic invasion;
    • is traumatic;
    • is toxic;
    • myositis of the chewing musculature;
    • is dermatological;
    • is an autoimmune;
    • is viral.
    The category of myositis also includes such diseases as polymyositis, ossifying myositis, neuromyositis, polyfibromyositis. For many reasons, including due to the poorly understood pathology, classifications can differ significantly in different scientific circles.
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    Causes of myositis, what is it?

    The causes of myositis are very diverse. It can be an independent autoimmune disease, as well as a symptom of other diseases. Sometimes its occurrence is associated with a stressful state, when the protective mechanisms of the body are formed, in particular, and muscle tension.

    Main reasons include:

    • long-term stress of individual muscle groups( often in office employees);
    • infectious diseases( influenza, tonsillitis);
    • parasitic infestations( echinococcosis, trichinosis);
    • autoimmune diseases( lupus erythematosus);
    • violation of the intramuscular injection algorithm;
    • undercooling( draft);
    • muscle injury;
    • diseases of the peripheral nervous system( osteochondrosis);
    • is a metabolic disorder;
    • joint disease;
    • intensive physical activity;
    • toxin poisoning;
    • muscle cramps, for example, while staying in water.

    Symptoms of myositis

    Myositis, the main symptom of which is local, intense muscle pain that increases with pressure on the affected area or during movement and does not pass after rest.

    When palpation at the site of injury, a tight muscle is defined, sometimes redness is observed.

    General symptomatology includes:

    • muscle swelling;
    • elevated temperature;
    • availability of seals in the form of nodes;
    • increased mechanical excitability of the muscle;
    • limitation of joint movements;
    • muscle weakness;
    • increased skin sensitivity.
    With further progress of the disease, skeletal muscles may be partially or completely atrophied, resulting in a decreased ability to self-service.

    1. 1) Painful sensations with myositis of the neck are usually localized in the cervical spine with irradiation into the shoulder-scapula and the occiput. The pain covers one side of the neck. By nature, she is dull, aching, in some cases giving in the temple, forehead and ear. It is very rare to extend the entire length of the hand to the fingertips, leading to numbness. The vertebrae of the cervical spine for the most part remain mobile, but some limitation due to pain can not be ruled out. The inflammatory process can involve the muscles of the larynx and pharynx, which complicates the process of absorbing food.
    2. 2) Thoracic myositis is manifested by painful sensations in the area of ​​the scapula, breast and ribs. In this case, there are difficulties in trying to bend over or turn around the body, as the pain in movement becomes stronger.
    3. 3) Lumbar myositis is characterized by a prolonged course and aching, not very intense pain in the lumbar region, in contrast to acute lumbago pain. During the palpation of this area, hard, supple-stressed muscles are felt.
    4. 4) For myositis of the extremities, dull pain, which is aggravated by movement, is characteristic, which encourages keeping the limb in a forced position. Typically, this disease affects representatives of certain professions( pianists, chauffeurs).
    5. 5) Myositis of the masticatory muscles leads to obstruction of the jaw movement due to the pain syndrome. Muscles are so tense that it becomes impossible to chew and talk.
    6. 6) Purulent myositis is caused by microorganisms and is characterized by the development of abscess, phlegmon, as well as the possible death of tissue. Pathogenic microbes, trapped in the muscle, affect muscle fibers with their enzymes and toxic substances, necrotizing them. The purulent process moves between the muscles in the distal direction, causing subcutaneous edema in the area of ​​the inflamed area. The disease is complicated by severe fever.
    7. 7) In the clinical picture of non-neural myositis, local pain is observed, especially acute in the area of ​​muscle attachment. When palpation is diagnosed muscle tension, dense, painful and very small formations( Cornelius points), which change the shape, if you press them. Moderate hypotrophy may develop.
    8. 8) With parasitic myositis, cervical, gastrocnemius and lumbar muscles are affected. In addition to pain, fever worries with a temperature rise of up to 400 C, which can last up to 15 days. The rise in temperature is accompanied by a headache, general weakness and poor appetite. At the beginning of the disease on the skin may appear urticarious rashes.
    9. 9) Traumatic myositis is a very common form of the disease. It occurs as a result of traumatic injuries of muscles of various origins. Causes serious pain.
    10. 10) Dermatological myositis, or, as it is also called, Wagner's disease, is a rare pathology. In addition to the pain component on the skin of the torso( at the top of it), the face and hands develop a rash. As a result of slow but persistent progression of the disease, the muscles become shorter and become flabby. For a long time, subfebrile may occur, resulting in general weakness, weight loss.
    11. 11) Polymyositis affects several muscle groups simultaneously. The muscles of the pelvic floor and thighs most often suffer and gradually weaken. It becomes difficult for a sick person to make habitual movements, for example, to get up from a chair or without help leave the bed. The growing muscle weakness is accompanied by general malaise, fever, hyperhidrosis, headache.
    If the disease is not treated, vital muscles can atrophy, which are involved in the processes of chewing, swallowing and breathing.

    Treatment of myositis

    In the treatment of myositis, the etiological factor of the disease must be taken into account. Based on the developmental conditions and symptoms of the disease, such therapeutic methods are shown:

    1) Medication:

    • non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs;
    • analgesics;
    • muscle relaxants;
    • vitamin therapy.
    2) Manual therapy.

    3) Physiotherapy:

    • myostimulation;
    • electrophoresis;
    • amplipulse;
    • magnetotherapy;
    • mud treatment;
    • acupuncture.
    4) Therapeutic physical training.

    5) Massage.

    6) Hirudotherapy( treatment with leeches).

    7) Apitherapy( treatment with bee stings).

    Different forms of the disease require different approaches to treatment. For example, in case of myositis caused by parasitic invasion, in addition to these methods, anthelmintic drugs are also recommended. During purulent myositis, you should not massage, as this procedure can cause the spread of the infection.

    Untimely or incomplete treatment of myositis can lead to the recurrence of the disease or to its transition to a chronic form.

    Treatment of myositis with folk remedies

    If you can not get to the doctor, then you can try to relieve the condition at home - with the help of dry heat. The neck should be wrapped around with a scarf, and for the back there is a special belt made of dog hair that has warming properties.

    Essential oils are well proven. They should be rubbed into a sore spot with light stroking strokes. From pain relieves red hot pepper, infused with ammonia. One or two pods of pepper should be mixed with 300 ml of alcohol and insist for several days. Use as rubbing.

    For 3-5 days it is better to adhere to bed rest and not to expose the body to physical exertion. Until the symptoms stop, it is recommended to limit the intake of salt and fatty foods, not to take alcohol.


    In order to avoid pain it is necessary to be able to be protected from myositis with the help of simple rules:

    • not be in drafts;
    • dress according to the weather;
    • take breaks in work to relax the muscles of the back and neck;
    • not to walk cold on legs;
    • should not be supercooled;
    • to go in for sports. It is especially recommended to adhere to these rules for people with diseases of the spine and joints.

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